Is being alone such a crime?

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Sep 16, 2012
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I have never had a really big bunch of friends, instead just a small select few. For years I though this meant that I was a total looser and even today I have left my college with very few friends I will stay in contact with but I don’t really believe that it’s a bad thing. After all it is the quality and not the quantity that counts for sure. Of course social interaction is needed to keep mentally healthy because I’m sure loneliness can actually kill people slowly. But is it really a crime to be alone a lot of the time?
It'll only kill you if you let it kill you.

No, it's not a crime at all. If you're happy to travel the path alone then do it. Who cares what others think.

I have a handful of friends but I barely see them. They have their own lives and most of the time they just don't have the time to hang out and stuff. Doesn't bother me, though. I focus on achieving my own goals.
Nah not a crime. Whatever floats your boat. If you can live with being alone, totally nothing wrong with it. :)
Of course it's not a crime here, but for the rest of society it usually is.
It's certainly not a crime, however, people (myself admittedly) who are alone generally tend to be somewhat reclusive in nature and in turn become strangers in their own neighborhoods (sound familiar to anybody?) If you don't communicate with others in your environment, people begin to wonder about you as an individual, they can only speculate about the reasons for our/your aloofness. It's self defeating b/c in our own introverted worlds, we likely go about our lives keeping a low profile, avoiding social contact whenever convenient, and what we end up doing is quite the opposite of being unrecognized, we draw all the more attention to ourselves. It's natural for the observer of a loner to call question upon the evasive behavior of another, this is where the 'crime' comes into the picture as you can be sure your neighbors etc. will be doing research on your histrory/background.

I have some personal experience in becoming a loner over the years and I'm working hard to get back to becoming half the social individual I once was. It's difficult I must say, but I realize that in the long run, it's just plain unhealthy in every way imaginable to live like a hermit.
Oh, sure, it's convenient today to not have to deal with others, but days turn into months... months turn into years and years turn into decades! Time just goes by so fast after approx age... say age 30, before you know it you'll be 40 in time for a midlife crisis. :rolleyes:

If you're young in your 20's or 30's and live outside the realm of the general populace, by all means necessary, don't cheat yourself, for these are the best days of your life, face it, most of us don't get healthier or better looking with age. Take small steps today to reconnect with the world around you, do it while your body is at it's healthiest, you should be more secure in life now than ever.

:2 cents:

Thanks for reading and Best to all!

- out here
It's not a crime, it's probably just misunderstood by some people who don't want to be alone.
Nope, if you're happy with your social circle (even if it's small) then that's fine. That said, I'd try to remain open to making new friends since sometimes friendships can change or become distant -- as you get older life experiences differ and you'll want someone to connect with on various aspects of your life.
As to the OP: No. It's not a crime, no matter what
people think or say. I know that many people
suffer from loneliness. I do not. Sure - I have some
'friends' who are as weird as I am. But other than
that - I live my life without all the social
pressure and commitments.

I have been that way all my life.

To those who wish they had a 'flourishing' social
life: Be careful what you wish for...
It's not a crime at all in my opinion. In fact, I know a few people who like being in their own company. I like it myself to an extent. I've always had few decent friends and it's never been a problem. You only need 1 single friend to be as happy as anyone with 50 friends. It just depends on you. I've known a few girls who crave attention. They needed (and probably still need) many people to socialize with in order to be happy. It's just the way some people turn out I think. Whatever makes you happy!
Depends what part of the world you live in.

Where am from, Gangsters are glorified and almost worshipped on a weekly basis in the media, yet the loner, '' us '' are seen as weird and untrustworthy.....

Go figure :rolleyes:
I am, by nature, a solitary person. I like being alone, I have a few select but extremely close friends. Thusly, when I become attached and connected with a person, especially in a romantic way, they become an integral part of my life. They usually become my best friend, and I theirs, and they seem to follow that same path of having a few very close friends. It's just a different way of doing things. Some people need a large social group, but I'd rather have a small one. You get to know somebody better, and grow closer to them that way.
For the majority of my life I have been a loner. I enjoy my social time, and I do have friends. But I have never been super close with them or the type of person who is constantly talking to them. Even my closest friends today it is very normal to go weeks without saying a word. When we get together it's like we never missed a beat.

I would always spend the overwhelming amount of my time doing my own thing. Watching something, playing something, reading something etc. I was "good" with being alone. It never bothered me. I've always been the person who enjoyed his alone time.

But that all changed the past year and a half. I got very close to someone even though it was virtual. We spent MANY hours everyday doing things like watching stuff on youtube, listening to music, watching movies, and just talking. Nonstop talking and laughing. I got very close to her and during that past year and a half the most fun I had was when I was just spending time with her.

Now that she's gone I really do feel lonely and completely alone.... and that's the big difference. There is nothing wrong with being alone. But if it comes to the point where you "feel" alone than your entire world becomes negatively effected.

I've also come to realize that for me personally, as much as I enjoyed my alone time. I really do enjoy being social with the right person. Sometimes you might think you have it okay, without realizing how it could be so much better.
There is nothing wrong to have just a few selective ones, but of course in general the more the merrier. Still, in the end it depends on your personal opinion, some people just got to have many friends while some just wants only a few. So there is no RIGHT or WRONG about it. It is very good of you to maintain your friendship with them. You may never know when you may need their help in the far future. Even your "Hello Hi" friend would be your bestfriend when you are far away from home or your other friends especially when you are in need of help. ;)

But of course, it is also alright to be alone sometimes. Though humans are social creatures, sometimes we really need to spend time alone to have some thought about some things as an improvement to our capability. So in the end, it's best to have a balance of both. :D

It is never a crime to be a loner a lot of time. Some people just have to be loner as they are super introvert, timid, they just love being that way or etc. There are 7 billions people on this planet, so there are all kinds of people. The fact that you are asking this question is that you don't know that there are much worse loners outside . You don't see or hear from them because they are loners or they just want to be left alone, GET IT??? So be glad you're not one of them! :D

Life is a journey, being alone is part of that journey.
It's not a crime but neither is it good if you want to fit in with society these days...
Having a broad network of contacts makes pretty much everything in life easier...
So it's not a crime in its own, it's just life on hardmode!

That only applies though if you can sincerely enjoy a life of solitude.

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