Thank you.

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Georgia, US
As a few of you already know, I've had a tumultuous past 12 months or so. I won't go into any details, other than to say that it's been the most difficult year in my entire life. I've managed to struggle through it, but I don't know if I would have managed without help from several people here on the forum. I'm not going to name any names, but those to whom I refer will know who I'm talking about. Well, most will, but a few won't.
There are a few of you who simply make me chuckle or smile a bit at something funny you've said. Support comes in many different forms and sometimes you don't even realize how much of an impact you can have on someone, simply by a small gesture or a kind word.
For those of you who have been here for me, cheered me up when I was sad, made me laugh when I wanted to cry or just talked to me when I needed a friend ...

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Happy Birthday EveWasFramed!

I hope things will keep getting better for you :)

LoneKiller said:
Happy Birthday EveWasFramed!

Umm... Did you read her post? It's not her birthday :p

I wanted to comment with something nice but looking at munt's new avi made me forget what i wanted to say o.o
Evey :D *hugs*

I think you know we all support you here. It's no problem. We love having you around and it's an honor to be your friend. :)
Happy Birthday Eve

LoneKiller told me?
You have always been there to listen to me and have been very supportive of me Deb, and it means a lot.I can only hope one day I will be able to hlp you as much as you have been supportive of me.

Happy Birthday, and I wish you the best. ♥
lmao, the birthday thing is a joke I guess. :p Mine was the first of last month. :D

But thanks for the bday wishes and cake! :D

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