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beautiful loser

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
somewhere in Florida
I've always been fascinated by stuff people collect, so with that being said, I want to see your favorite collection...of anything. I don't care if it's records, shoes, video game systems, tools, vintage cookware, purses, artwork, figurines, books, etc.

I will post a thing or two, but it's nearly bedtime so it will have to wait till tomorrow...then again ,this thread will probably go down in flames, so I may not :p :D So, let's see them *that's what he said*.
i have a small plastic equine collection, but posting pictures might send people into an angry rage.

otherwise, i dont collect much that fits a specific category. lots of random things in one place.
Blossomforth said:
i have a small plastic equine collection, but posting pictures might send people into an angry rage.

otherwise, i dont collect much that fits a specific category. lots of random things in one place.

LOL, of the MLP variety of equine?

I have some of them still from when I was little. (barbies too, actually). They're in a suitcase shoved in the back of my closet.

I also have (well, my son does actually) a rather large collection of Thomas the Tank Engine toys...and Geotrax....and Little People.

OH, I have about 10 versions of Monopoly too. lol
Books...Books are my passion, I have bookcases all over my house. Probably my most prized are my books by the English photographer Simon Marsden (who sadly passed away a couple of years ago) - he specialized in very atmospheric B & W photography, set in eerie/historical places all over the world, using a specialized technique of infra-red film. The result are images that are hauntingly beautiful, breathtaking. I don't have all his books yet, but working on it. My other fav books are my collection of Stephen King - almost a full bookcase devoted to him alone. (picture only shows a small part of the bookcase)

Other than that, I also collect postcards. I'm probably nearing almost 1000 now, from all parts of the world. Yes, I get a lot of mail. These days, I am in the process of narrowing down my collection to more specific themes - trains (I have a thing for trains) and Victorian erotica...(heh, sorry no pictures of those...) ;)



This is a cool thread. I used to collect so much when I was a kid. Now I only have a small collect of whippet stuff (my breed of dog) and DVDs. I wish I was a little more interesting.
ringwood said:
Books...Books are my passion, I have bookcases all over my house. Probably my most prized are my books by the English photographer Simon Marsden (who sadly passed away a couple of years ago) - he specialized in very atmospheric B & W photography, set in eerie/historical places all over the world, using a specialized technique of infra-red film. The result are images that are hauntingly beautiful, breathtaking. I don't have all his books yet, but working on it. My other fav books are my collection of Stephen King - almost a full bookcase devoted to him alone. (picture only shows a small part of the bookcase)

Other than that, I also collect postcards. I'm probably nearing almost 1000 now, from all parts of the world. Yes, I get a lot of mail. These days, I am in the process of narrowing down my collection to more specific themes - trains (I have a thing for trains) and Victorian erotica...(heh, sorry no pictures of those...) ;)




I knew wormy would do me right by showing some pics :) I too, have quite a few Stephen King/Richard Bachman books. Skeleton Crew being one of my favorites...the surgeon on the deserted island, eating his own body parts...awesome story!

Speaking of trains, you need to watch the movie the Station Agent...good indie film...Peter Dinklage was great in that film.

I'll post some of my laserdisc collection this weekend. You'll enjoy the artwork on some of the covers, as well as the attention to detail on the boxed sets. Thanks for sharing your collection.
I would love to show you my collection of over 40 game consoles, computers and literally thousands of games, but sadly marriage put paid to that particular collection. The marriage then ended anyway. Bugger...

I don't collect much of anything these days. I think that as you get older you realise that in the end it's just clutter - I do love crystals and mineral samples though. I also have 400+ games on Steam, so that's a kind of collection I guess.

Here is my collection of laserdiscs. Laserdiscs were dvds before there were dvd's. When most movies were on vhs, Pioneer started making fact, they never made a vcr. The laserdisc players and movies were directed more toward cinephiles who were willing to shell out big bucks for the players and movies.



Laserdiscs were the same size as an lp album but could only hold about an hour's worth of video on one side, compared to an entire movie, and then some, on a dvd. Video display is in between vhs and dvd. The discs that were made near the end of their run (2002) could hold their own with some dvd's.


The Criterion Collection is considered by many to be responsible for the special features that are found on dvds and blu-ray...remastering, widescreen display, commentary, deleted scenes and trailers. They are generally one of two items most collectors look for.


The boxed set is what a lot collectors seek, next to the Criterion Collection. Boxed sets included many extras, like "the making of" video discs, books that show the fliming process, art work and/or storyboards, cd's...generally soundtracks of the movie, set photos and script copies.


As you can see in the Wizard of Oz boxed set it includes set photos, script book and a making of video disc.


Jaws box set includes Peter Benchley's book and the movie soundtrack, as well as a booklet with scenes from the movie and around the set.


For ringwood.....haha
I used to love Laserdiscs and that's one of the most impressive collections I've ever seen. Which player do you use?
Thanks, user 130057. I actually have several players, all Pioneer. My three favorites are - CLD-79, CLD-704, and LS-1, but those aren't being used, as I'm using a DVL-700. That model also plays dvd...but the picture quality isn't as good as the other three, but since they aren't being made anymore I'm keeping them as backup.

Would love to get one of the Japan Pioneer systems but they are expensive and still command a lot of day, however.
Woo film night at beautiful loser's! I see you have two of my favourite films there (2001 and BladeRunner) Any cool box set peripherals for those?

I don't collect anything particularly interesting but I do have around 1000 vinyl records, though they are not fun to look at really as most of them are white labels or covered in mud/blood/beer from free parties, and they are just in crates gathering dust. Mostly electronic music no one will have heard of.
PR, the Blade Runner was actually just the discs, not a box set. Criterion's, from the ones I have, usually didn't have much in the way of peripherals. They usually had the director's commentary, deleted scenes and storyboard stuff on an extra disc.

2001, the only neat thing in that one is a large foldout with pictures from the film, and inside a short story by Arthur C. Clarke...and how Stanley Kubrick had him help him with the script. Still think for it's time, one of the most visually stunning films and Kubrick's use of lighting and color was fantastic.
OK...Now I'm all sad that I can't come over and watch movies with you. :(

Wicked collection - Amadeus, Blade Runner and Seven are all fantastic films, some of my favorites. I can honestly say I've never really even seen a laserdisc, let alone watched one. How many laserdiscs do you have in your collection? Looks like a lot...What made you start collecting them?
I don't think I've ever seen a laserdisc either. Were they a bit like minidiscs, in the sense that they were trying to be the next big format, but never really took off/something "better" came along?

I still think 2001 is one of the most visually impressive films, even today. CGI is usually disgusting, and no amount of it will ever produce a film as powerful as that. This film is next-level, always. I get lost for words trying to decribe how awesome it is. It 2001 were a religion, I'd follow it. #fanboy
Wormy...I have roughly a 1,000 discs. I actually got into them right at the end of their phase. The **** things were too expensive...1,000 bucks or more for a player and some box sets going for a couple hundred. I used to drool over them at the record stores when they were still going fairly strong during the 90's, but never pulled the trigger. Now, they are all over Craigslist and really cheap...thank god, for that.

I got into them because of the uniqueness of them and the thousands of films in the catalog. There's also tons of music discs...videos and concert footage. You'd love the 80's music discs and a lot of them aren't on dvd or will ever be on dvd...change of ownership/copyright issues.

PR...they did take off, and had a run of over 20 years, but they also were very expensive, plus having to compete with VHS kept them a notch below. Cost always kept laserdiscs to the point where most people never heard of them or have seen them.

Actually, I hate most action films nowadays, mainly due to CGI. Plus, I believe in less is more. For a guy, I really don't really care for action films. I like stuff that is more realistic...drama, thrillers, documentaries, comedies, etc.
TheRealCallie said:
Blossomforth said:
i have a small plastic equine collection, but posting pictures might send people into an angry rage.

otherwise, i dont collect much that fits a specific category. lots of random things in one place.

LOL, of the MLP variety of equine?

I have some of them still from when I was little. (barbies too, actually). They're in a suitcase shoved in the back of my closet.

I also have (well, my son does actually) a rather large collection of Thomas the Tank Engine toys...and Geotrax....and Little People.

OH, I have about 10 versions of Monopoly too. lol

maybe....haha. i had more at one time, but ended up selling alot of my stuff. i scaled back and went with a stealth approach. i keep my favorites ontop of my xbox.

you should ebay your older stuff. modern fans are eating that stuff up... and there might be a spike in popularity soon since the original series is coming to dvd.
beautiful loser said:
Thanks, user 130057. I actually have several players, all Pioneer. My three favorites are - CLD-79, CLD-704, and LS-1, but those aren't being used, as I'm using a DVL-700. That model also plays dvd...but the picture quality isn't as good as the other three, but since they aren't being made anymore I'm keeping them as backup.

Would love to get one of the Japan Pioneer systems but they are expensive and still command a lot of day, however.

I don't remember what model the one I remember was. I do know it was a Pioneer and that it was champagne gold coloured. For a very long time I thought most Laserdisc versions were superior to the DVD.
That's why I still watch them, because the last few years of the format they were outstanding, visually. Also, there are still some movies and music discs that have yet to come out on dvd/blu-ray that are only on laser.

I have the entire set of Looney Toons and they are supposedly the only versions that are uncensored. I believe, the same holds true for the Disney movie, Song of the South.
I have a small collection of hand fans. I love collecting them cos they're so pretty and some are made of different materials and colours and designs. When I can take a picture of them, I'll post it up here soon.

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