The truth game.

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Hell yeah I could be lazier than a turtoise -_- But when I get excited about something...o_O

Do you think you're a selfish person?
Nope! I share everything! Except cheese. Don't you DARE come near my cheese! MINE!!!

Have you ever had heartburn all day long?
Yea, they're called false awakenings I believe, you wake up from a dream within a dream, until you find out that was a dream as well and you wake up again, I'm not sure if you could dream that you're dreaming without the actual "awakening" taking place.

Have you ever looked in a mirror in your dreams?
a better person yes, superior to others no

Have you ever tortured an animal?
Goodness no! My conscience would beat the snot out of me!

How often do you speak without thinking?
Seemingly all the time

Same question.
Often, You wouldn't Imagine the trouble it gets me in. I compare it to an episode of "curb your enthusiasm"

How do you drink your coffee?
I only drink imaginary coffee.

When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone?
Two days ago, helped an old women bring her groceries up the stairs.

Whens the last time you wanted to see someone fail?

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