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The Dougler

Feb 7, 2012
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Ill just jump into it and describe myself a bit and my situation. Im 19, in my 2nd year of university. I see myself as someone who has a quiet confidence that most people dont pick up on until they try to patronize me cause "Im so quiet" or because "I never talk." I have little to no experience with girls. Not the biggest deal in the world but I am getting older and everyday it just eats a little more at me.

Not that Im afraid of girls or anything, I just do not pursue them or initiate conversations with them....usually. Which I think is my problem.

Im pretty much one of those guys who just goes about his business each day at school never meeting anyone new, especially girls. In my freetime I usually try to just take care of myself...exercise, try to eat healthy. I read a bit, but mostly just get caught up in my own thoughts and try to figure myself out.

Out of my friends, im the only one who is still a virgin, which sucks because when I compare myself to them, I see myself as being better in almost everyway...i do not have a huge ego, but I do think most people can relate with me when I say I compare myself and my qualities to others and make judgements.....just recently my best friend who has no problem getting a girls attention and was one the most popular kids in my highschool told me how much he looks up to me and how I influence him... Like physically I look good, Im athletic, I have a strong sense of who I am, Im mature, Im in university, I can actually have intellectual discussions (this one never comes up), Im smart enough to know that I dont know everything and have a lot to learn.

its depressing, a lot of people like me. I like myself . However, girls do not. I like to think of myself as being a well rounded individual and yet, when it comes to girls I suck. I don't know, maybe I should actually just attempt to pursue girls, but I dont even know where to begin.

Getting older, Im just worried Ill never move on and get to experience my life with girls in it. Ive already missed out in highschool and now half of my university career is almost gone. I wonder if I have to change or if eventually ill get lucky and meet a great girl.
You have to learn to talk to strangers (or classmates) and learn to flirt (for women). Only way to do it is practice, or watch others do it, and imitate it in a way that suits your "style"
That is quite the compliment when someone tells you they look up to you. Sounds like the only thing you are lacking is confidence with women. They are just human beings not an alien race. Try talking to some, not to pick up, just for practice. Make some female friends, they can be great for giving you tips and insight on women.
Yoiyou answered your own question.
Make changes and pursue women.
Br persiststent. Take baby steps.

Its like any other studies.
You didnt know trig in grade school.
But you gatta start and be perdistent.
Youll make plenty of mistakes.
Learn as you go...gain experince as you go.

Women have veriables...so its,kindda,like
You gotta learn how to shifts gears and go
With flow sometimes.
A solution for certain challenges isn't
going to solve everything.

Youll get rejected plenty....
Its kinda like sending out 100s of resume, attending
Crap loads of interview just to find one job.
Sometimes youll have to take certain jobs
you dont necessary like just to get through..
Of course everyone what's to be the mother fucken
Boss and start on top....

Your like what people in RC molding call...
The hanger queen...
Looks good. Have all the gadgets..
No mother fucken flight time.

Its the same honeysuckle everyone gose through when they
First jion a flying club...
They get a bad ass model thinking its just a toy
Then crash it on take off or 5 sec into the flight.
Most people give up it entirely....

Most guys thats been flying for years still have
Their TRAINNER models. Lmao

Get a trainner....mother *******.lmao
Do basic manuvers such as a left mother fucken turn.
Before you do a torque roll or snap roll.

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