Tell us five random things about yourself...

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1. I spent a lot of my childhood developing pen and paper RPGs.

2. I'm very good at associating details with people I've just met or share forum space with (profession, interests, history, family, etc), but terrible with names.

3. I tend to have trouble sleeping. I get a racing mind and twitchy legs a lot at night that don't slow down with conventional "fixes".

4. I always put a lot of cream in my coffee.

5. My favorite thing to cook is quiche.
1. I don't like anything too bitter nor too sweet.

2. I love lemon beverages but I'm not a fan of lemon cakes. I am also not a fan of chocolate unless an odd craving calls for it.

3. I have a deep fascination over Olaf.

4. Neat freak. 'nuff said.

5. I hate sleep.

Jently said:
2. I have to have a cheese and marmite sandwich every single day

I love cheese. But marmite :\
I admire your stomach - it must be a strong one.
I've posted so much in this thread and most of it's been serious, so this one is going to be different...

1. I like pizza more than a ninja turtle.
2. Sparkly rocks make me smile.
3. I spent 5 minutes yesterday trying to save a fly from inside my shower.
4. Despite being a muscular and hairy man, I like romantic comedies.
5. I want to buy a set of powerblocks, but paying £500 for something that looks like a child's toaster is preventing me from doing it.
1) I love gifts, both giving and receiving

2) trees make me happy

3) after watching the movie Sleepless in Seattle, I take pains to peel an apple in just one ring, and I laugh by myself (you need to have seen the movie to understand)

4) my current favorite poet is Rumi

5) I can feel wireless waves (from close)
1. I've never been drunk.
2. I love animals so much.
3. I am boring .__.
4. I don't like small talk
5. Little nerdy.
1. I go out only to doctors.
2. I am a Christian that doesn't care if she wakes up tomorrow.
3. For my Birthday I got a key chain and 2 bags of licorice.
4. I am alone all the time.
5. I miss My Gary.
1). Kid is the Center of my universe.

2). I'm in a 'random sampling' mode right now :D

3). I work hard, I play hard.

4). People frequently boggle my mind.

5). My real name has an amusing (and accurate- lol) description on Urban Dictionary.
Tealeaf said:
1. I spent a lot of my childhood developing pen and paper RPGs.

Wow...that's really cool! My brothers did that too. I always wished I could join but felt that if I did, I'd probably get told to act my age. I realize now that I should have just joined in anyway, since now, my brothers have grown up and don't play it anymore. It was really creative - they had lots of different creatures and classes and everything you'd want in a fantasy world.

Now for me:

1.) I have been on TV before. I won a contest in the summer between 3rd and 4th grade and went on one of our local channels to forecast the weather.

2.) I've always liked to make up creatures and characters. I got the idea to create my own universe after watching Star Wars and reading Animorphs as a kid.

3.) I love my dog, Boomer. He's still a very wild Golden, always carrying around his Blue Gator, his Dragon, or his Octopus. In the winter we build snowmen and he loves to knock them down.

4.) Despite my age, I still enjoy collecting toys. My favorites are Star Wars, Transformers, LEGO, and just various cars and aircraft. Mostly muscle cars. I also have a 1:32 WW1 Bi-plane fighter I've been anxious to start building.

5.) I like to help creatures I find on the sidewalks and the roads. I put earthworms back in the soil, cicadas back on trees, caterpillars back in gardens, and last week I even turned over a wasp that got stuck. I just figure if there is something I can do to prevent them getting stepped on, I should do it.
legos are great. 1

light brights are hip. 2

pong is fun. 3

slinkys are nice. 4

and non electronic books are good to read. 5
TheSkaFish said:
5.) I like to help creatures I find on the sidewalks and the roads. I put earthworms back in the soil, cicadas back on trees, caterpillars back in gardens, and last week I even turned over a wasp that got stuck.

^ I do that too! (Though I wouldn't have been able to touch the wasp, I'm scared to death of those things.)

1. I don't play video games, but I like to watch other people play them. I find it soothing.

2. I couldn't pick up a dance step if my life depended on it.

3. I don't like most "breakfast food", I'll usually opt to eat something else (or nothing at all, because I feel nauseous in the mornings).

4. When I was a kid I created my own language, written and spoken. Its alphabet had 45 letters when I left off. I once showed a sample of it to a condescending encryption expert who claimed to be able to decode any secret language, and he could not untangle it, which was a proud moment for me as an 11-year-old, lol. I also invented my own worlds for stories I never wrote, and drew out maps for several of them.

5. I still love balloons as much as I did when I was little. I always want to buy one if I see them around, and sometimes I do.

Solivagant said:
1. I memorize license plates.

2. I eat my sandwiches in a circle, starting with the top crust and working my way towards the middle, because I think the middle is the best part, and I like to save the best for last.

3. I used to drink most of my hot drinks with a spoon, like eating soup. I broke that habit because people look at me weird and it embarrassed my parents, but I still do it sometimes. =P

4. I don't wear earphones. I hate feeling like something is in my ears, so I'll only wear headphones.

5. I have very long hair, which I cut and donate every year or two.

Solivagant said:
1. I'm allergic to milk (whey).

2. I need the noise of a fan to sleep.

3. I only have nightmares.

4. I have Reverse SAD (a.k.a. Summer SAD or Summer Depression).

5. I'm a Synesthete.

Solivagant said:
1. I'm terrified of wasps! I will run away squealing if one starts buzzing around my head.

2. I know how to play the harp and the piano, but neither well.

3. One of my hobbies is anthroponymy, which I've been researching since I was 7 years old.

4. I like to collect weapons when I can afford to.

5. Though not a practitioner, I have a strong interest in and admiration for martial arts.

Solivagant said:
Drama said:
daughter of the moon said:
2) I've never had alcohol, smoked or done any drugs in my life.

same here.

^ Me neither!

1. I never wear jewelry, even though I like to look at it, because it's an annoyance to me and I don't like how it feels against my skin. It makes me feel sort of confined, like when I wear a turtleneck, and I just want it off of me.

2. I don't wear makeup, and I actually think most people look better without it.

3. I am more than a little camera shy. I can't stand having my picture taken really. I'm trying to get over it, but I've always hated it, and my list of reasons has only grown over time.

4. I can't hold a pen properly, so I write a little funny.

5. I get excited about school supplies, lol.
Solivagant said:
5. I still love balloons as much as I did when I was little. I always want to buy one if I see them around, and sometimes I do.

That's quite possibly the best thing I've read all day. The next time you're feeling down I suggest you do just that. It's important not to lose the child inside.
I game, I write, I model, I act and I'm semi-known for something specific.
user 130057 said:
3. I spent 5 minutes yesterday trying to save a fly from inside my shower.

You're fun and my hero. I'm trying hard to learn to like flies.

I've never taken any IQ test out of fear of total failure.
I like reading rocks.
I studied some Latin, Hebrew and Mandarin, but without great results.
I love linen clothing.
I tend to avoid the sun and tanning.
I have never taken any IQ test out of fear of total failure.
I like reading rocks.
I studied some Latin, Hebrew and Mandarin, but without great results.
I love linen clothing.
I tend to avoid the sun and tanning.
chagak said:
1. I'm agnostic.
2. I'm a homebody.
3. I'm an evening person.
4. I'm quite old-fashioned.
5. I love tea. Too much.

Sounds a lot like me too...
rivermaze said:
user 130057 said:
3. I spent 5 minutes yesterday trying to save a fly from inside my shower.

You're fun and my hero. I'm trying hard to learn to like flies.

It's not that I actively like the flies - they're annoying and they spread numerous diseases, but I don't like to see anything suffering. I also don't want to be responsible for the death of any living creature... I've caused enough pain during my lifetime.

Having said this, I did get a kick out of watching him spring back to life and fly out of the shower once I opened the door.

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