I have no hope at all

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2013
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Hey guys,

It's been a while since I posted something on here. To some up myself, I'm just a loser with no car, no money, and nobody wants to hang out with me. I applied to a job which they said they will be busy for the summer. They might not even call. I don't know how my friend were able to get jobs. I've been eyeing this place that is 6 miles from me but I can't afford to get there and I can't even get the money to get to and from there. All of the best hospitality jobs are in Atlanta and I don't even have the experience they typically look for and only one of them provide training. I have been sleeping on the floor for the last two years. It is terrible. I really just want to save up the money to buy a simple bed along with some sheets. Finally, one of my biggest goals is to buy a car and get my license as well as a girlfriend. I really just want a girlfriend but I think the would just say that they're busy or say they will text me to let me know and then never do. That just makes me feel like I should've just said I would've paid you $2,000 to spend time with me. with that being said, why must I choose between a vacation to Europe and a date with you? Why are people so backwards?

That's what's been going on with me and that's all I have to say. so be kind to leave a comment
I'm sorry you're going through all of this. It can be really tough, especially lately, breaking into the job market. Keep at the job search though. Once you find one you'll start to feel better about yourself and about things in general.

Hang in there. You'll get through it
Well...I have a car, a job, and even a bed! Still doesn't help much in the girlfriend department.

Good luck to you though. It will just take one break in getting a job to work into saving up for what you want.
Hey AW, it really beats me in understanding why certain things just don't work out no matter how hard you try. Sometimes I feel as though each person in the universe has a "time". A time in their lives when honeysuckle just keeps happening, a time in their lives when good things happen, or never at all. And this "time" is so random.

I'm pretty sure you've heard enough advice on this forum as I've seen you around here over time, and I doubt I have any good advice to give you right now but all I'd say is that, just keep going. Even in the shittiest of days when it really seems like a dead end, just let the day take you over to the next. What for? Who knows, but maybe tomorrow will be a better day, in one way or another.

Like I said, I don't have any good advice or anything better to say but I just wanted to tell you that I'm rooting for you and I hope things will start to work out for you soon. My best wishes.
I know how that feels. I don't have a car either, but you've got it backwards. You are trapped in Pandora's box, hope is the only thing you do have. What is hope, but time and the potential for change? There is a lot going on in the world. Big things, amazing things, terrible things, its bigger then us, but it's the reason things are so messed up everywhere. The silver lining of not having friends, girlfriends, jobs, etc, is that you have more time to think and wake up. Everyone needs to spend a couple years doing that.
Phaedron said:
The silver lining of not having friends, girlfriends, jobs, etc, is that you have more time to think and wake up. Everyone needs to spend a couple years doing that.

I like this. I gotta agree with you on this, Phaedron.
I don't know what advice to give as I have similar problems. No money or job, despite trying very hard. I need to work from home because of my mental health and I've come across literally thousands' of scams. Nothing is done about these scams. I'm not accepted in society because of depression and anxiety. I rarely get asked out. I went out with someone last year and it was a disaster and I don't know if I will want to go out with anyone again. There seems to be a lot of mind games that go on and it's made me feel really bad. I came up with the idea the other day though to do 20 things at that moment to make myself feel better. Just simple things like have a drink of water, do a quiz online, have a nap etc. It just helped to lift my mood a bit as I was unbearably depressed. Perhaps you could try this. Also, try solving your bigger problems a bit at a time as otherwise it gets too overwhelming.
I'm sorry that everything around you seems to be in a negative cycle right now.

I agree with ladyforsaken, that sometimes in life everything seems to go against us and at other times good things fall into our laps without even trying. But realising that doesn't help much when you're in the 'down' part of the wave.

I hope something improves for you soon.
Update:So I went to the pizzeria I applied for today. They have apparently started training but the people hired may be kept around around for the summer so there's that.

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