What Names Have You Given?

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
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Have you ever named a child, a pet or perhaps even some inanimate object in your daily life? Maybe your car has a name, or your favorite shirt :p I'm curious to see what kinds of names people have given.

To start, once I caught a mouse in my apartment, put it in a jar for a few days and named it Seamus.
Ha! This is the thread for me! I name pretty much everything!

*deep breath*

My computer is called Gerald.
My Polaroid is called Patrick (as in Stewart!).
My digital camera is called Lucy.
My Zenit E is called Leonard.

My hair is even called Barry! (Don't ask.)

All my school calculators were called Colin!

Then there is my doll collection! Named...Lilly, Margo, Enid, Vanessa Belle, Maple, Shrimpy, Merthyr Tydfil, Six, Clarice, Agatha, Mywanwy, Pecan pie, Twist, Flossy, Fenella, Clever Else, Mindy, Aniseed & Liquorice. I don't still have them all though. :(

Erm not that I'm weird or anything! :p
I've had a ton of pets, so I'll just refer to those I have right now.
My rat is named "Radish" as a play on the Latin word for rat, which is rattus.
My rabbit is named "Rorschach" because the spots on one side of his face match those on the other, and I was reminded of the Watchmen graphic novel.
I've had some pets with shitty names, and some pets with good ones. My chinchillas were Cicero and Kaiser, Kaiser was an *******. I would have called him Führer but my parents hated that. I named various smoking devices, but they were all given stupid names, for a good reason. The best has to be my car, His name is Quincey Adams Jones. XD
My cat was named Bowser, my penis Edwardo, and my computer is Mudkip
well i play d&d so I've created a lot of names for characters here's a list: komachi (Ko-ma-chi), karder, Patrick, bearic, baccano, and nodric

now for my animals: patches, mohawkins ( a guinea pig that had a mohawk)

Limlim said:
my penis Edwardo
now if hew's going to share the name of his i'm going to tell you the name of mine and how it got his name. Mine's name is mister jones. he got that name from my ex girlfriend after i told her about this conversation me and my dad were having well on a long drive. me and my dad were talking about songs meanings and what we thought there were talking about. when the song by counting crows "me and mr jones" turned on. and my dad said to me with a straight face he always thought this song was about a guy sing about his penis.
SkuzzieMuff said:
Limlim said:
SkuzzieMuff said:
Limlim said:
My cat was named Bowser, my penis Edwardo, and my computer is Mudkip


I know right? Cats named after video game characters are win.
Honestly, I think the other names were the ones that really made it.

I'm so jelly. I want a penis named Edwardo!
My computer's called 'Remorse'. Beyond that, nothing comes to mind. :p

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