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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2013
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Some of you may know me, some of you may not.
A while ago I said I wouldn't make a thread again, but eh - whatever.

Long story short: I've been sick & isolated for 2 years and now I'm back into social-life and stuff again. I have been posting my stuff in the what are you thinking now thread for a while, but I've decided that I'll just post my progress/stuff/whatever here.

I mean, if you care.

I never really had friends before and I now kind of have some people who like me, but my way of thinking about stuff usually gets in the way of things. Let's see if I can keep this up.

(And if this pisses someone off, sorry, let me know and I'll eh, be nicer.)

Thanks xoxo
Why would this piss anyone off?
We all deserve good things and it sounds as though you are getting them, so congrats and go you! <3
^^Pretty much what Callie said. Congrats! So glad to hear things are starting to get better. YAYS!

I'll be cheering for you on this end. Best of luck to you. :D
If you using the forum for what it was intended to talk about problems and things pisses somebody off then i hate to say it but F**k them, theyve got issues and i wouldnt want to talk to people like that anyway. Im glad to hear things are going good for you. I hope i can make some progress like that myself one of these days :)
I just realised I probably should've written this in The Diary section but who cares.

I just forced myself to interact with the guy that rejected me. I forced myself to look at him, to smile at him, to talk to him. I knew if I was going to cry my friend would be there. I did it because I needed it. Maybe I needed the emotional torture to start accepting the fact he'll never like me. Even though I knew.

I'm still angry. Angry with what he did, not angry at him. But I felt my heart break slightly as his eyes met mine. Sadly. I watched him leave with my friend (I think he's convinced he doesn't know about it..), and I left the building quickly as possible because the sobbing started quickly.

Let's hope my day improves a little.
It's good to hear things are going well for you :)
I didnt really have any friends for the last few years either, but I keep trying. The more time I spend around people the easier it gets for me.
Keep up the good work! :)
Good, I fixed things.
I know it's going to hurt badly, but I don't want to lose him as a friend. We talked and had a few laughs. I'll just deal with the pain.. I want him to be my friend. So, that's happening.

My other friend is going through a rough time though :( Ah, I hope me and friend 2 can help him, he's going to need us.

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