what to DO with emotions

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2009
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State of confusion
I cannot bear the loneliness.

When my emotions are raging with unbearable speed and intensity, I need to take an action. When my depression was it is worst it drove me to self harm. I've since learned to deal with it in other ways and am accident free for almost two years.

Just like when you are hungry you are driven to action, when my emotions are strong I am driven to action. Only emotions don't have such and easy solution, a usual action.

When I am afraid of coming disaster I spend my time on things that cannot be taken away from me. Books, poetry, learning new skills, memorizing things. When I am anxious I sit down, close my eyes and recite poetry till the spinning in the world stops. When I am depressed I find my journal and write till the feelings pass... if they do. If not I hold tightly to a beautiful lie till the truth comes around.

But the loneliness has no clear action. I talk with people, but I feel as if I am missing someone specific. I don't know who though. I cannot connect.

I was crying about it last night. I miss them so much. That one person that I must have known, once... The hole is massive, eating away at me. I feel like someone is missing from my family. When will they come? i'm waiting. Not tonight though, no, never tonight.

And I am melodramatic yes but oh well.

Any thing suggested? What action could I take when I feel this eating away at me? This expectancy?


well a while ago what i did a lot too, with my responisbilties and stuff was to throw it on my emotinal coffee table, but the papers and thoughs keep pilling up, becoming scattered and unorganized until letters were overflowing on the emtional coffee table, so i rent a storage garge in maine for my emotional coffee table and it's overflowing pamphlets and stuff,

it may cost me $30 bucks a month but i've got tons of room in by dinning room now.

i think too much,

sorry just a little metaphorical tangent i thought of last year, becuase it was all pilling up,
problems come and go, since my second exitensial crisis, i have calmed down, I'm not quite stressed into slleepless nights, i'm not as much of a mess i use to be, and i getting my schoolwork taken care of, i guess i'm doing alright now (if i can eventually finish studying and get at least some sleep 2night)

but ya i still am pretty lonely, i had a good spring break and i was able to stay fairly busy, but i really did hurt all these people i use to know having the time of their life with each other

i wan to prove that they're not ahving a better life than me,

but i'm lonely,

i guess, i just have to wait till it passes, i don't try to fight it or anything, just dwelve into it a little scrowel, loud music throwing honeysuckle (honeysuckle that won't break and cause me to get trouble ) although sometimeds i still get in trouble and i feel even worse,

i guess eventually after a bike ride or a shower and a nap, an di return to my baseline happyness of mild contenment

cats help too, i have too cats and they make me feel better

i also have to accept the fact that i am the crazycat lady just a few decades in the past for right now

i hope you feel better soon

i think everyone else is just as lonely, myself included.friends or no friends it seems like everyone is out for them selfs.

dealing with the feeling...i keep my self occupied
I find that dwelling on the past is the absolute worst thing I can do to myself. All it does is surround me with memories of shameful moments and missed opportunities. Instead I try to contemplate the present, or look ahead toward the POSSIBILITIES of the future. You mentioned poetry. Here's my favorite:

The Road not Taken
by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

There is a lot of debate about this poem, and everyone seems to take something different from it. To me, it is all about the possibilities of the future. It's like the butterfly effect; this choice leads to this choice, which leads to these choices, etc. Whenever I'm feeling the way you are right now, like I'm sinking into a stagnant pool, I start with little actions. I decide that, instead of sitting around at home I'll go to a movie, or call up a friend, or find a new book. The little things are important, because you never know when they'll grow into big things, and big things, like the road less traveled, can make all the difference.

If all else fails, try reading a Terry Pratchett novel. Nothing makes me feel better than a Terry Pratchett novel.

And off I go with a new thread...
Action is one of my ways to cope with lonliness.
I play my guitar. Go for a walk. Flirt with girls sometimes.
Play with my puppy. Do shores around the house. Read books...etc

I go to my meetings or support groups.
At first it was to just get me out of isolation

after a while I've met some people that had became my friends.
Even so..they have thier lives to live and can't baby sit me all
the time...It's getting better.

I think over the years..I've became so used to the pain of being
alone and lonly living with my ex-gf..."Ironic". I was in a relationship
but I felt more alone than ever. My emotions felt like it got put
through a blender, rev on super grind. I either have turama or
shell shock . Sometimes there's so much going on inside of me...
I feel numb...Kind of like when it gets super super cold ...it feels hot.
Oh..btw ..my ex-gf is an addict, alcoholic, gambler, bi polar, manic depressive, maniac pyshco *****.
It takes a wack job like me to lover her..because I'm de man Yo...I be ILL...:p

I don't really react or act out to my emotions...I just feel them
and let them go through me...I make myself as if I'm transparent.
My emotions is not me. My emotions are what I feel.

Some emotions or issus...I grab on to. i don't know why.
I stop asking myself why a while back.
sometimes..i just work my program..and let go of them
sometimes...fast, other times...never..lol
Trun it ove to god or put it on the shelf...whatever recovery tools that are given to me.

Sometimes i just chose to be happy...I make a consious decision to be happy..it works if i work it.

Other times ..I just wanna feel sad

I have a slight sharp pain on the left side of my brain...
My eyes are watery half of the time.
It's getting better.

There's not really anything wrong in my life or where I live at
the moment. I live with my parents and for the most part it's
peaceful around the house and through out my days at work.

I don't beat myself up anymore..whatever it is. I just don't do it.

yes...i feel there's a person missing out of my life.
Yes..sometimes there's nothing i can do to make the lonliness feeling go away..so i just embrace and feel them.
sometimes they pass in 5 mins... Other times, never.lol

Yeah..sometimes I might be melodrammtic...that's how i react.
But I feel what i feel. if i cry...i cry

Lonilness....yeah I don't enjoy this feeling...but it's a lot better
then feeling the torn up blender feeling.

I chose not to stuff my emotions today...even if i feel lonely or torn

it's like, nothing phases me anymore...good or bad

I'm not depressed tho
i don't like gettting depressed.
Cut it out and replace it with a subtle disgruntlement and mildly dismissive nature that makes you write everything off and makes you cynical and jaded with life WAY beyond your years... like me!
I can relate to much of what you wrote. Loneliness is definately one of the hardest things to deal with in life. I try to counter it with finding meaning in myself and my existence. Whice might not always be easy, but I feel like if I have a purpose in life, the fact that I'm lonely doesn't matter just quite as much, it makes it more bearable for sure. :)
When I feeling down,I would talk to someone or do something else than dwelling on the problem.Something else could be computer games,sports and anything that you like.
UGH computer just died when I was in the middle of making a responce.

Summary: Eva, I love that pic! It's just like me. i'm always like wait don't leave without saying goodbye!

Spare, thanks for the poem. And little things are important because you're right you never know if they could lead to something bigger. My friend said just the same thing to me the other day.

I don't mean stuffing my emotions and not dealing with them. But if you're in the middle of something you need to do something to bring it down to a barable level. So you can finish your obligations and things. Or not flip out and have a breakdown in front of strangers or worse, people you actually know!

This pain of expectancy and always being disappointed is wearing me down though. I feel myself starting to believe again that I once lived another life and that that one person is out there waiting for me and will show up one of these nights. Just randomly at my door.

But I know that wont happen.

I am missing that one person so much. I feel as if I could handle anything with them by my side. I feel like i'm living life with only half the strength I was meant for. And it's not a romantic relationship either. It's just, I don't know. Just a kindred sprit.
Terminus said:
I can relate to much of what you wrote. Loneliness is definately one of the hardest things to deal with in life. I try to counter it with finding meaning in myself and my existence. Whice might not always be easy, but I feel like if I have a purpose in life, the fact that I'm lonely doesn't matter just quite as much, it makes it more bearable for sure. :)

What would you say is your purpose in life there man?

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