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It amazes me how many people say that overthink, is there anyone that actually under thinks lol.
9006 said:
It amazes me how many people say that overthink, is there anyone that actually under thinks lol.

Believe me when I say I know some people that really seem to not think at all XD
9006 said:
It amazes me how many people say that overthink, is there anyone that actually under thinks lol.

I believe that's what impulsiveness is..
Seriously? That's what you've been worried about..? When did getting hitched become an achievement? I'm 25, I'm not exactly geriatric. There may still quite possibly be time for that nonsense.
And really R? You're the only person I argue with like that. And that goes for you too, I think. We both resent what's been happening but I don't want to deal with it right now, so take a seat and we'll talk when things are calmer.
Six months. Just six months. Please, the lot of you, just leave me be..
It was a dead giveaway, wasn't it? That I'm obviously not up for these..."emotional things" in the long run. Why is there no one around who does what I do - just better? Once again I sit here wondering what would've happened if I had just kept to myself...

If there's one thing I have learned about myself it's that being hated is a whole lot easier for me than being liked...let's not even talk about loved.
Rodent said:
It was a dead giveaway, wasn't it? That I'm obviously not up for these..."emotional things" in the long run. Why is there no one around who does what I do - just better? Once again I sit here wondering what would've happened if I had just kept to myself...

If there's one thing I have learned about myself it's that being hated is a whole lot easier for me than being liked...let's not even talk about loved.

What do they say? You can't miss what you never had? :/
I'm so sorry, but there's lot of grief inside my heart and I can't help it... Why should I? I try to accept all these sorrowful feelings, it's just who I am right now.
lonelyfairy said:
I'm so sorry, but there's lot of grief inside my heart and I can't help it... Why should I? I try to accept all these sorrowful feelings, it's just who I am right now.

Don't be sorry, we all go through periods when we feel that way.
Acceptance is key to moving on and eventually feeling better (I am reliably informed by my therapist), so you are handling your grief well lonely fairy. Hang on in there, you are not alone x
Jently said:
lonelyfairy said:
I'm so sorry, but there's lot of grief inside my heart and I can't help it... Why should I? I try to accept all these sorrowful feelings, it's just who I am right now.

Don't be sorry, we all go through periods when we feel that way.
Acceptance is key to moving on and eventually feeling better (I am reliably informed by my therapist), so you are handling your grief well lonely fairy. Hang on in there, you are not alone x

Aw, thank you... Yeah, acceptance is really important, so I can move on... I appreciate your support, thank you. :>
lifestream said:
Rodent said:
It was a dead giveaway, wasn't it? That I'm obviously not up for these..."emotional things" in the long run. Why is there no one around who does what I do - just better? Once again I sit here wondering what would've happened if I had just kept to myself...

If there's one thing I have learned about myself it's that being hated is a whole lot easier for me than being liked...let's not even talk about loved.

What do they say? You can't miss what you never had? :/

It's not about what people say, but what they didn't say and I read between the lines in my state of total scepticism...and paranoia. I cannot seem to trust the people close to me or my own judgement at this point. Everything just feels so **** wrong.
Oh, testicles.. Please act like an adult, R. I was being civil, the least you could do is attempt to do the same. We have bigger considerations to take into account than your wounded ego.

S, love, no. It won't be an 'equal expenditure'. I don't think you grasp just what they're talking about..
Son of a mother ******, I forgot to ask you...and you didn't say anything, so I know what the answer will be. Sigh, well, I guess I'm about to be extremely ******* broke again next week....But hey, good luck ignoring me when I start hounding you for what you owe me. :D
Let me just clarify what I mean when I say that anything is fine. It means anything is fine. It doesn't mean for you to start listing off the options because you want me to decide because you don't want to make a decision yourself. This is why I started saying I didn't want anything, because I dislike it when people think I'm going to choose for them what they want. And even that backfired on me, because then you started getting nothing... Make the decision yourself.

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