Not Too Many People Here Huh?

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2018
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Maybe I'm just desperate. I thought there may be more people to talk to on this forum?  :(
Well, the numbers are relatively low, but also look fairly stable.
It's the usual deal really, there's some lurkers, some people that show up every now and then (like me) and then there's some guys and gals that visit every day or two.
When I've joined up, it looked like there was a lot more of active people, but it was all pretty much just some short term noise, and that seems to repeat from time to time. Just looking through the welcome section of the forums should give you a general idea of what I mean. There's tons of threads, but a lot of those people show up only to write 2-3 messages and never come back, so it may seem like the place is more active/dead than it really is.

Still, quality over quantity I'd say.
Well! You know; sometimes you write something and if you get very few replies, you kind of think no-one is interested so that's why many folk don't continue. Myself, I'd like a discussion but if you look at this section, it seems to be a whole list of folk just listing how awful they feel and, I guess, wanting others to add, Me too! Me too! 
But! The question should be; what can you do about it and has anyone "escaped" and can give us any tips?
I'm getting old now and have more or less come to an acceptance that life is never going to be what I'd have liked and I've stopped beating myself up about feeling I'm missing out or somehow damaged and of less worth. Yes! I'm on my own but I still have my mind and the world continues to be an interesting place, even for an observer. And I keep busy, if only intellectually. I could look for "reasons"; I could feel sorry for myself ; I could sympathise and seek seek sympathy but I don't think that would do anything other than re-inforce misery.
I am what I am and where I am and I just have to keep fighting. the one thing I won't do is give up.
I mostly read and respond to posts. Those seem to come in waves. I remember there were some months where the traffic was crazy, but those posters have retired and new ones haven't taken their places yet.

I have a hard time making online friends through chat so I don't message people directly -- it's an offline social life I crave.
I just found this site not very long ago, and I am glad I found it at the time of my life when I did.

I feel like I am being pushed to make some really hard choices and I really don't have anyone but my therapist and this website to talk to for now.

I will respond to messages. I am friendly and I try to be gentle and kind. I crave an outside social life. I need and want a best friend. The people I know who are believers of Christ tell me I have him and he is all I need.

I need to hear someone talk to me. I need to hug. I need someone to bounce ideas off of instead of my 2 dogs. I would consider my cats but they are ,,,well they are cats and they all let me know that daily.

I tried craigslist one year ago to make friends. I met one woman that was really great. We did have some, a few things in common, we were close in age and lived close to each other. She just moved away to Iowa with her new boyfriend and a new job there.

I wish this were easier like in grade school................
Right now I am feeling the same like I have no one to speak to except for you guys. I am also kind and whenever I make new friends they general use me like an object and when they don't need me they don't speak to me. Up till now I only managed to make true friends with one person and now she is going abroad. True friends are hard to find. I would be happy to be your friend :)
foxy said:
I am also kind and whenever I make new friends they general use me like an object and when they don't need me they don't speak to me.
I used to be kinda like that, but when I've noticed that this was always one sided I told my "friends" to f off. Goddamn leeches.
We have a saying over here that roughly translates into "If you have a soft heart, then you better have a tough butt" and being nearly 30yo, yeah, I'd say that this seems to be about right.

I've been coming to this site for a long time and I have net some wonderful people, and even though we don't live close by, we have been talking for years and know whats going on in each others lives. Go check out the chat room... There is a link for it, its a good place to mill about. Its hit or miss on what is a good time to be in there when a bunch of people are there, but many pop in and out throughout the day/night. I'd go check that out, and maybe I'll see you in there! :)
Yeah, like the others have said, there are lulls from time to time. We are in one right now. It'll pick up again eventually.
I wish I'd stayed online to respond to you all!  :)

Well, I'm not going anywhere. I'm really enjoying the support and getting to know people and hopefully helping them with their issues too. I know when people first join, it's for a reason. I guess my reason is because I felt so alone and needed to talk about my situation. I guess it's a form of talk therapy...

Thanks for all of your responses.
Im kind of always luriing somewhere. Dont write complex responses anymore cos...f*ck ipads lol.
Cant afford a pc yet.
Unix said:
Talk with me :p


Richard_39 said:
Im kind of always luriing somewhere. Dont write complex responses anymore cos...f*ck ipads lol.
Cant afford a pc yet.

I relate to that...when my laptop died last year, all I had was my cell phone with that tiny little keypad, I basically stopped typing completely until I got my laptop fixed!
Miriam1966 said:
Maybe I'm just desperate. I thought there may be more people to talk to on this forum?  :(

Welcome. We're here, just that this place isn't maybe as busy as other forums.  

What are you desperate about?  Just a disclaimer, I'm an outcast, loner, not-liked personality. Yet my advice is from a life-learning maze of personal reforms, just like the mouse getting shocked touching the wall with the electrical charge. I've learned alot of stuff the hard way.

Everyone here is on the same side, except the moderators. (just kidding)

I am here too.

You aren't desperate. I feel like you, i am lonely, and alone. People keep telling me I need more gratitude. i do have gratitude, but that doesn't do anything for the fact that I would just like to be able to text or call someone and share a joke, or ask them for coffee.
i too rarely visit, but funny thing is. whenever i felt so lonely this forum always come into my mind
I recently joined this site and had hoped it would be busier. I really need people to talk to right now and want to start developing friendships which is something I've never really done before. Does anybody know of any similar forums to this one that might be a bit more active?
You people can try sevencupsoftea. It's a site to help others and works as a live chat. Sorry for the advertisement haha
I just tried seven cups and it was terrible! It made me feel even worse that nobody on there even wanted to speak to me :(

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