tired of mh pros

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2021
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I'm pretty tired of partial mh pros.

I'm tired of them saying things that are normal for others that are not normal for me.

and when questioned they never give a reason.

they don't seem to follow the DSM. and base things on personality and their vibes alone.
like how come it's ok for them to let some have tattoos and others not? when it's not on any defined grounds? i'm tired of their plots. i'm a human, so i can get what the others have/got.
well i'm going to block you. since you have this comical tendency to bully randomers over nothing, based on some supposd inner reading of "life reality". thre are many life realities, which you apparently aren't aware of.
theablekingathelstan said:
I'm pretty tired of partial mh pros.

I'm tired of them saying things that are normal for others that are not normal for me.

and when questioned they never give a reason.

they don't seem to follow the DSM. and base things on personality and their vibes alone.
like how come it's ok for them to let some have tattoos and others not? when it's not on any defined grounds? i'm tired of their plots. i'm a human, so i can get what the others have/got.

What's "mh pros" ?
What's "DSM" ?

Why can't people write whole words anymore? 

Anyways, theablekingathelstan, don't pay much attention to what others say and let the criticism slide off your skin. You're not better or worse than any other person. Do what you like to do and be who you like to be, without being a nuisance to others. The rest is just jealousy and an attempt to control you. 
My favorite saying: fresia'em.
I am assuming "mh pros" is mental health professionals.

DSM means Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is why not one writes it out. :p
TheRealCallie said:
I am assuming "mh pros" is mental health professionals. 

DSM means Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is why not one writes it out. :p

mh pros is clearly Monster Hunter pros. You know, the kinds of toxic players who get mad if your build isn't perfect and you haven't already spent a thousand hours grinding rare drops to make that build perfect.
Finished said:
Please by all means, enlighten me with your wisdom.  :cool:

it's not wisdom. just your low-key hositility towards me amuses me on every level.  if you're this unhappy, or seek belligerence despite saying you're "kind and good" that's fine on your part. I don't care what you think of me. I've blanked you from my perception, but you'll no doubt keep on following me for your kicks. lol.
mh pros is clearly Monster Hunter pros. You know, the kinds of toxic players who get mad if your build isn't perfect and you haven't already spent a thousand hours grinding rare drops to make that build perfect.

noobs don't know pukei-pukei is the best build and i need to tell them
noobs don't know pukei-pukei is the best build and i need to tell them
the people you see are all humans. if you like being a cowboy, go to Utah or Wyoming and stay out of the profession.
or you're a Hitler-mind, and have this notion in your brain of who "matters" or not.
mh pros is clearly Monster Hunter pros. You know, the kinds of toxic players who get mad if your build isn't perfect and you haven't already spent a thousand hours grinding rare drops to make that build perfect.
I know you're joking, but this is the perfect analogy for how people treat the homeless in society. You're never judged based on being a good person, you're judged based on how much you want MORE material possessions; the greedier you are, the higher esteem in which you are held.
I'm pretty tired of partial mh pros.

I'm tired of them saying things that are normal for others that are not normal for me.

and when questioned they never give a reason.

they don't seem to follow the DSM. and base things on personality and their vibes alone.
like how come it's ok for them to let some have tattoos and others not? when it's not on any defined grounds? i'm tired of their plots. i'm a human, so i can get what the others have/got.
DSM is over-rated. It's only good for mapping pre-established mental conditions. But no one book can contain all of the information required to help the billions of unique and individual minds out there.

I may not be a professional, but one thing I will say for any professional out there, is that you should learn as much (if not more) from your patients, as they do from you.

That's the problem with modern day psychology, it's not a recipe, you can't follow it like a cookbook and expect everything to work out. Humans aren't designed that way.

Psychology isn't just a profession, it's a science, and should be treated that way. In other words, if you're not ready to become a scientist, then don't become a psychologist.
DSM is over-rated. It's only good for mapping pre-established mental conditions. But no one book can contain all of the information required to help the billions of unique and individual minds out there.

I may not be a professional, but one thing I will say for any professional out there, is that you should learn as much (if not more) from your patients, as they do from you.

That's the problem with modern day psychology, it's not a recipe, you can't follow it like a cookbook and expect everything to work out. Humans aren't designed that way.

Psychology isn't just a profession, it's a science, and should be treated that way. In other words, if you're not ready to become a scientist, then don't become a psychologist.
It works no differently to all other branches of medicine. So according to you, it's not tried and tested and just guess work.
It works no differently to all other branches of medicine. So according to you, it's not tried and tested and just guess work.
According to facts*. And, educated guess work*. I wouldn't recommend anyone take psychological advice from someone that thinks half the mental conditions out there are 'made up so people can be lazy'. And obviously see psychologists for getting any form of mental disorder officially diagnosed. But beyond that, when it comes to advice and talk therapy, anyone that's objective, empathetic, and will tell you things that you don't want to hear, can do that, and some can do it better than a lot of psychologists these days.

Psychology in general is a relatively new practice, given how complex the human mind is. And as such; tossing all your eggs in one basket with the DSM, is akin to walking into a casino with a million dollars, and putting it all on one number at the roulette wheel. I'm not trying to say that the book isn't well written and informative, or that it shouldn't be taken seriously; only that it should never be the ONLY tool used when assessing how to help someone.

That's the problem with mainstream mentality these days.. People mistake tradition for perfection.

I'll tell you something; I live in Canada, and we have a higher anual rate of suicides (on a ratio scale), than North Korea.. And it's free to see a psychologist here.. So obviously the profession is in need of some improvement.. Though TBH, society is in need of A LOT of improvement, and if that were to happen, a lot of the psychological problems in society would be reduced, or go away nearly entirely.
According to facts*. And, educated guess work*. I wouldn't recommend anyone take psychological advice from someone that thinks half the mental conditions out there are 'made up so people can be lazy'. And obviously see psychologists for getting any form of mental disorder officially diagnosed. But beyond that, when it comes to advice and talk therapy, anyone that's objective, empathetic, and will tell you things that you don't want to hear, can do that, and some can do it better than a lot of psychologists these days.

Psychology in general is a relatively new practice, given how complex the human mind is. And as such; tossing all your eggs in one basket with the DSM, is akin to walking into a casino with a million dollars, and putting it all on one number at the roulette wheel. I'm not trying to say that the book isn't well written and informative, or that it shouldn't be taken seriously; only that it should never be the ONLY tool used when assessing how to help someone.

That's the problem with mainstream mentality these days.. People mistake tradition for perfection.

I'll tell you something; I live in Canada, and we have a higher anual rate of suicides (on a ratio scale), than North Korea.. And it's free to see a psychologist here.. So obviously the profession is in need of some improvement.. Though TBH, society is in need of A LOT of improvement, and if that were to happen, a lot of the psychological problems in society would be reduced, or go away nearly entirely.
then you don't believe in medicine. All branches have standardised procedures and texts. Medicine's role is only to help people after the fact. By this logic, cardiology is false since there are high rates of cardiovascular disease in Western society.

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