Where do you go if you don't fit in at a forum for lonely people?

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Can anyone answer my question? It's bad enough that I don't fit into any of the cliques at college in real life, but now I have to live with the torment of knowing I don't belong at a forum supposedly for people just like me. I thought it was universally accepted truth that it's easier to be one's self and make friends over the internet due to anonymity, so why do I never connect with anyone online? I've been a participant in two forums and I'm about as popular as a soggy baby's diaper in a scorching Arizona desert. Am I really that boring? Am I really that unlikable? I don't know, man, but it really hurts when I make a conscious effort to start a conversation with my classmates, get rejected (and even made fun of), then come to the lonely forum and feel even more rejected because everyone has online friends except me (F@#$ the reputation points system. What the hell is something like that doing on a forum for people who are easily hurt by feelings of isolation and exclusion?!)

So, what do I do? Do I start a new forum for rejects of the Lonely Life forum? Should I call it the Forum for Genetic Mutations in Humanity?
Hey man, I think you're pretty neat. And I'll be your friend if you like.
Of course, I'm not sure if my vote means anything, I've only been a member for like 2 months and I'm just that crazy kid who gives out free online hugs. So take it as you will, but I think you're funny. "a soggy baby's diaper in a scorching Arizona desert", and your signature, makes me laugh. So does your avatar dude. Like, every time I see it. I don't even know why.
So if my craziness counts for anything and you need someone to talk to feel free to pm me. I do my very best to never turn my back on a potential friend, and I won't be mean either. :)
Aw Tomato!

I love reading your posts... you have this awesome, quirky sense of humour that I really enjoy... infact, I wish you would post more..... I'm sorry you feel left out...that seems to happen to a lot of people here. :( Please PM me if you'd like to converse. :)
Yeah dude, seriously, your avatar is like the best one here.

I take it you're a frosh in college? I just moved to college too. Chat me up if you want!

RogueTomato said:
Can anyone answer my question? It's bad enough that I don't fit into any of the cliques at college in real life, but now I have to live with the torment of knowing I don't belong at a forum supposedly for people just like me. I thought it was universally accepted truth that it's easier to be one's self and make friends over the internet due to anonymity, so why do I never connect with anyone online? I've been a participant in two forums and I'm about as popular as a soggy baby's diaper in a scorching Arizona desert. Am I really that boring? Am I really that unlikable? I don't know, man, but it really hurts when I make a conscious effort to start a conversation with my classmates, get rejected (and even made fun of), then come to the lonely forum and feel even more rejected because everyone has online friends except me (F@#$ the reputation points system. What the hell is something like that doing on a forum for people who are easily hurt by feelings of isolation and exclusion?!)

So, what do I do? Do I start a new forum for rejects of the Lonely Life forum? Should I call it the Forum for Genetic Mutations in Humanity?
Rogue, haven't seen you around the forum in a long time. How's it going? Hope things are well with you.

Hey you're not rejected here. And you're not alone. We're all here if you feel like talking. ;)
I think everyone here is pretty nice. You're not gonna make friends right away, but when you do you will feel more welcome. I personally don't care about the Reputation system thingie...I mean if mine is high or low what difference does it make to ME? Anyway, feel free to PM me if you wanna chat.
I must say your quite the cool cat to have around and hope you don't leave us. Your avatar is one of the best, I heart slimes they make me smile, and look at my reputation thingy I have a 0, I don't care, I don't even know what it means?
The key to forums is to not care if you're popular. Popularity is unimportant. Typing what's on your mind is. Responding to others is. Believe it or not, people value what you have to say. You're not here causing problems or insulting people. That, along with participation, is pretty much all it takes to be appreciated at forums. You're another friendly presence. That's what people who visit here and other forums seek in general.
jjam said:
The key to forums is to not care if you're popular. Popularity is unimportant. Typing what's on your mind is. Responding to others is. Believe it or not, people value what you have to say. You're not here causing problems or insulting people. That, along with participation, is pretty much all it takes to be appreciated at forums. You're another friendly presence. That's what people who visit here and other forums seek in general.

Ditto. I just say what's on my mind, I don't really care if people agree or disagree, but I like reading the responses. I'm always interested in hearing about what other people think.
RogueTomato said:
So, what do I do? Do I start a new forum for rejects of the Lonely Life forum? Should I call it the Forum for Genetic Mutations in Humanity?

That's a great title. Although I don't think you're a genetic mutation. You seem like a pretty cool person from what I've read of your posts. I think you're feeling something similar to what I was feeling awhile back (and still kinda do)...left out. Everyone here is nice but sometimes I still feel like I'm wearing a +2 invisibility cloak (The award for most geeky analogy of the day goes to me.)

I don't really fit in either. if you ever feel like talking to another genetic mutation, send me some mail. :)
Heh... I asked myself that question before. I feel the same way. Oh well, you can't expect the laws of society to be magically cancelled on this place. There are cliques here too.
jjam said:
You're another friendly presence. That's what people who visit here and other forums seek in general.
I don't think so... I don't know what they seek, but people on "normal" forums scare me. They are too aggressive... their opinions are also aggressive. I just want some nice place to talk about videogames and anime, and I couldn't find any where I would feel "at home".
mimizu said:
jjam said:
You're another friendly presence. That's what people who visit here and other forums seek in general.
I don't think so... I don't know what they seek, but people on "normal" forums scare me. They are too aggressive... their opinions are also aggressive. I just want some nice place to talk about videogames and anime, and I couldn't find any where I would feel "at home".

You'd be surprised Mimizu, I actually read your original story on NEETness and showed it to someone I know online who seemed to be in the same situation: Terrible parents who took him out of school(hes 16), now he just stays at home all day watching anime and playing video games, he has no social life, attempted suicide multiple times but he is always in a good mood(at least now) and easy to talk to. Just thought that example might help.

Yeah there are closer circles in any forum or community, not sure whats to be done about it. People here are obviously more open though.
People feeling left out here should contemplate making the first move. I see a lot of "PM me if you like", "Thanks, you can PM me too" and wonder how much PM'ing is really going on behind the scenes. Find someone you like the sound of and say hello. :)
Brodie said:
I found someone I like, and said hello, and got a PM back, and now I am just waiting for their reply to the novel I wrote them :).

Hah... "it was a dark and stormy night..."
Brodie said:

You've obviously never been to Australia in the summer. And where I live the air can be SALTY too! So that's a dark, stormy, sultry and salty night!

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