New girl looking for a friend to chat with

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Mar 28, 2014
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The title says it all. Looking to make a friend to chat with about anything and everything. I'm a 27 year old girl, prefer to chat with guys, I just find it easier to talk to them. Hoping I can find a friendly person on here :)
I find it easier to talk to guys too. lol But, I'd be more than happy to talk if you'd like.
You could also hit up the chat room, if you're interested :)
'Cos guys are awesome - yay!

Ok - Gals are totally awesome too!

Why is it that it's so much easier to talk to the opposite sex online for so many of us?? I would so like to find a female friend on the internet, but it always fizzles out real fast. I don't understand it. And, for me, it feels real stupid talking to men online (right now) - mostly because I haven't had too much confident interaction with males in my life, not because anything's wrong with them.
Thank you Mrs Moto!

murmi97 said:
...not because anything's wrong with them.

Lol - Nice save there for you Murmi!

I don't know, but yeah, I feel easier talking to the opposite sex.
I think it's because for guys, girls are more understanding....and for girls, guys aren't as dramatic. (At least that's my take on the matter)

Edward W said:
'Cos guys are awesome - yay!

TheRealCallie said:
I think it's because for guys, girls are more understanding....and for girls, guys aren't as dramatic. (At least that's my take on the matter)

Edward W said:
'Cos guys are awesome - yay!



Hey! I said you ladiez are awsome too!!! :(
TheRealCallie said:
I think it's because for guys, girls are more understanding....and for girls, guys aren't as dramatic. (At least that's my take on the matter)

Edward W said:
'Cos guys are awesome - yay!


A reasonable take on matters... though clubbing a guy for saying guys are awesome is a bit much. We can be awesome... some of us anyway :p

What is it those feminists say, a policy that is pro-female is not anti-male? I'm sure we can do the old switch-a-roo on the genders there :D
Feel free to pm me anytime, u won't regret it...
Trust me. You won't :p
I read somewhere that girls tend to talk on a more emotional level than guys, and to some women this appeals to them more. As a result they find it easier or better to talk to guys. depends on the (subconscious) expectations. Could be also a matter of pride and prejudice. Just sayin`.
27 eh? Me too!! doesn't it? I wonder if it's easier being a 27 year old woman than a 27 year old man....probably not :D

PM me if you wish...if not i hope we cross paths on here again...if not have a wonderful life...that includes all the things you've ever hoped for (including things you'd hope for but haven't thought of yet).

Cheers! :D

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