More active?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
I wish this forum was more active. 

I am so thankful for Callie, and a few others who always respond but besides them, it takes forever to get a response if you get a response at all. I really like this website, just wish it was more busy and that more people particpated in giving advice, not just posting. I always try to balance it out. Give as much as I get.
If wishes were fishes, the world would be an ocean... ;)

Shrugs. I've been on the site maybe a week or so longer than you. There are old timers who have been here a while and then us "young'ens". Perhaps there isn't a large enough active population to reach that special "critical mass"
The forums has always had ups and downs. At the moment, we're in the downs. lol It'll eventually pick back up and get more active.
Summertime is always dead here. Just wait til winter and Seasonal Affective Disorder and cabin fever set in. This place'll be hopping.
The site does go through its ups and downs. There are a lot more newer users here than usual, so it may pick up. Maybe others have gone to sites like Twitter, Reddit, or Facebook instead of forums, maybe the quietness deters some from posting themselves.

I come and go myself. I don't always know what advice to give, and giving advice online to people I don't even know sometimes feels fruitless to me.
LOL Tealeaf, I love your signature quote. I actually did laugh out loud when I read it.

BAM! Look at that! The forums are already hopping with excitement and new posts! :D
Are there any like buttons that I am missing? I want to like y'alls comments but can't find any. Thought I saw them before.
TheRealCallie said:
No, you can't like posts on this forum.

You used to be able to rep people's posts. I see that's gone away. Now you can only rep the person?
Whilst we are on the subject of threads and posts and such... what does the thread rating do? I know I can give it 1 to 5 stars, but is there a point to it? Will the overall "stars" show if more than one person rates the thread?

Just wondering.
MissLonely79 said:
Oh ok, thanks Callie.

Sophia, what's a rep?

A rep is similar to a like, only instead of liking it on the actual post, it goes into their rep bank.  They disabled that because it was abused, but yes, you can still rep a person (only once)  You have one.  Look at the upper right of the post, you will Posts, Threads, Joined, Reputation.  After reputation (if you have any), you will see a clickable green number.  Those are your reps.  You have one :)

Drew said:
Whilst we are on the subject of threads and posts and such... what does the thread rating do? I know I can give it 1 to 5 stars, but is there a point to it? Will the overall "stars" show if more than one person rates the thread?

Just wondering.

Thread rating.  Honestly, sometimes, it's a popularity, look at me thing.  I know some people hit their own thread at 5 stars.  Sometimes they are legit though.  Telling people there is good discussion or advice in the thread, or even just a good thread overall.  The threads in the Game section are usually always rated to tell people if it's a good game or not.
If you hover over the stars, it will tell you how many people have voted.
I'd like to see ALL forums more active too. These forums helped me make big changes in my life a few years ago and that may not have happened if the forums weren't as active as they were at the time. Admittedly I'm not very active on here anymore myself though.
bender22 said:
I'd like to see ALL forums more active too. These forums helped me make big changes in my life a few years ago and that may not have happened if the forums weren't as active as they were at the time. Admittedly I'm not very active on here anymore myself though.

I'm glad to hear this forum helped you so much. I am hoping it becomes more active as well. It seems a lot of different website forums are slow lately.
Hopetracer said:
It's just a few days into autumn and Seasonal Affective already is kicking in! I need some sunshine! Where is my sunny beach poster? :p


Definitely not your sunny person, but here :club:

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