I'm bussy going stark raving mad

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Now I'm not a person that gets angered easily, but sometimes people probably just loose it at some stage.

Maybe it is a culmination of recent events and being over worked. I work as a graphic designer for a University. I'm currently the only designer employed by them and I work my butt off. Never hearing a thank you or please, and have to work sometimes with ridiculous deadlines. In the last 2 months I probably completed around 60 projects, some minor some fairly large, and I just feel unappreciated and like a failure. I earn a small salary, just enough to pay the necessary bills, medical aid, pension and insurance, fuel etc. I can't afford a place of my own and have to rent a room from a couple I know. Looked for work elsewhere but can't find anything with a better pay scale. Recently I was also told by somebody I cared for that my caringhas ulterior motives and broken of a 2 year friendship.

I'm extremely unhappy with my current situation and do not see any way out of it or a proper future for me.

So this morning I lost it when an ignorant, lazy academic staff member ask me where his stuff is, while I'm still waiting for him to send me the information he want on the posters and banners. So after the conversation was over (I kept my cool over the phone), I lost it. I punch a huge dent into a steel cabinet, twisting the frame in 3 places, warping 2 of the hinges, 3 indentations in the shape of 3 knuckles and fingers and a sizable dent.
It felt really good just to hit an inanimate object, even though I sprained my hand.

Question is, should I be worried about my agression levels at this stage, and what can I do to improve my current situation?

Sounds like you really need to blow off steam. Go somewhere private and let out a huge scream until you've let it all out, or do a physical activity. It's difficult when you have to deal with people, especially those who are lazy or thick headed. There's no escape from that, you just need to find something that will help you get the frustration or anger out of your system. Something that you'll enjoy too.

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