Top 35 Super Powers - Do You have Any?

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2008
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My father was Chronokinetic. I've done a bit of RV work, but thats it pretty much.

Hard to say as they're difficult to test for. I try to run experiments to verify or deny. Wouldn't call them superpowers as I think they're innate to every human.

Precog - passive ability that occasionally alerts me as to incoming threats, problems or general information that is future occurring.

Proxy alert (more akin to 'spidey sense') - passive ability that keeps me informed in real-time if I'm spotted or detected ('the sense of being stared at') as well as the individual's intentions (hostile, attacking, curious, etc).

Telepathy - emotion and physical state, and if I'm lucky, memories. Haven't gotten down the thought reading part.

Non-ESP abilities which would just be regular abilities honed to a point would be:

Reflexes - I've dodged a head-on punch, can catch objects that fall (even outside or on the edge of my peripheral vision) usually so fast the objects barely get far, and can calculate if it's safer to dodge an item (IE a knife or very heavy object) than to catch it and to perform that action in a timely manner. I can even catch objects when doing other things (socks were thrown at my face whilst I was typing and my right hand caught them mid-air just before it reached my face: I continued typing with my left hand). If people try to attack me, I subconsciously (without thinking) both block and counter-attack the blow before I have time to consciously realise what they were doing.

Subconscious level processing - I can interact on the subconscious level (usually it cues me in if there's an inconsistency, problem, event, pattern etc), including memory access (akin to a real-time "memory palace" except in computer format).

Observation - because of the subconscious level processing, I can usually get a feel for a person within seconds. An image of a woman's face was flashed for 5 seconds and I said she murdered someone. Turned out it was true, I was asked how I figured it - I pointed out various nauces of her face indicating extreme hostility and the appropriate pupil dilation indicating she had murdered someone.
Yeah I agree, I didn't really mean to call them super powers, but I was pressed for a decent title, and the list was not as conclusive as I had thought. Sufi rapid wound healing is a good one to mention.

I neglected to mention that I have some ability to control my body temperature. If I become sad, I can become cold. If I become angry, I can become hot. I can also give myself the shivers and cool off. As humans are not cold blooded, I assumed anyone could do this, but as it turns out, no one I have asked has been able to do any of this, I mean outside of normal. It's normal to get hot after yelling, screaming, or breaking something, but just to feel angry and raise one's heat level I think is a bit more sophisticated. As I live in the desert, I have more use for staying cool. That is a silver lining for all of the sorrow I have, enough to become sad and cold whenever I need to. I need to leave the desert.
Phaedron said:
Yeah I agree, I didn't really mean to call them super powers, but I was pressed for a decent title, and the list was not as conclusive as I had thought. Sufi rapid wound healing is a good one to mention.

I neglected to mention that I have some ability to control my body temperature. If I become sad, I can become cold. If I become angry, I can become hot. I can also give myself the shivers and cool off. As humans are not cold blooded, I assumed anyone could do this, but as it turns out, no one I have asked has been able to do any of this, I mean outside of normal. It's normal to get hot after yelling, screaming, or breaking something, but just to feel angry and raise one's heat level I think is a bit more sophisticated. As I live in the desert, I have more use for staying cool. That is a silver lining for all of the sorrow I have, enough to become sad and cold whenever I need to. I need to leave the desert.

I've heard of that ability...


Basically some people have such control of their mental internal thermostat they can increase their body temperature (which is what the guy in the video does).

The others I've heard of was the guy who could basically absorb high voltage electricity (warning people, don't try this at home!) without being affected:


I don't have any of those abilities, or anything particularly cool or unique. I suppose what I have are "charles atlas" style 'powers' - abilities merely refined to the point of seeming almost like a superpower. I wonder how many people would wear bags on their heads if they knew I could read their personal history (based on their face) like a book?

Edit, adding this video:

I majored in forensic psychology in college... There's a thing called micro-expressions... Criminal profilers use it all the time while interviewing potential suspects... Criminal psychiatrists use it as well... Some are trained in it for that exact purpose... Studies have shown, though not conclusively, some are naturally gifted at it due to personal experiences and/or environments they grew up in... Micro-expressions are facial expressions that are shown in fractions of a second & those who are trained can pick them up... There were some controversial cases involving "psychics" & cold readings... They'll throw out some random "cold" questions or comments out & depending on how a person reacts, even in fraction of a second, they can "read" or "tell" if the statement is true or not... I've done this on numerous times where I would throw out a statement that seemingly have nothing to do with the given situation & can tell by how the person reacts get the answer I was looking for... Some cases, I don't even have to have a direct interaction with a person... I could be watching an interview done by 3rd party or person's interactions with others & be able to tell about a person... That's how I met my most recent ex-girlfriend... I was at a party & I just happened to walk by her & her friend's while they were talking... By the split second expression on her face with choice of her words I've heard when I was walking by half drunk, I could tell few things about her... When I brought that up when I got a chance to talk to her, she couldn't understand how I could possibly know things about her when that was the first time we've met... I'm not saying there's no "unusual powers" exist... I'm saying in some cases, the extraordinary abilities have surprisingly simple explanations...
sk66rc said:
I majored in forensic psychology in college... There's a thing called micro-expressions... Criminal profilers use it all the time while interviewing potential suspects... Criminal psychiatrists use it as well... Some are trained in it for that exact purpose... Studies have shown, though not conclusively, some are naturally gifted at it due to personal experiences and/or environments they grew up in... Micro-expressions are facial expressions that are shown in fractions of a second & those who are trained can pick them up... There were some controversial cases involving "psychics" & cold readings... They'll throw out some random "cold" questions or comments out & depending on how a person reacts, even in fraction of a second, they can "read" or "tell" if the statement is true or not... I've done this on numerous times where I would throw out a statement that seemingly have nothing to do with the given situation & can tell by how the person reacts get the answer I was looking for... Some cases, I don't even have to have a direct interaction with a person... I could be watching an interview done by 3rd party or person's interactions with others & be able to tell about a person... That's how I met my most recent ex-girlfriend... I was at a party & I just happened to walk by her & her friend's while they were talking... By the split second expression on her face with choice of her words I've heard when I was walking by half drunk, I could tell few things about her... When I brought that up when I got a chance to talk to her, she couldn't understand how I could possibly know things about her when that was the first time we've met... I'm not saying there's no "unusual powers" exist... I'm saying in some cases, the extraordinary abilities have surprisingly simple explanations...

I've never heard of the term micro-expressions but I always considered I'd make a good detective (problem is, detectives in the UK require 8 years worth of police work, and I'm not one of those 'rough handler' types required, and private detectives are photographic evidence/tracking based). I suppose my closest parity would be Sherlock Holmes.

I correctly deduced someone was previously employed as a waitress based on her leaning in a photograph (it had obviously become habitual enough that she had used it in real-life - leaning in a position ready to take an order sans the actual notepad or menu).

Unfortunately, such information goes very personal at times and the issue is how much do you say to the person (especially there is a probability it is either wrong, or they might deny it as it's embarrassing)? I'd love to use it to assist in solving of crimes, that would be like ideal - but there's no way I can get in to that area without doing things I'm poorly suited for.
I am very good at spacial knowledge. People call me the human GPS. I can generally find my way to anything pretty easily with minimal directions. I just have a really good sense for how roads work and it is almost as if I can see how a road will end up. Also.. I am extremely good at maneuvering a car fast and accurate. I can go into a parking space at 30 mph and it will be perfectly straight the first time. I am also extremely good at parallel parking.

I also am good at investigating. I can get people to talk to me, I understand where paperwork might be that is important and I am good at listening. Sometimes people can tell me all I need to know only because they don't think I am paying attention. One time on I found the guy's real name and location via just the few things he said. His screen name was part of an e-mail... that led to his real name. He dropped the fact that he lived in a condo community and from that I got his address. Where I work I deal with people ducking traffic tickets and I am relied upon by my boss to find them (even though this isn't my job) .
LadyDaria said:
I am very good at spacial knowledge. People call me the human GPS. I can generally find my way to anything pretty easily with minimal directions. I just have a really good sense for how roads work and it is almost as if I can see how a road will end up. Also.. I am extremely good at maneuvering a car fast and accurate. I can go into a parking space at 30 mph and it will be perfectly straight the first time. I am also extremely good at parallel parking.

I also am good at investigating. I can get people to talk to me, I understand where paperwork might be that is important and I am good at listening. Sometimes people can tell me all I need to know only because they don't think I am paying attention. One time on I found the guy's real name and location via just the few things he said. His screen name was part of an e-mail... that led to his real name. He dropped the fact that he lived in a condo community and from that I got his address. Where I work I deal with people ducking traffic tickets and I am relied upon by my boss to find them (even though this isn't my job) .

Seriously? Funny you say the GPS thing because I have a similar skill, one time at midnight I walked the canal of Leicester (despite having never been there before) for quite a distance out, and despite not knowing the route there... I took a completely different route back and still managed to return to Leicester without any inefficient detours (I even purposefully lost sight of the canal so it couldn't be used as a reference point).

As for visual-spatial awareness I can calculate how many shopping bags I'll require - based both on mass and weight of the objects factoring in the relative weakness of the bags, and calculating how the items will be divided (being sure to factor in the order the items go in relative to hard/soft: bread and cake should always go on top because otherwise it'll get squashed).

I wonder how many other members of the site have similar abilities to the ones previously mentioned? I've never really met anyone else with the whole GPS thing so I find it curious there are two here. Can't be a coincidence.
I´m so jealous of you people having those abilities.
I´m only good at asking questions if that counts, I can often make people tell me things that they have never told anyone. But that aint no superpower:D

But man...I would love to have those kinds of abilities.
Stupid boring me, not being a superhuman.
Objectivity: Yes, this is a superpower, given how few can be completely objective. Given that I already don't identify with any groups, I'd say I'm of the 1%. Allows me to be a great arbitrator. I should charge money for that honeysuckle. Maybe get into politics. I've been meaning to.

Incoming! Think of this as an early warning system. I'm always situational-ly aware. I notice people before they notice me. Or anticipate their moves when it comes to fighting. I got dat Uchiha.

Crazy Preparedness: Because I think too much, I usually prepare for over 9000 situations in my head, including ones that wouldn't ever happen. This has saved my arse more times than I can count. If you can think it, chances are I have some kind of contingency in place.

Iron Body: When I try or am in a pinch, I can limit the amount of pain messages that make their way to my brain. I get the best results during a rare instance of me being angry. I think this is an adaptation from my violent past. Still needs work.

Zenkai: As an "add-on" of the other, I get into a fight and can adapt rather well. I usually make fights worse in my head than they actually are. If I'm beaten badly, I can come back stronger (what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right Nietzsche?). Still needs work. Haven't had a fight in years.

Iron Ego: It's nigh going on completely impossible to offend me. I'm a rare kind of boss. I wouldn't fire an underling for mouthing off. Mouthing off and then not doing work, sure. But just getting aggie? No grounds to fire someone unless it becomes detrimental. This also allows me to be good with customer service and politics, as you'll be criticised and insulted perpetually.

Chameleon: I don't know if this is multiple/fluid personalities or what, but I can adapt socially and mentally to fit my surroundings. This needs work, as this doesn't last as long as the other ones, but where I am the kids my age aren't smart enough to realise this.

Believe: Probably a mix of two others above, I can predict the future. But wait, it's not That's So Raven style. It takes brain power. I can't just sit on my arse and have a "vision". I apply intellectual observation and, based on many factors, come to a conclusion on what is likely to go down. I can come to four or even five or six futures based on one starting point. I've gotten rusty since school ended, as I haven't had much need to use it, but once I flip the script later this year, it'll be back in full force.

Lie to Me: I can read people like books (the kind with pictures). You have to know what you're looking for, but I'm a natural, I'd say. Not that this is any extraordinary talent, as humans are dumb creatures. They telegraph their honeysuckle. It's to the point where I could predict their individual futures in relation to our social experiences. In that I could tell myself what they'd do once a certain rumour came out, who they'd tell, who'd believe, etc. Y'all need to try harder. I'm rusty and still able to run with the big dogs.

I'm likely forgetting others, but those are the most important. May drop by in the future to update.
Mr.YellowCat said:
I´m so jealous of you people having those abilities.
I´m only good at asking questions if that counts, I can often make people tell me things that they have never told anyone. But that aint no superpower:D

But man...I would love to have those kinds of abilities.
Stupid boring me, not being a superhuman.

Hey, don't beat yourself up man. It's not a competition (I think it's nice I've found people who share similarities, that for me is rare). Each person has their own talents. I can't grasp music, linguistics or solve puzzles. I'm sure you have your own talents.
Groucho said:
Hey, don't beat yourself up man. It's not a competition (I think it's nice I've found people who share similarities, that for me is rare). Each person has their own talents. I can't grasp music, linguistics or solve puzzles. I'm sure you have your own talents.

Yeh I think everyone has "something" you just haven't figured out yours yet.

Groucho, maybe there are a lot of people that are good at directions but my in my experience people are terrible at it. One time I was with someone with GPS and she could not find what we were looking for. To me it was simple. I could see exactly the way the roads *HAD* to work. In my head. Finally I told her to ignore the GPS and listen to me and we found the place right away. Also people get so scared if they go someplace and don't know where the road leads. It won't lead to a hole in the world. Just stick with it.

I just moved to a new area where I haven't been before and I just got back from a trip. I suspected there had to be a road to take me from a to b and I found it. Yeh.
LadyDaria said:
Groucho said:
Hey, don't beat yourself up man. It's not a competition (I think it's nice I've found people who share similarities, that for me is rare). Each person has their own talents. I can't grasp music, linguistics or solve puzzles. I'm sure you have your own talents.

Yeh I think everyone has "something" you just haven't figured out yours yet.

Groucho, maybe there are a lot of people that are good at directions but my in my experience people are terrible at it. One time I was with someone with GPS and she could not find what we were looking for. To me it was simple. I could see exactly the way the roads *HAD* to work. In my head. Finally I told her to ignore the GPS and listen to me and we found the place right away. Also people get so scared if they go someplace and don't know where the road leads. It won't lead to a hole in the world. Just stick with it.

I just moved to a new area where I haven't been before and I just got back from a trip. I suspected there had to be a road to take me from a to b and I found it. Yeh.

When I was 7 my mother and her friends took us to see a new place we were planning to move in to. Then they got lost trying to get back, and kept looping around the roundabout. Despite having gone around 4 times (and I was in the back of the van with no windows), when they asked me which direction to go I pointed them in the correct direction.

Most people where I live seem to be terrible at directions. Including, disturbingly enough, the bus drivers. There's been countless incidences where I basically had to direct it on it's route.

For me it goes beyond this though. I have the full projected 3D layout of buildings (why on earth my mind would dedicate memory to this is beyond me) inside my head of every building I've ever visited, as well as the layout of the rooms (assuming I've been in them). I can then use these to plan the most efficient routes (especially in asymmetrical buildings) and even ETA a given route or journey.

Someone once asked me if I could do a series of tasks expecting me to say 'yes', and I said 'no' and they got angry - I explained it wasn't physically possible for me to visit all the locations in the timeframe allotted. Sure enough, I got half-way through it and there wasn't enough time to do the rest.

Out of curiousity, do you ever get like... hard to describe, a full 3D projection of the thing you're imagining? I don't mean you see like a 100% realistic hologram but you see sorta like an 'augmented reality' type mental/visual thing?
LadyDaria said:
Groucho said:
Hey, don't beat yourself up man. It's not a competition (I think it's nice I've found people who share similarities, that for me is rare). Each person has their own talents. I can't grasp music, linguistics or solve puzzles. I'm sure you have your own talents.

Yeh I think everyone has "something" you just haven't figured out yours yet.

Thanks for the support, I will try to live my life the best way I can not having any superpowers:D

But I hope to discover some soon, not knowing of any I have:D

Have a nice day you two:)
Groucho said:
Out of curiousity, do you ever get like... hard to describe, a full 3D projection of the thing you're imagining? I don't mean you see like a 100% realistic hologram but you see sorta like an 'augmented reality' type mental/visual thing?

Yes that is what I mean when I say I can see the way the roads have to run. It is like in my head, I am above that section of the world and am looking down on the roads like a map. In my head I can almost imagine the way the roads must go... and usually I am right.

I can just see it in my head.

This has also happened to me on vacation. I got off the bus tour in Chicago and figured out how to get back to my hotel by foot. It was on the Chicago river so I just followed the river.

But most people just cannot seem to grasp these simple things. If a road is called "chicago road" there is a good chance it leads to Chicago duh.

Now that you mention it... I do have a good sense in buildings too. In general I am just good at judging space.
LadyDaria said:
Groucho said:
Out of curiousity, do you ever get like... hard to describe, a full 3D projection of the thing you're imagining? I don't mean you see like a 100% realistic hologram but you see sorta like an 'augmented reality' type mental/visual thing?

Yes that is what I mean when I say I can see the way the roads have to run. It is like in my head, I am above that section of the world and am looking down on the roads like a map. In my head I can almost imagine the way the roads must go... and usually I am right.

I can just see it in my head.

This has also happened to me on vacation. I got off the bus tour in Chicago and figured out how to get back to my hotel by foot. It was on the Chicago river so I just followed the river.

But most people just cannot seem to grasp these simple things. If a road is called "chicago road" there is a good chance it leads to Chicago duh.

Now that you mention it... I do have a good sense in buildings too. In general I am just good at judging space.

I used to think maybe I was supposed to be a graphics artist, so I tried computer modelling, animation and level design, but for some reason it didn't click. I couldn't physically construct the things I imagined. I get some results in minecraft but those are limited.

But yeah, the roads are top-down, although I can mentally project lines in 'real-space' which I can then just follow. The other thing is I can mentally project a 3D object which I can then interact with.

The closest concept to it, I suppose, is from heavy rain:


I then design, modify, change or manipulate the object's design. I unfortunately can't usually produce the design I see so it mostly stays trapped in my head.

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