What do you dislike about yourself?

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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We've had 'What do you like about yourself', so it seems logical that we should remove the sugar-coatings from the pills and be brutally honest about what we don't like or what we would change about ourselves. I'll start.

I hate the fact that I have tendancy to become angry when things go wrong for me

I hate the fact I sometimes use alcohol and soft drugs to soothe my pain

I hate the fact that I know deep down I'm a good person but all too often I won't allow myself to see it

I hate the fact I smoke

That'll do for starters.
I hate that I procrastinate.
I hate that I am not in very good shape.
I hate the angry feelings I have towards people.
I hate that I use food to try and make myself feel better.
I hate the way I speak.
I hate that I tend to be crude.
I hate the way I can't get along with most people and can't hang out in crowds.
I hate when I have panic attacks.
I hate that I can't control my emotions all the time.
There is a few
Basically I hate that I let fear rule me.

I have made so many fear-based decisions instead of taking a chance. I get pissed off at myself and vow to change, and then I do throw caution to the wind and say, "Screw fear!" for a while and then I get knocked the hell down and *BOOM* the fear is back in control.

I hate that I have a constant battle in my head between self-destruction and self-preservance.
I hate that I have tons of health issues.
I hate that I'm on tons of medication.
I hate that I can't get over things as easily as I fool myself into thinking I can.
I hate that I dislike people I should get along with.
I hate that I shut down completely when I'm depressed.
I hate having a constant consuming aching in my chest every time I see two people in love out on the street,or anywhere else.
I hate how gullable I am.
I hate that I can't love myself as much as I wish I could.
I hate that I'm self-destructive.
I hate that every time I think I've taken a step forward,the ground disappears beneath me.
I hate the way that I look, talk, walk and act....
I hate how I am focused so strongly on my appearance...
I really, really, really am disgusted with my face... and I hate that I am putting school off, so that I can continue working and save up for plastic surgery even though I know even plastic surgery can't save me...
I hate how I often feel too ugly to be allowed to live...
I hate my stereotypical "good girl" personality which bores people...
I hate how I can't seem to keep the interest of anyone - for friendship or a relationship...
I hate how I just can't do sexual acts without having love first...which leads to men (Yes, even the "nice guys") losing interest...
I hate how I am going to stay a virgin because of the above-mentioned....:p
I hate how untrusting of others I am...
I hate how I crave for people...
I hate how I often forget what I say to people...
I hate how I cannot relate to people...
I hate how I spend my spare time sleeping, browsing depression/ loneliness forums, and drawing...
I hate how I suck at my favourite hobby - drawing...
I hate how I always make the responsible choices, and never take a risk and actually do something for fun for once...
I hate how badly I suck at math and directions no matter how hard I try...
I hate that I am an angry person inside, and how easily envious I become...
I hate that I hate myself...

Those are just a few haha...I will be kind and not take up the whole page however.
:(I hate the fact that I am a very lonely person.

I hate that I drink (alot) to escape from the loneliness.

I hate the hard work it will take to get me out of the loneliness.
I dislike my complete lack of motivation. Everything just seems like so much work. Even the really simple crap like changing the disc in the games console. :I
Another thing I occasionally find a little annoying is my tendancy to critisize alot of things. Particularly various media, games, the music industry, etc. It's not that it bothers me - it's the way my friends tend to react. It's like they're bored of me.

And I dislike my nature around girls. Several have accused me of coming onto them or flirting when I really had no intention of doing such. Although, it's debatable who's really at fault for that one.

3 minor things, really. x3
Nothing....I'm done with not liking myself or hating myself.

I have assets and liablities. I've made the list over and over again.
I try to work on my liablities..sometimes through proactive other times through making mistake over and over again.

The thing about my charactor defects are...is that I like them. I would be lying to myself , if I say I didn't...
My actions seem contary to what I think about hating my defect...If I hated it so much...I wouldn't have done them
over and over again for as long as I have....evidently I must like it. (living in denial)
Sometimes rather then fighting it...I just allow myself to fresia up (as I've allow my children to fresia up and learn from thier mistakes)
this way I can fulley experince the pains of ******* up , suffer the consequence then stop doing those defects. It's like a process
my mind and body has to go through to fully grasp it.

It's like I'm reparenting myself or parenting myself in a healthier way. I don't beat up or punish myself anymore. I encourage myself,
give myself a break with the unconditional love, compassion, understanding, tolerance, patience as I would give my own children.
I don't really like giving people or my children advice...becuase bascailly, I'll have to take my own advice.lol
Rather..I just love my children and myself no matter what. Whatever the heck it is that I must go through.

No more shame, guilt, self critical, redicue, self hate. I used to do that...it really messed me up and drove me further into my depression.
I guess it was a process I had to go through to fully grasp it. It's almost natrual for me to not hate or dislike myself anymore.
I'll simply admit , recognize the mistakes I've made..then make corrections or a better decisions the next time...No turama or dramma.
and just keep it simple like that...

There's people that hates me and dislike me just becuase whatever thier reasons are...
fresia it....They can do the hating for me and carry the hate for me. More power to them.
Or fresia it.. God, Jesus, Budhad, or who ever the fresia can carry that....I'm done with all that honeysuckle.
I got sick and tired of being sick and tired of it...I'm through...done.
I see lately that people have been telling what they "HATE" about themselves...and I'm sorry to hear that all of you hate something about yourself. :( I sincerely hope that you all meant "dislike" instead of "hate."

I don't really hate/dislike anything about myself. I'm a good person and I'm continually working to make myself better. Anything that needs changing can be changed. I'm content with who I am and who I can make myself become...so really the only dislike I have is when I miss opportunities for growth and development.

idk hate is a pretty strong word..

i remember thinking and feeling that i hated myself.. kinda all encompassing in my entirety sort of way when i was younger.. then i realised that i what i really hated was 'behaving' in a way that was destructive or negative.. usually to others.. lacking compassion, empathy and kindness..

"You're caught in a panic and it's rattled your brain
The selfish ways just can't maintain
But these are the breaks when you try and come fake
Don't come with the rhymes that you just half baked" --BB's

so after reading some eastern philosophies and a whole bunch of other 'ways' it was just time to 'be' the change.. and not worry about it anymore.. there is only so much you can do.

the things i thought i 'hated' about myself were just 'aspects' of me and my experience that i had to learn from and try and change into positive...

there is enough hatred 'out there' (some sometimes directed towards me) without me adding to it..

be kind to yourself.
i hate that i am unable to make good conversation with new people without becoming silent/ withdrawn.
i hate the fact that i am unsure of what to do with my life
i hate that i am in a job i dont really enjoy but i dont know what else to do
i hate that i waste money un neccesary things
i hate that i am addicted to cigarettes and how crap i feel when i try to give them up
i hate that i dont sleep well without a joint
i hate living with the rents
The fact that I've wasted so much time giving a fresia about what other people think of me.
I hate that I suck with money.

I hate that I'm pretty much ambitionless.

I hate that I can't talk to people because I fear looking like a moron, even though I know I'm not.

I hate the voices in my head sometimes.
I hate how I can't seem to make myself use my daily planner
I hate how It's so hard for me to do a paper
I hate how I snap at people and get so irritated at them for no good reason
I hate how I pick at my skin compulsively (which is a part of my anxiety)
I hate how I cant seem to make good use of my weekends or Breaks
I hate how I dont have friends here at college. I need to know that SOMEONE would be worried if I didnt come out of my dorm-room for a week.
I hate how I drool without meaning to in front of the person i'm talking to. Hey, I know it comes with the territory of not having a jaw, but its so embarassing because I know the other person is thinking "ew, gross" and there's not really anything I can do about it but wipe it away.

That's basically it LOL! Overall I like myself
Hmm in all honesty I would have to say that there is only a few specific things I dislike about myself. I don't like to be negative and pessimistic about myself, because it isn't really helpful or beneficial for anyone.

Self destructiveness or not caring for one self. As much as I am trying my hardest to sort myself out I think this is one thing I will struggle with the most. I seem to have a blatent lack of safety or secureness for myself sometimes. Basically meaning I don't care what happens to me. More so when I've had a drink etc and this scares me. Though it is hard to turn this around. How does one suddenly start being cautious and actually care what happens to oneself?

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