People like us are held to higher standards

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Aardra said:
I am curious. If, say, a professor who was a woman showed interest in you, would you date her? What about a doctor? A lawyer? Any woman with an advanced career who makes significantly more money than you, or is in a more socially advantageous position than you? How would it make you feel?

My fragile masculinity couldn't handle it :rolleyes: 

I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.
ardour said:
Aardra said:
I am curious. If, say, a professor who was a woman showed interest in you, would you date her? What about a doctor? A lawyer? Any woman with an advanced career who makes significantly more money than you, or is in a more socially advantageous position than you? How would it make you feel?

My fragile masculinity couldn't handle it :rolleyes: 

I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

I dated down twice. Money doesn't mean much to me as long as you have enough to live on. Both times the women couldn't handle it. They finally told me they didn't like me making less then them. One kept emailing me job opportunities that I qualified for which paid more money then she made. The other one just simple said she couldn't respect me for earning less then her. Her friends continued to teasing her about "bringing home the bacon" too.
Finished said:
ardour said:
Aardra said:
I am curious. If, say, a professor who was a woman showed interest in you, would you date her? What about a doctor? A lawyer? Any woman with an advanced career who makes significantly more money than you, or is in a more socially advantageous position than you? How would it make you feel?

My fragile masculinity couldn't handle it :rolleyes: 

I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

I dated down twice. Money doesn't mean much to me as long as you have enough to live on. Both times the women couldn't handle it. They finally told me they didn't like me making less then them. One kept emailing me job opportunities that I qualified for which paid more money then she made. The other one just simple said she couldn't respect me for earning less then her. Her friends continued to teasing her about "bringing home the bacon" too.

There's been a few situations where I've seen women's eyes glaze over the moment I mentioned what I did for a living.
^ Well I think all you have to do is add engineer to the end of whatever your title is. As in, domestic engineer, sanitation engineer, retail engineer, document engineer. I keep hearing people doing that. Give it a try. Ha! ha! :)
ardour said:
Finished said:
ardour said:
Aardra said:
I am curious. If, say, a professor who was a woman showed interest in you, would you date her? What about a doctor? A lawyer? Any woman with an advanced career who makes significantly more money than you, or is in a more socially advantageous position than you? How would it make you feel?

My fragile masculinity couldn't handle it :rolleyes: 

I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

I dated down twice. Money doesn't mean much to me as long as you have enough to live on. Both times the women couldn't handle it. They finally told me they didn't like me making less then them. One kept emailing me job opportunities that I qualified for which paid more money then she made. The other one just simple said she couldn't respect me for earning less then her. Her friends continued to teasing her about "bringing home the bacon" too.

There's been a few situations where I've seen women's eyes glaze over the moment I mentioned what I did for a living.

what do you do for a living again?
are you sure it's just women's eyes glazing over?
maybe it's just rude people's eyes... :D
Library engineer? Database, catologuing and interloan...things. On second thought I can see why people's eyes glaze over.
ardour said:
Library engineer? Database, catologuing and interloan...things.  On second thought I can see why people's eyes glaze over. I fell into it after my mother was diagnosed and never escaped.

This is my ideal job. If we were on a date and you told me this I would assume you were 1) relatively intelligent, 2) well-read, and 3) at least somewhat cultured. You can't be around all those books and come out ignorant.

... can you?
We're not paid to read. It's a mid-level office job, something the majority of professional women would look down their noses at. I've experienced it first-hand: women in accounting or finance suddenly talking down to me after I tell them what I do. You're mixing up 'intelligent' with 'agrees with my politics.'
ardour said:
We're not paid to read. It's a mid-level office job, something the majority of professional women would look down their noses at. I've experienced it first had: women in accounting or finance suddenly talking down to me after I tell them what I do. You're mixing up 'intelligent' with 'agrees with my politics.'

Politics? What?

My gods I tried to compliment you (and with a genuine assessment, no less) and you put up walls.

But sure, the problem is everyone else.
ardour said:
Library engineer? Database, catologuing and interloan...things.  On second thought I can see why people's eyes glaze over.

Perfect! For now you can say you are a Historical Information Systems Engineer. You just have to put some spice in the title and sell it. [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]:)[/font]

Also if you have a few years of experience at it, just move to California, USA and you could land a library supervisor government job for $100K / year. No honeysuckle. Crazy isn't it? Maybe you should look into getting a work visa. Or, can you advance to a supervisor where you are at? Once you get a title with manager in it then you just say you are a manager. When asked what you do specifically you can say you are a Historical Information Systems Manager for a large corporation focused on helping people with millions of products. ;) Be creative.

One trick of the game is to over sell yourself like most people do. The other person is going to figure you're lying anyway and cut your value in half. So if you just say you a librarian for a local library then the other person will figure that you are actually the janitor there.

Another trick with the other person is to not focus on what you are doing. But, instead focus on what you are working towards and be enthusiastic about it. Make it sound like your future is going to be the greatest thing in the world. Have the attitude like the other person would be stupid not to jump on board with you. Yes, it gets back to confidence and overselling yourself. 

Otherwise you'll have to target library rats that have no future and are lost in books. She'll think you are cool. But, you still have to act like you are something special otherwise she'll will quickly loose interest. 

It's a game. It sucks. It's not fair. Stop fighting against it. Learn to play it instead.
Haha. I dont work in an HR dept, Im a Humanity engineer.

ardour said:
Finished said:
ardour said:
Aardra said:
I am curious. If, say, a professor who was a woman showed interest in you, would you date her? What about a doctor? A lawyer? Any woman with an advanced career who makes significantly more money than you, or is in a more socially advantageous position than you? How would it make you feel?

My fragile masculinity couldn't handle it :rolleyes: 

I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

I dated down twice. Money doesn't mean much to me as long as you have enough to live on. Both times the women couldn't handle it. They finally told me they didn't like me making less then them. One kept emailing me job opportunities that I qualified for which paid more money then she made. The other one just simple said she couldn't respect me for earning less then her. Her friends continued to teasing her about "bringing home the bacon" too.

There's been a few situations where I've seen women's eyes glaze over the moment I mentioned what I did for a living.
I  like to know a  man has a  good  job, but  i dont want to talk about  work.

kaetic said:
ardour said:
Finished said:
ardour said:
Aardra said:
I am curious. If, say, a professor who was a woman showed interest in you, would you date her? What about a doctor? A lawyer? Any woman with an advanced career who makes significantly more money than you, or is in a more socially advantageous position than you? How would it make you feel?

My fragile masculinity couldn't handle it :rolleyes: 

I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

I dated down twice. Money doesn't mean much to me as long as you have enough to live on. Both times the women couldn't handle it. They finally told me they didn't like me making less then them. One kept emailing me job opportunities that I qualified for which paid more money then she made. The other one just simple said she couldn't respect me for earning less then her. Her friends continued to teasing her about "bringing home the bacon" too.

There's been a few situations where I've seen women's eyes glaze over the moment I mentioned what I did for a living.

what do you do for a living again?
are you sure it's just women's eyes glazing over?
maybe it's just rude people's eyes... :D

Look into my eyes and  i will melt!!
You know, if you put even a quarter of the effort into changing your outlook as you do with your cockamamie assumptions you put on women, you would probably do pretty well.
TheRealCallie said:
You know, if you put even a quarter of the effort into changing your outlook as you do with your cockamamie assumptions you put on women, you would probably do pretty well.

Very true. A change  of attitude would  help.
ardour said:
I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

Good thing that I didn't know that before I started dating a successful business owner who brings in more in a week than I do in a year. I make more than I need and neither of us is wrapped up in that kind of thing.
Minus said:
ardour said:
I'm fine with it in theory but I wouldn't waste time showing interest in such people because women don't date down.

Good thing that I didn't know that before I started dating a successful business owner who brings in more in a week than I do in a year. I make more than I need and neither of us is wrapped up in that kind of thing.

Thats awesome
I'd date a guy who made less than me, just as long as he had goals and dreams and stuff that he was working towards. I have a soft spot for starving artists. lol
ardour said:
If I want to date now I have to be a  pure being only interested in the emotional connection.

If I want to have friends now I have to accept most people my age have other priorities and aren't interested in repeating the fun times they had in their youth.

To be honest, I look around at my peers and want nothing to do with the majority of them, as  their dull routine lives make me even more depressed. More often than not the people who roll of  lectures or say I have a shitty attitude got to live their youth while I'm in the situation of needing therapy to reconcile myself to the fact  I didn't. Since I'm liable to get passive aggressive or sarcastic, it's better to just avoid the discussion.

We missed the boat in every way possible, but are now required to be as mature as those who didn't, and most of those people have no idea.

I believe the only standards we ultimately should be held to are our own.
Sidewinder said:
Somehow, 'Unemployment Engineer' doesn't have a very attractive ring to it, lol.   ;)


I'm a Disabled Engineer ( lower rank, nothing too serious ), working towards my Retirement Engineering Specialty: Fishing  :D

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