What type of person are you drawn to?

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Jan 9, 2017
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From both a romantic and friendship perspective, what type of person are you drawn to?

For me it has always been my opposite. Shy and introverted, I have always been drawn to gregarious people. I find people that can easily talk to others put me at ease in social situations and coax me out of my shell quicker than I would usually come out on my own. 

The closest person I have to a best friend is exactly my opposite and every women I have gotten remotely close to is again a lot more sociable than I am. I wouldn't necessarily say that they are all extroverts, but they definitely lack my shyness.
Funny, extroverted people usually make me more nervous in social situations.

I can't answer this properly because people always have some enigmatic quality that makes me interested in getting to know them and it's a variety of stuff. But usually very quiet people, the problem is I'm also a bit too reserved so it ends up being harder to make connections or carry long conversations - unless that person helps me.

My closest friend (IRL) is also very extroverted and is always surrounded by large groups but it took me about 5 years to start getting to know her closest friends and until this day when we meet up is usually to spend time just the two of us. I'm a bit too shy and awkward in large gatherings, not my thing.
DarkSelene said:
Funny, extroverted people usually make me more nervous in social situations.

I can't answer this properly because people always have some enigmatic quality that makes me interested in getting to know them and it's a variety of stuff. But usually very quiet people, the problem is I'm also a bit too reserved so it ends up being harder to make connections or carry long conversations - unless that person helps me.

My closest friend (IRL) is also very extroverted and is always surrounded by large groups but it took me about 5 years to start getting to know her closest friends and until this day when we meet up is usually to spend time just the two of us. I'm a bit too shy and awkward in large gatherings, not my thing.

Of the two people I would call friends, one is the outgoing one I mentioned in my OP while the other is very much like me in terms of our nature in social engagements. When us two ''withdrawn'' guys get together it is a case of a burst of conversation interspersed with long moments of silence. I suppose that is okay sometimes, but without the more outgoing friend it can be very boring.

Not that I have any experience with them, but I'd imagine that a romantic relationship between two people whom are both withdrawn could be very boring at times as well.
I appreciate shared silences, it's soothing in its own way. Shy, reserved, discreet and serious people are the ones that get more points with me. I enjoy getting to know them better, there's always this sense of "our own world" surrounding interactions.
Also, can't imagine getting to the point of having a romantic relationship with someone I find boring. Wouldn't happen.
I'm drawn to creative people, but also people who are caring and understanding and sometime talkative as I'm not a talkative person.
I don't think I'm drawn to any specific type of person. All types of people are worth it, it just depends on if you mesh well with them.
Stick people. ..... if you laughed at that ...probably you
I've realised I'm not "drawn" to any "type" of person. Not any more at least. And it's one of the best changes I've ever had.

Ultimately it doesn't matter whether someone is quiet or loud, likes the same things you do or is able to introduce you to new things. What matters is how well you can make conversation with someone, how receptive they are, the experiences you're able to share together. Don't put yourself or other people in a box. I've met amazing friends who I would have never even bothered talking to before, and people who "on paper" seemed to be the type you might assume I'd get along with have turned out to be ********. Just not something you can or should predict in my opinion.
TheStaggy said:
From both a romantic and friendship perspective, what type of person are you drawn to?

For me it has always been my opposite. Shy and introverted, I have always been drawn to gregarious people. I find people that can easily talk to others put me at ease in social situations and coax me out of my shell quicker than I would usually come out on my own. 

The closest person I have to a best friend is exactly my opposite and every women I have gotten remotely close to is again a lot more sociable than I am. I wouldn't necessarily say that they are all extroverts, but they definitely lack my shyness.
Unfortunately, I am drawn exactly to the type of women who have wronged me more times than I could possibly count.

I like them rouge around the edges, open minded, interesting and difficult to get along with.
Yup, I'm messed up, Wish I could feel comfortable and not bored while being with someone who
is more easy going than the kind I'm used to.
When I imagine the "perfect partner", she's quiet and sweet; she takes pride in who she is, and doesn't feel the need to spend an hour applying make-up and such to herself to "get pretty" (I understand the desire to make yourself feel prettier, but if I'm dating you, it's not because of your make-up).

In reality, I have been attracted to all types of women: introverts, extroverts, tall, short, skinny, heavy. What really turns me on is a personality that I can enjoy being around; a witty woman that can banter with me, and knocks my one-liners back at me. I'm definitely more attracted to a sharp mind than a tight body.

Assuming I meet the future Mrs. Hoarse Whisperer and we're together for the next 60 years, the important thing will be that we're happy to be together. Physical attraction doesn't last nearly as long as a sharp wit.

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