Wheat / depression

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Well-known member
May 10, 2014
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A few years ago, in 2011, I was in rough shape. I was insanely emotional. I was ranting and raving at the world. I was extremely clutzy and fell a few times... and I felt... like I was always being rushed, but objectively I wasn't. I also noticed I just didn't care at all about my appearance. No make up.. mismatching clothing.. I ended up hurting my feet and was very self destructive... I also was fat, and ate horribly. Mostly processed food.

But in early 2012 I tried a diet plan that was a complete departure. For the first month, I didn't have a ton of the food that they offered and mostly ate shakes and non-wheat options. In addition, due to concerns about potassium, I ate potatoes and bananas in addition to the shakes. I didn't notice it at the time but even now I notice that my mental outlook changed during that time. My boss was as big a jerk as possible but I didn't seem as bothered by it. In addition - I lost 18 lbs the first month. I lost almost a lb per day. It was just flying off me.

About a month in... they introduced some candy bar type thing with wheat... the weight loss slowed a bit. Then about 3 months in... they introduced entrees. These "entrees" were mostly wheat - pasta. Weight loss slowed. But I lost 60 lbs total.

After two years of maintenance last year I tried the program again. I didn't have good results. But this time they gave me a different plan. The first plan was mostly heavy on shakes (with no wheat) the plan now was two entrees and shakes. I lost a bad 8 lbs my first month. I knew it wasn't working right anymore. I went off and started eating normal again... I gained some weight.

I am eating mostly wheat.. because that is what I crave. And I have noticed a few things... first, I am back to railing at the world ... angry ... disgruntled. I am getting cluzty again... I have this constant brain fog and feel rushed all the time... and last but not least, I can't seem to care about clothing. Just like 2011 I would prefer to sit on the couch and vegetate. I have no desire to do anything.

Interestingly... I came upon this because my cat -- at the age of 9- developed asthma. This is very much linked to "grain" food, which I have been feeding him. Cat asthma is really a misnomer. Cats really get bronchitis and their attacks are -- coughing. I am proceeding by eliminating any dry / grain and so far things seem better. Weirdly some of his bad behavior has disappeared. He used to rip up rugs around the house in some sort of bored behavior. No more. Additionally, I have noticed that I share a bit of congestion in my lungs... just like him. It isn't a lot but I definitely noticed some strange wheezing / coughing... I thought it was because I gained weight.

If you are going to ask if I have read "wheat belly" well, no, but I am familiar with it. It came out after I had lost weight but given my own personal results after going back to wheat... I am really wondering if isn't responsible for a LOT of my problems. It is possible ...

I never had a more productive and better time in my life than when I lost the 60 lbs and the aftermath.

Anyone else have issues with wheat?

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