If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

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That stupid scale is subjective. Most people (men AND women) who think they are below average are actually not.

It's just another excuse. "Ugly" men can most certainly get a girlfriend, happens all the time.

Lol, "men are not so unrealistic." That's funny.....
That stupid scale is subjective. Most people (men AND women) who think they are below average are actually not.

It's just another excuse. "Ugly" men can most certainly get a girlfriend, happens all the time.

Lol, "men are not so unrealistic." That's funny.....
I don't have the genetic facial features that this guy has:


That makes me ugly and undesirable in this post 1960s modern world in which we live.
So I do what I have to do.
God bless America.
Nonsense. I hear women, regardless of age, looks height or anything else you can think of can get laid and get a relationship any time they want. Because it's just so logical, isn't it?

Also, if you have no experience, I really don't understand why you continue to listen to those who also have no experience instead of the people that do. It's all just excuses and blame on others. Don't like the road you're on? Here's a thought, get off it....

@TheRealCallie lol, you've replied thinking I'm sub5male.
@TheRealCallie um, okay, but I don't know if you were being sarcastic in the "I hear women" line or not, but I wasn't suggesting that "lower rated" women (which I'm not subscribing to btw) don't get sex or relationships.
I whole heartedly agree-having unrealistic expectations is not going to serve anyone. Many below average men would be very happy with a women on their own looks level but it is so often the women who are unwilling to "settle". As an example, check out the countless YT video's of obese women claiming they are a "10" and demanding men over 6 feet tall who are in good physical shape and have a full head of hair. There are of course also some men with a similar attitude but the majority of men are not so unrealistic. Personally I would be thrilled with a women on my looks level with a similar level of fitness but regardless of their facial attractiveness, women with outstanding bodies have many far taller & more attractive men than I am as options.
Get off youtube dude. That is not the world. That is a certain cohort of people and not a realistic representation of the world's people.
Get off youtube dude. That is not the world. That is a certain cohort of people and not a realistic representation of the world's people.
YT interviews can be a convenient sample of what goes on in the so called real world. There is no accurate representation of the worlds people because of the wide variety based on countries & regions. The women I have met in the area I live in the US are not interested in dating men on their own looks level & expect a top level man regardless of their own level of attractiveness or physical fitness.
YT interviews can be a convenient sample of what goes on in the so called real world. There is no accurate representation of the worlds people because of the wide variety based on countries & regions. The women I have met in the area I live in the US are not interested in dating men on their own looks level & expect a top level man regardless of their own level of attractiveness or physical fitness.
So if you’re that desperate, move to where the stats are more preferable. Do what needs to be done and stop making excuses.
Real live woman here. I touched on this in my intro, but earlier this year, I met a guy who is a good bit older than me, and not someone who I think most women would find physically attractive. I certainly wouldn't have glanced twice at him if I just passed him in the grocery store or something. And I wasn't even thinking about meeting guys - I was on vacation and just trying to clear my mind. He isn't my type. He doesn't have a great job at the moment. We live quite far away from each other. He's in his 50s and has never been married and hasn't had a ton of relationships. I know for a fact that I make more money than he does. But he was so nice to me and everyone around him, so respectful, and once I started talking to him, he had some really great stories and was a lot of fun.

And now I can't stop thinking about him. And he just told me he's dating someone who I presume is also a real live woman, and I've cried myself to sleep just about every night since he told me. So, please don't make assumptions about all women. We are not the same.

You say you like him only because he was nice, but I really wonder about that statement. Was he tall? Did other women show him attention or did he show them attention and make you wish he picked you over them? Did he project confidence? If he didn't make more money then you, then maybe he still made good money or had a prestigious job?

He was just 'nice'? Really? Sorry but I'm jaded. When us guys hear a woman mention that we are 'nice' all kinds of redflags shoot up. Women don't go for 'nice' guys unless they're looking to settle down in a sexless, boring relationship because they want a provider now and are tired of playing all the games of the men that they are really sexually attracted to.

Actually women all like the same things in men

Good looking
In shape
Makes good money

Some guys aren't tall. Some guys aren't confident. Some guys aren't funny. Some guys dont make good money. So these guys lose out.

For a men, what we like in women is far more varied. We like confident outgoing girls. We like shy, quiet girls. We like tall girls. We like short girls. We like girls who are in good shape. We like fatter girls with some meat on their bones. It's totally different.
......Some guys aren't tall. Some guys aren't confident. Some guys aren't funny. Some guys dont make good money. So these guys lose out........
I just can't take this utter trash. Of the list you wrote, all I have is my humour, and I still managed to attract women, as have so many other blokes I know.
I just can't take this utter trash. Of the list you wrote, all I have is my humour, and I still managed to attract women, as have so many other blokes I know.
Did you stop to consider that it may be far eaiser in AU for a man to have success than in the US?
Did you stop to consider that it may be far eaiser in AU for a man to have success than in the US?
Seriously dude? You have 13 times the population, so more women. Our cultures are similar. Anyway, you've just hinted at a solution haven't you, that it might be easier in some places than in others, so you have options if your really want change in your life. Either do what is necessary to better your situation in life, or accept your situation and don't whinge about it, or be a whinger forever. Be the change.
So if you’re that desperate, move to where the stats are more preferable. Do what needs to be done and stop making excuses.
You are mislabeling uncomfortable facts as excuses. Where does this magical place where older, unattractive men have a guaranteed shot at women even exist-certainly not in the US or Canada as far as I am aware. As I stated before, your suggested action presupposes success is possible in the first place which I am not at all convinced of. Is it really viable to pick up my whole life and move somewhere far away (likely a different country where I do not even speak the language) when it is quote possible that I will have the same results there?

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