I'm Just Lonely

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Active member
Sep 12, 2012
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Seriously. That's all I am. I'm not depressed, I'm not shy, I don't have any anxiety disorder, nothing. I just sit and fester in loneliness and watch everyone around talk and create new things with their friends. I don't even have anyone to play Pokemon with anymore. And when I try to make new friends, they're gone within days. I usually entertain myself with Doctor Who, Pokemon, and my fantasy world, which was created /because/ of loneliness.

Hrm, I don't know, that probably seems weird?
Doesn't seem weird to me, it just sounds like you need to find new friends who you really connect with and who share the same interests as you. Keep trying and you'll get there in no time.
No, I think a lot of people use fantasy worlds to ease loneliness. There's something soothing about fiction where all the villains and problems are ones you know how to face.
Masque said:
No, I think a lot of people use fantasy worlds to ease loneliness. There's something soothing about fiction where all the villains and problems are ones you know how to face.

I'm writing mine down atm ^^
I think volumes can be said about loneliness....it feels the same perhaps for everyone, but how much loneliness is normal part of being a feeling person,how much loneliness happens because of getting isolated from people and why this has or is happening? Probably this site is good to get some power about and over ones loneliness.????
Masque said:
No, I think a lot of people use fantasy worlds to ease loneliness. There's something soothing about fiction where all the villains and problems are ones you know how to face.
I more or less throw myself into metal music, I suppose it's my fantasy world.
dude, you should make a show about your fantasy world... or a story of some sort. I would definitely help.
I know how discouraging it is when people you met let go of you, but it's not the end of the world . If they don't call you back ever again just say to yourself "i wouldn't even want to hang with him/her in the first place" and move on. Never give up man on meeting new people and remember you have the advantage over us that are axnious,depressed.
You're not weird. Not even in the slightest. I'm always daydreaming and living in my head as well. At the moment I'm writing short stories and writing a novel as well. Use your imagination! :)
in my own world that i created because of loneliness... im the same way, although lately i've been feeling more sad because of it. i dont think it's weird at all...

i wish you luck in finding friends. i would like to be friends if you wouldnt mind an online friendship! i really enjoy pokemon too, so with that in common maybe we could talk more. c: