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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Be honest now, how many have kept them? Do you make them often then try to get out of it? Do you hold people to them?

I don't make promises. When people want me to commit to something I won't unless I know I can. Whenever someone has made a so called "promise" to me they've broken it. Might sound fickle but when someone says they promise I don't believe them. Now I don't go saying "yeah right" or "we'll see" etc. I just quietly say nothing and then I'm not surprised when they don't come through. It still upsets me, not gonna lie, it really does bum me out.

What I hate though is when someone claims I promised them. It actually pisses me off when a person says that, and I'm pretty quick to tell them that I don't make promises so it's impossible I ever did. I mainly say, we'll see, or maybe, I'll try, etc.

I just don't know why people make them when they know they won't be keeping it.

When it comes to promises I’ve always believed that actions speak louder than words. Does adding the word "promise" to a proposed action make it any more legitimate? That somehow those seven letters are going to change entire outcomes? Would you trust a serial killer who promised not to kill again?

I like to think we’ve evolved beyond that idealistic logic. I don't make promises but instead I act on the inspiration behind them. To quote Mae West: "An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises".

Lost Drifter said:
When it comes to promises I’ve always believed that actions speak louder than words. Does adding the word "promise" to a proposed action make it any more legitimate?
Yes it does. When a person says they PROMISE whatever, they are adding even more of a commitment to it.

Would you trust a serial killer who promised not to kill again?

All I can say to that That's a bit different then what I'm obscurely talking about. That would kind of fall into a whole different category. But no I would not trust him.

I like to think we’ve evolved beyond that idealistic logic. I don't make promises but instead I act on the inspiration behind them. To quote Mae West: "An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises".

I really like this quote. Thank you.

Like you, I don't like to make promises. I prefer to say "I'll try" or "I'll do it". If something happens, it won't be as bad as if I promised something.

I'd sure get pissed if someone promised but then never did it.
I've made a select few promises in my life, and so far I have kept all of them (as far as I remember anyway :p).

I don't know why, because I want to profile myself as a trustworthy person? Sometimes the other party simply doesn't deserve it any more for me to hold me to my promise. But then I still do. I don't get why I am like that, maybe it's because I hope that some understandings have a permanent meaning.

That's naivety talking, but I need to be able to believe that :p Nothing is sure in life, so don't go making silly promises!
I never make promises, just as I do not believe promises of other people.. it is simply I do not trust people, and do not believe myself trustworthy to make a promise.
Sci-Fi said:
Lost Drifter said:
When it comes to promises I’ve always believed that actions speak louder than words. Does adding the word "promise" to a proposed action make it any more legitimate?
Yes it does. When a person says they PROMISE whatever, they are adding even more of a commitment to it.

How so? Is the word promise a legally binding contract or just a word to make someone feel better? Either way it’s just a word which may hold different weight depending on who uses it. As much as some hold the word as being special others won’t and will think nothing of using it.

Sci-Fi said:
Lost Drifter said:
Would you trust a serial killer who promised not to kill again?

All I can say to that That's a bit different then what I'm obscurely talking about. That would kind of fall into a whole different category. But no I would not trust him.

Why not? Are they not too also adding even more of a commitment to it? I’m not having a dig at you and I can see where you are coming from to an extent. In an ideal world a promise is indeed special but taking a logical perspective it just isn’t more than a word. No one forces promises to be carried out for example and it can be nothing more than a tool to placate a situation.

Now if we’re talking about people being true to their word then that is something else and using that concept with your original post I agree fully.

I don't like making promises either, because even with the greatest of intention to keep it, sometimes circumstances just don't allow you to. If I do make a promise, it's because I want to show how much I'm going to commit myself to fulfilling what I say I'd do.

If others make promises and don't keep them... I'm understanding of it, but of course I do get disappointed and sometimes annoyed.
I make very few promises, and I always keep them. I generally make the promise without a specific time frame, though... because if I promised to meet somebody by the end of the week, and something was to come up, I'd feel terrible about it for years. In fact, I still feel crappy about a promise I broke when I was 13.
I promise that I will never be certain that any of my promises will be kept completely.
I do not make promises, I know myself in that regard. I'm a very absent minded person, hell if I do not write stuff down I forget about it. My mind is so active I have millions of things running in there at the same time that sometimes override the important things that I need to remember.
I always ask people to remind me if they asked me to do something before it is due.
I've made a lot of promises when I was a kid, I thought I could potentially be great, I promised to make a lot of money, I promised I will be great when I grow up and be awesome.

I've done nothing and I'm not awesome.
IgnoredOne said:
I promise that I will never be certain that any of my promises will be kept completely.


@Lone Drifter, about the murder/promise thing I was thinking about that more. Any promise a person who has committed a crime would be almost disrespectful of them to do. They've already proven that they are fully capable of breaking that promise so it would be foolish to trust them to keep it. Just like a person who makes a promise and constantly breaks them, it's ignorant of them to continue to make them since they are incapable of keeping them. I appreciate your insight on the subject though, everyone sees things in a different way.

I do consider it a binding verbal contract, when you make a promise you are in a sense giving your word. They are pretty much the same thing (to me), some people even use those words together.

BlueArtist said:
I do not make promises, I know myself in that regard. I'm a very absent minded person, hell if I do not write stuff down I forget about it. My mind is so active I have millions of things running in there at the same time that sometimes override the important things that I need to remember.
I always ask people to remind me if they asked me to do something before it is due.

LOL Hell I write things down and still forget. :D

Lawrens said:
I've made a lot of promises when I was a kid, I thought I could potentially be great, I promised to make a lot of money, I promised I will be great when I grow up and be awesome.

I've done nothing and I'm not awesome.

That's a difficult promise to keep, you never know what life will throw at you.

I think you are pretty cool. I can't say awesome cause I don't know you that well but I've read some of your posts on the site. You may not post as often as others do but to me you are a cool person and easily on your way to being awesome.

I rarely ever say it. I don't like to think I might screw up or forget what it was so I just avoid saying it at all costs.
I don't break my promises. I don't expect others to, either, and always end up disappointed when they do. Apparently I never learn when it comes to this. I keep wanting to trust them, despite everything.

There is a saying that promises are made to be broken. You are right Sci-Fi--then why make them?

Unless I was absolutely sure that I could keep a promise, I never made them either.

So what did I do? I just made and broke a promise that was unreasonable and ridiculous for me to make.

That promise was so stupid of me to say yes, I promise to, when someone, I don't even know that well, was going to tell me something, and I didn't know what it was before I said I promise I will never tell anyone. I don't know why I said I promise. I feel really bad, but, because the story the person told me made me so emotionally sick, I had to tell someone or I felt that I would have a breakdown.

Now in the future, I will stay away from promises--giving them or believing ones that someone else gives me.

I bet next time someone says...promise you won't tell'll have second thoughts. You'll remember that and be very hesitant. Hmm...last time someone said that to me...oh h-e-double hockey sticks no. LOL :D

That's another thing, the burden of making someone swear to a promise without knowing what they are getting into.

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