The truth game.

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That i come back as a tomato horn worm

same question
loketron said:
....."That hatred would cease to exist."

eve stole it right out my mouth

lmao, Joe, I could think of a lot of comments I could make about taking things out of your mouth, butI won't! I'm sitting here, literally, laughing out loud!

Posted by Minus - Today 04:50 PM
That i come back as a tomato horn worm

same question

well, if I got a second wish, it would probably be that the ones I leave behind wouldn't grieve overly much.

continue same question...
I'd wish my mom and dad will be happy forever and that I can meet them again in the afterlife.....^_^

same question.
EveWasFramed said:
loketron said:
....."That hatred would cease to exist."

eve stole it right out my mouth

lmao, Joe, I could think of a lot of comments I could make about taking things out of your mouth, butI won't! I'm sitting here, literally, laughing out loud!

*makes the huh? noise like scooby doo* HHHUUUUUHHHHH?
are you flirting with me?!?! you should down the street or something.
I'd wish that my family would be well taken care of

If you were a minister and had to give sermon to the church congregation what would it be?
That rationalizing your way around the commandments is not the same as following them.

Same question.
man minus thats deep and great answer.

That its not as inportent that people worship the same way as us as long as they are kind and honest people and if they want to jion the reliogion let them if they dont let them know that they can jion any times. and force should never be apliued well thring to get some one to join and fear tatic of saying they go to hell if they dont jion is = or worse then using force.

same question
I'd give a sermon on enlightenment and coexistence. I'd preach peace. I would preach tolerance and kindness, not on a global scale, but in the community. In daily interactions. For normal people, not world powers.

Continue question.
My sermon would be on the laws of mankind. God gave us all of the rules and told us what kind of life to lead. He told us to follow mans laws (not social acceptance), but to follow his laws even at the cost of banishment and death. He told us to love one another, to live clean and even think clean. It is something that is said every day, but definitely not put into practice. When it is, people get chastised for being too religious.

If you had a choice between 2 people to spend your life with; one was great to talk to and spend time with and only so-so in bed, one was only great in bed, which person would you choose?
I'd go with the one I liked to just be around. If I had to spend my life with them I'd definitely pick the one I love to be with, besides, talking and just passing the time is more important than sex. Not that that's not important. I wouldn't be able to live with someone if I didn't like them when they had their pants on.

continue question
The person who was so-so. They could get better in bed, while its unlikely the conversation will ever improve if it's not there.

Same question
the person that i could talk with, I'd rather have a good friend than a sex buddy

would you rather be a succesful actor/actress or a successful musician?
a successful writer. I love to write.

If you had the chance, would you rather ride an elephant or a camel?
aawwww I have been thinking about riding an Indian elephant all my freaken life.


Would you rather ride a submarine or ride a spaceshuttle ? lol, riders
Star Wars

over descriptive or terse?

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