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I used to feel this way too. I got over it from finding a small set of friends that care about each other. A fourth of the time I'm awake I feel like I want to hang out with these people, all the rest I want to be alone. I am also considered anti social by the masses at my school (I am going to be a senior) but who really cares when you have good friends?

Heres a serious question: Do you have any friends out of your group that you would tell all of your secrets to and know they wouldn't tell anyone or hate you for any of them? That's how all of my friends are. I suggest making more friends like this, trust is huge in friendship. After I learned I could trust my good friends I never wanted to stop being around them. It didn't matter how we were different. I am friends with a "Wigger" (a caucasion person who dresses like rappers etc.) who makes and produces rap music. Look at me, I prefer dark clothing, have a ponytail, and listen to pretty much everything BUT rap. Pretty much the opposite of him, but the trust is where it's at. It brings you closer to people.

Sorry I tend to blabber on and on a lot :p

Edit: When you say "I see every decision they make and every sentence they utter to be infuriating" it makes you sound like you need some true friends. You will cherish every decision they make and cherish every sentence they say. That's just the tip of the iceberg too.
I don't know homie. People usually say it gets better in college. Apparently there is some silent majority out there. Then again, maybe not. College really robs you, well it did me in. I have nobody anymore. I mean a birthday wish and that's it for the year in terms of being acknowledged for existing. I feel that people suck, they've become ungrateful and if anything are that of a parasite. Moving from host to host, yet in the end they have a longer guest list for there parties. I swear, it's sick, but I feel that more people would come to your funeral, then to any of your birthday parties.

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