I need help!

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
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My question is how can I ever manage with depresiion since I'm not only get help from my relatives or people thatare supposed to be close to me, but I'm SMASHED by their behavior, includng words that I'm sure are beyond any imagination, shouting at me using them, telling me what a (here I need an alternative dictionary) I am and thus make me wanna die so hard, make me feel the madness so strong that I can't really think soberly! I just wanna die! But I'ms scared to so I don'teven have choice to do it and I'm forced just going insane!! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's always AA or other recovery program. If you want help there's help.
Maybe there's people in support groups that can help you.
They might understand you a little bit better.
They might listen to you and how you feel.

But they'll also tell you stupid honeysuckle like " The delusion that you can drink like other people have to be SMASHED".lmao
The loneiness, impending doom, isolations, deprerssion, desperations is all part of alcoholism.
Its also a disease of denial......

You dont have to lose everything< everyone and yourself to hit rock bottom.
You can let the bottom come up and hit ya.....

Be side....there's plenty of lonely dudes in recovery meetings just dying for your attrention.lol
The odds will be working for ya....like 2 chicks for every 10 dudes.
Reach out to your friends or people you trust.

A therapist isn't a bad idea either. Sometimes it's easier to talk to a complete stranger rather than someone you know and more often time then not, they'll just sit there and listen which is what a lot of people want; just to be heard
i know how u feel,it feels like everyone around u is looking/lauthing/shouting at you every thing is "your" foult even if it not...
i want to die also every fucken day of my life it think of it,i know its easyer said than done,i understan that i say that alot,but
you not alone ur not the only one going tru this

and if u dont want to tell your parents,i understand i wont want mine or enymore to know about me and my prob,they wont take it serios and say it a phase or that crap
i find it iaset to talk online with ppl i dont know

u can always talk to me,i am a good lisener

good luck
you can't change people, but you can change your relationship with them.

if you can minimise your interactions with them as much as possible and do your best to benefit from them positively and ignore all the bullshit, you will develop a thick skin
Love yourself and your beautiful life...........and the rest will be just fine.

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