Tell us five random things about yourself...

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user 130057 said:
Aisha said:
4. I love singing although I can't carry a tune in a bucket. But it doesn't matter, it only bothers those within hearing distance and they became scarce pretty fast.

Me too! I love singing and it doesn't really bother me where I am or what I'm doing. I have a habit of singing along with the instore radio station at my local supermarket - this draws much attention... usually of the 'Oh no! It's an escaped mental patient!' variety.

Let's start a band! We could call ourselves 'The Holey Buckets' or something equally ridiculous.
1- I´m a pesco-vegetarian
2- I spear dive for fish
3- I´m addicted to wood, love the feel, the colors and trees (guitar fetish maybe XD)
4- Cheese and chocolate are two of my most favorite things in the world
5- I don´t really have a main language anymore due to the fact I moved country when I was young.
WishingWell said:
4. I love tomato sandwiches with mayonnaise.

^ Me too! I don't know anyone else who eats them that way. I could go for one of those right now...
mattathyah said:
3- I´m addicted to wood, love the feel, the colors and trees (guitar fetish maybe XD)
4- Cheese and chocolate are two of my most favorite things in the world

I'm also a big fan of wood....haha sorry couldn't resist.

Truthfully though. it's such a beautiful material, & trees give us such wonderful energy-what's not to love.

Cheese! What's your most favourite cheese?

Last year I found cheese with swirls of chocolate in at a Christmas market-have you tried that?
Aisha said:
user 130057 said:
Aisha said:
4. I love singing although I can't carry a tune in a bucket. But it doesn't matter, it only bothers those within hearing distance and they became scarce pretty fast.

Me too! I love singing and it doesn't really bother me where I am or what I'm doing. I have a habit of singing along with the instore radio station at my local supermarket - this draws much attention... usually of the 'Oh no! It's an escaped mental patient!' variety.

Let's start a band! We could call ourselves 'The Holey Buckets' or something equally ridiculous.

We could release an album to both inspire other tone deaf people and to be used to keep trespassers off your property.
1- I like girls with ginger hair!

2- I like girls with blond hair!

3- I like girls with any coloured hair!

4- I like all girls!

5- My Psychiatrist said I'm not crazy,...I just have one or two "issues",........ And that mine was a very unusual

Case,.............he wanted to know where I bought it from,as he would like one just like it!
Alma lost her spoon said:
mattathyah said:
3- I´m addicted to wood, love the feel, the colors and trees (guitar fetish maybe XD)
4- Cheese and chocolate are two of my most favorite things in the world

I'm also a big fan of wood....haha sorry couldn't resist.

Truthfully though. it's such a beautiful material, & trees give us such wonderful energy-what's not to love.

Cheese! What's your most favourite cheese?

Last year I found cheese with swirls of chocolate in at a Christmas market-have you tried that?

I love all types of cheese especially Irish cheddar on a day to day sot of thing hahaha but the nicest one I've tried was an Italian Parmesan that I tried at the biggest medieval festival here in Spain.
I¡ll have to find out where I can buy industrial sizes of that chocolate cheese swirl :O
OK, so it's that time of the month when I reveal another pointless 5 facts about Mr. user 130057.

1. I once fled a shopping centre to avoid having to listen to Kerry Katona.
2. I'm the worlds biggest Doubleclicks fan - which might not be saying much, but I love them.
3. I suffer so badly from White Coat Hypertension that medical professionals often think I am on the verge of dying.
4. I got married to someone I met on an online game back in the days when most people didn't really know what the Internet was.
5. While drunk one Christmas, I drank 2 pints of beer inside 5 seconds total and proceded to vomit half a turkey over a pub pool table. I then fled the scene to avoid having to make reparation.
Solivagant said:
WishingWell said:
4. I love tomato sandwiches with mayonnaise.

^ Me too! I don't know anyone else who eats them that way. I could go for one of those right now...

Me too, but without mayonnaise. Tomatoes and cheese are good too. Gosh I love tomatoes.
1) I like the black jellybeans.
2) My brain likes to helpfully wake me up half an hour before the alarm.
3) My father is a programmer, but I can't stand code.
4) I'm an excellent troubleshooter, though.
5) I can read 2-3 books a week... when I want to.
1-I've played a couple of cities with my band
2-I'm a film buff
3-I love to cook
4-I love folklore (especially Celtic and Viking)
5-I want to write a book, but the images in my head are always changing.
1) I love heavy metal
2) I've a cleft chin
3) I've a decent collection of anime
4) My favourite subject/topic is history
5) My favourite season is Winter
1)im a shaman
2)i have died and saw what lies after death
3)i have privately taught pupils philosophy online but have no degreee just 10 years of constant reading
4)i can do 'the loci technique', an old way of storing memory so you never forget what you research, same thing as a 'mind palace' popularised in the BBC series Sherlock
5)i am gender fluid...can be as delicate and romantic as a young lady and as spiritually tough as a warrior, when my hair was long i have dressed fully female and no one noticed, i even had strait guys eying me up!
1. I can speak three languages.
2. Cats are the best! :3
3. I want to move abroad someday and hopefully with someone special whoever it will be in that moment.
4. I have been depressed over 10 years.
5. My face is very expressional, you will see right away what I am feeling, good and bad thing. :D
1. I learned how to ski on the Swiss Alps (By learned I mean fell over a lot and nearly froze to death)
2. I keep a short journal of phrases I don't think anyone has ever said.
3. The amount of time I've spent on some games might alarm mental health professionals.
4. I fantasize about becoming a hermit or a real pretend wizard when I'm super old.
5. I have jumped off a fairly large waterfall.
Fest said:
3. The amount of time I've spent on some games might alarm mental health professionals.

The amount of years I've spent on some games might alarm pretty much everyone...

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