Why I can't sleep at night...

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
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I don't know where to start or even where to post this, so if it's in the wrong place go on and move it, it won't hurt my feelings. I've been around these forums for a while now and I'm usually a pretty upbeat guy, but I'm feeling awful, I can't even think of a word to describe it, and I just need to get all this out, it's just so....

Have you ever met someone and felt like it was some how fate that it happened? It was my first day of high school,5 years ago, I walked into my 3rd period class and didn't know where to sit so I just threw my books down at a random table, and like everyone else I walked around the room not really knowing anybody, and at the time I was shy and wouldn't dare talk to anyone that I didn't know, especially on such a stressful day! But I was standing there and I saw the back of "her" head she was standing there like me and was alone, and she seemed so familiar...My legs started walking in her direction, as my brain kept wondering who she was...I just walked and walked closer and closer, I didn't know what I was doing, I would never approach someone I didn't know, what were my legs doing? But before I could answer I was standing right behind her and my arm reached out and tapped her on the shoulder. My face must have been struck with a mix of amazement and fear as she turned around. I remember the first thought that came into my head was "She's beautiful" and all I could manage to say was "Hi".

I was the smallest boy in the class, I'd always been, I never really got picked on about it because I would turn it into a joke every time someone brought it up, which was often, but I just made it part of who I was. It was strange because she was really small too, we seemed to fit each other like two puzzle pieces.. I wasn't social, she was, I was good at schoolwork, she wasn't, she was a good talker and I was a good listener.. We spent those days eating lunch together and sending notes to each other during class, because our schedules were practically identical. I remember nothing about Earth Science but I remember every word she said to me and wrote me. She helped me and I helped her and she made me feel strong and whole. She was so small I was always trying to protect her even though I wasn't much bigger, I just felt like I had to help her..I don't think I was in love with her then but I loved her the way one close friend loves another. Then, during my Junior year I didn't have any classes with her and we both never saw each other for a while, until I decided to take an accounting class, I still don't know why I took that class, but I did and she was in it too. She hadn't changed at all, neither had I, life was good! I had forgotten how good she made me feel, I was whole again. At one point I asked her to the Christmas dance because she didn't have a date and I didn't either (but I usually didn't go to those things anyway),and it really seemed like she wanted to go to that dance, she said yes and I was happier still. What I didn't expect was the guy in the hallway that pulled me aside and said to keep my distance from his girlfriend.. I still took her and we had a good time, and she quickly broke up with that guy, which I found weird at the time.. I didn't think I wanted to be an accountant but I took accounting 2 and 3 just to be with her. She would sit next to me every day and I enjoyed that, I would help her with accounting stuff and we would talk to pass the time. Eventually though we were spending so much time together that people started wondering what was going on between us, I tried to explain but noticed I couldn't, it was hard to describe. We were more than friends but not romantically involved...Then, she started saying the occasional "I love you" and it was always so happy sounding, so light in comparison to the weight the words actually carry. It was always at unexpected moments, right in the middle of conversations, or in the middle of an accounting problem, it always caught me off guard, surprised me, but in a good way. I always just responded with a "thanks" or "yea I try", of course I loved her it was a given, but I don't know if she knew, I just couldn't say it, I never said it not even to family, how could I say it to her?

By this time it was our senior year and everyone was making preparations to go off to college and I tried not to think about it but I knew that I wouldn't see her with any frequency after we graduated but I didn't think about that, I didn't want to... Accounting 4, which was individual study, it didn't have any real teacher, and practically no one took that class, there were only 5 of us, including myself because of course I took it to stay with her for as long as I could. At this point I was in love with her, a million times over. The "I love you"s kept on coming with ever increasing frequency and I savored ever last one of them and eventually ,with practice, I started saying it back to her: "I love you too", it felt good to make her feel at least a little like she made me feel. Then her parents moved and she stayed behind to live with her aunt, who by some coincidence, lived just down the street from me. She didn't like it there and that added to the stress of an already stressful time in our lives, but like always we helped each other get through it all, we did a lot more things together, we even rode the bus together because I didn't have my license and she did but didn't have a car, so we rode that bus every morning side by side, two of the only seniors that didn't drive, what were the odds? She got more and more depressed the longer the year went on, and the "I love you"s became less happy and more somber as if saying thank God your here with me, and I always made sure to say it back. Her being depressed made me depressed, and as the year went on I became so stressed out with everything going on, all the pressure of everyone telling me to apply for colleges, trying to get my license, leaving everyone I'd ever known, including her... I almost committed suicide, I didn't want to think about living without her, I was so depressed, but I tried not to show it, because I knew it would make her worry about me,but for the most part I was still happy when I was around her, she was what was keeping me motivated to live. It was the world vs the two of us and even though we knew we couldn't possibly win, we kept going. Then one week she asked me if I liked anyone, and I said something along the lines of yes, someone, I never said it was her, but I knew that she had figured that out a long time ago. That week we started holding hands, she would put her head on my shoulder and we would just sit there for as long as we could before we had to do work. Those simple gestures were the best moments of my life, time that I really thought I was loved and was with the one I loved, I'll always remember that week as the pinnacle of my happiness, all of the depression, the stress,everything else just melted away that week, it was just me and her. I'd have never regretted any of it if it hadn't all gone horribly wrong when I took her to prom. The actual prom was fun, lots of dancing, we both had a good time, then there was an after prom party that lasted until morning, everyone we knew was there, my friends all wanted me to spend time with them and her friends all wanted her to be with them so we separated for most of the night, that's how I thought things were supposed to be, but 3/4 of the way through the night I saw her sitting alone at a table with her head in her hands, I went and sat next to her and asked what was wrong, but she wouldn't tell me. So after a while of worrying what I had done wrong, I asked her friend and she said that she expected me to do more with her. That hurt, I was the cause, I tried to fix it, I sat with her for hours in silence she was so unhappy, so miserable looking and there was nothing that I could have done, I tried everything, but she wouldn't even talk to me, just silence.. And that was one of the worst feelings I've ever felt, I failed in making her happy, it was awful, that's the only word I can think of to describe it.

We still sat next to each other in accounting but things weren't the same, she wasn't angry at me, but I was angry at myself, she still said "I love you" occasionally and I still always said "I love you too" back. There was only a week left of classes and then graduation wasn't until another week after that, and she would still put her head on my shoulder, and I still loved her for that so much.. I don't know what it was, but I got really sick and missed the last two days of class, I'd never been as sick as I was then, I couldn't move I just lay in bed all day for a week. I thought I was going to die, and I thought it was a fitting place to end it all everything was right...But then something happened and..I didn't die. But nearly dying changed me into a different person, it didn't feel right, like I wasn't supposed to be alive, like I was supposed to die but wouldn't. I went to graduation but I don't remember seeing her there or anything for that matter, I still had an extremely high fever, I must have just left afterwards but I'm not sure about anything that day. I didn't talk to anyone for at least two weeks into summer, by then all my symptoms were gone and I could think clearly. I talked to her using YIM every now and then and went out with friends but both became less and less frequent as the summer continued, it was the loneliest I'd ever felt, I was so isolated and was so used to being able to talk to everyone on a daily basis especially her that it was overwhelming. The worst part was not seeing her, not being with her, it drove me crazy, we just grew apart it was so hard to accept, she was my world a couple weeks ago, what was I supposed to do now? I remember crying every night that summer, if anyone has tried to get over someone you love, then you know the emotion. It was hard, I thought about her every day, in fact I kept a journal of the entire year and I swear to you there isn't a single entry without her in it. I was a mess, I still had side effects from the sickness and I never felt normal, I kept thinking that I should have died then, all this shouldn't be happening to me.

Around then it was time for me to leave for college, and I did, but I didn't make any friends there so the loneliness continued. Slowly, very slowly I got used to it, I accepted that this was the path in life I chose and I needed to deal with it. About mid way through my first semester I could officially say that I didn't think about her nearly as much, I don't know if you could say I didn't love her anymore, because that would never be true, but at least I was in the process of forgetting her. When one day I was online and I talked to her, for the first time in at least 6 months, I acted indifferent, not wanting to seem that I still had any trace of feelings left for her, when she told me she was engaged to be married, all I could muster then was, "congratulations"... Then all the things I had tried to forget came rushing back all at once, and it was harder still to get rid of them, let alone be happy for her that she was getting married, which in all honesty, I wanted to be happy for her, because I know that she would be happy, but still it took a long time to wrap my mind around it, she was getting married and moving further away still.. It again took me a while to lock those feelings back up and forget everything wonderful that ever happened and this is how I stayed for a long time, I still occasionally talked to her online but it was always just general conversations about how classes were going, nothing profound in the least bit, I thought about her less and less, the more time passed by, until I noticed it had been two years since I'd seen her and at least 5 months since I last talked to her, I had forgotten everything that happened, somehow pushed it out of my mind and went on living my life

That is until about a couple weeks ago when she struck up a conversation online which somehow turned to us talking about the past. She said she had been meaning to ask me a question, she asked me if I really loved her back then, I told her I did. We kept talking, and she said that she wished I would have told her that I really meant it because she really meant it and thought I was just saying it... The conversation ended when I stated that we wouldn't ever know what would have happened had I told her, she agreed and those were the last words I ever said to her... How can I not live life regretting what I never said? How different things could have been, how better things could have been.If you love someone, tell them! And make sure they know you mean it with every fiber of your being, don't make the same mistake as me and live your life regretting things that you never said...My wedding day could have been in Spring...
Hi Nevermore,

I dont even know what to say after reading that. I can give you my opinion, but I know you're the one dealing with this. When your friend asked if you really loved her back, it sounds to me like she was trying to find a way back into your life. The guy she married, does he treat her like she deserves? Is she happy? Maybe you should find this try and find this out somehow. Reading about just how close you were, I'm sure she thinks about you all the time too.
I've had a similar experience, though it wasn't on the scale of yours. But I know the feeling too well, the ultimate dispair when she says she is getting married so abruptly and perhaps that you don't have any place in her life. You can't sleep because your brain just wont stop working when all you want is to just forget, immediately and as fast as you can. "What if I acted differently? If I acted earlier?" "How did I loose touch with her to such an extent when we were so close just a few months ago?" Is this trauma so common? Everytime my mind is idle it goes back to that. Only feeling a slight comfort when dreaming about what could have been or an impossible series of events that brings you back together. "Am I obsessed?" I wonder...Am I?

Yeah...I don't need any better reason to act when I have to....but I still don't and I still regret. pathetic!

You hit the nail on the head Nevermore....now I'm depressed again :/ Though I think I'm glad someone else experienced something similar...maybe.
Red26 said:
Hi Nevermore,

I dont even know what to say after reading that. I can give you my opinion, but I know you're the one dealing with this. When your friend asked if you really loved her back, it sounds to me like she was trying to find a way back into your life. The guy she married, does he treat her like she deserves? Is she happy? Maybe you should find this try and find this out somehow. Reading about just how close you were, I'm sure she thinks about you all the time too.

Well, I've never met the guy but everyone I know that has met him says he's a good guy, he's in the army so he has a steady income, he seems like he's the perfect spouse., but that's off of what I hear and I can't be 100% sure, but I hope he treats her like she deserves to be treated, I just hope shes happier than I am. Sometimes I do wonder if she thinks about me any more, and I just have to remind myself she's married and the answer is probably no and that makes me sad, but at the same time I say to myself that she doesn't have to feel this bad if she doesn't think about me so I'm happy-ish. Thank you Red26 for taking the time to read my story I'm sorry it was so long.

Ekstra said:
I've had a similar experience, though it wasn't on the scale of yours. But I know the feeling too well, the ultimate dispair when she says she is getting married so abruptly and perhaps that you don't have any place in her life. You can't sleep because your brain just wont stop working when all you want is to just forget, immediately and as fast as you can. "What if I acted differently? If I acted earlier?" "How did I loose touch with her to such an extent when we were so close just a few months ago?" Is this trauma so common? Everytime my mind is idle it goes back to that. Only feeling a slight comfort when dreaming about what could have been or an impossible series of events that brings you back together. "Am I obsessed?" I wonder...Am I?

Yeah...I don't need any better reason to act when I have to....but I still don't and I still regret. pathetic!

You hit the nail on the head Nevermore....now I'm depressed again :/ Though I think I'm glad someone else experienced something similar...maybe.

Those are the same exact feelings that run through my head every night,the worst are the dream that you think are real then when you wake up your alone.. I've noticed that relief comes with time, and eventually I'll forget it all again and then maybe I can get on with life, but that's going to take a long time I think. Thank you for taking the time to read something so long, I'm sorry I made you depressed though:(
NeverMore said:
the worst are the dream that you think are real then when you wake up your alone.. I've noticed that relief comes with time, and eventually I'll forget it all again and then maybe I can get on with life, but that's going to take a long time I think. Thank you for taking the time to read something so long, I'm sorry I made you depressed though:(

Yes, I've had those dreams too :/ And its okay I certainly don't regret reading your story. And yeah it seems the more time you give it the more often you forget, but when you remember it is again stuck in your head.
Hi Nevermore.... I just wanted to thank you for sharing such a personal story with us. The way you described young love was so beautiful.... it honestly brought tears to my eyes.... I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Hey Nevermore, I like the story. I have problems sleeping at night too..will I ever find someone again?

I believe every time we love romantically we permanently damage part of the soul. I'm not talking about love for family or your best friend. Every time love is lost it becomes harder to love again. The next woman I find will probably have to wait a year before hearing
'I love you'....
diamond-dancer said:
Hi Nevermore.... I just wanted to thank you for sharing such a personal story with us. The way you described young love was so beautiful.... it honestly brought tears to my eyes.... I'm sorry it didn't work out.

I'm sorry I made you cry DD, you gotta believe me it was never my intention:(. I'm glad you thought it was beautiful, so did I and I was there.:).....:(

Have fortune cookies ever been scarily accurate for anyone here? After yesterday I'm starting to think there may be something else to them after opening the one cookie I took and it read:

One always regrets what one should have done. Remember that next time.

How strange is that?
NeverMore said:
And make sure they know you mean it with every fiber of your being, don't make the same mistake as me and live your life regretting things that you never said...My wedding day could have been in Spring...

True words... If you love someone the words should be spoken to them with as much sincerity as you can muster. It doesn't matter if the love is reciprocated or even if you feel like you're making a complete fool of yourself. I too have had many regrets in my life over things that were never said. Never again will I keep things like this bottled up...

Touching story...and I can relate all too well.
NeverMore said:
Have fortune cookies ever been scarily accurate for anyone here? After yesterday I'm starting to think there may be something else to them after opening the one cookie I took and it read:

One always regrets what one should have done. Remember that next time.

How strange is that?
I know! Stuff like these happen to me often too..
Strange, but it's like those things were talking to me lol :D
Bet you feel like that too.
mink said:
NeverMore said:
Have fortune cookies ever been scarily accurate for anyone here? After yesterday I'm starting to think there may be something else to them after opening the one cookie I took and it read:

One always regrets what one should have done. Remember that next time.

How strange is that?
I know! Stuff like these happen to me often too..
Strange, but it's like those things were talking to me lol :D
Bet you feel like that too.

I feel like that sometimes as well, like there's something guiding me on a set course, have you ever had one of those moments where you suddenly know what your supposed to do and your body unconsciously does it all the while your brain is just along for the ride? So far I've had two moments like this in my life, one was the day I met her... the other was an ordinary day in class when I felt I was supposed to stand up and without wanting to or telling my body to, I stood up and a pencil went flying by where I was sitting, it kinda frightened me at the time, I thought I was getting schitzefrenia or something...

I just want to say thanks to everyone that took the time to read my story it meant a lot to me that someone else could experience what I felt then and still do feel now and even though I still don't know what to do, I'll still be around the forums, feel free to PM me with advise or whatever it'd all be greatly appreciated:)
NeverMore said:
I feel like that sometimes as well, like there's something guiding me on a set course, have you ever had one of those moments where you suddenly know what your supposed to do and your body unconsciously does it all the while your brain is just along for the ride? So far I've had two moments like this in my life, one was the day I met her... the other was an ordinary day in class when I felt I was supposed to stand up and without wanting to or telling my body to, I stood up and a pencil went flying by where I was sitting, it kinda frightened me at the time, I thought I was getting schitzefrenia or something...
Lol well I'm sure this is something one would experience at least once in their lifetime? I don't know..lol but yes I've had this before too. It felt cool for awhile lol..but then again, it happened only once or twice before. :D
mink said:
NeverMore said:
I feel like that sometimes as well, like there's something guiding me on a set course, have you ever had one of those moments where you suddenly know what your supposed to do and your body unconsciously does it all the while your brain is just along for the ride? So far I've had two moments like this in my life, one was the day I met her... the other was an ordinary day in class when I felt I was supposed to stand up and without wanting to or telling my body to, I stood up and a pencil went flying by where I was sitting, it kinda frightened me at the time, I thought I was getting schitzefrenia or something...
Lol well I'm sure this is something one would experience at least once in their lifetime? I don't know..lol but yes I've had this before too. It felt cool for awhile lol..but then again, it happened only once or twice before. :D

O well, even if I am schitzefrenic, at least I'll have someone to talk to, and that's an uplifting thought:D
I'm such an idiot.... Just now I saw she was online and I said hi but she didn't answer back, I feel terrible now and just a couple of seconds ago I was feeling happy... I reached out and tried to break the month long barrier of akward silence ever since I asked that stupid question, but I got stomped all over and it feels really bad... I don't know what to do, I swore I'd always be there for her, but she makes me feel so depressed...I don't know what to do, should I never talk to her again and forget everything, is there salvaging this friendship? What in the world am I supposed to do? I feel like scum...
wow... that's quite a story... i got a little teary too while reading it - i've experienced some of those feelings before too...

have you considered writing her a long letter/email to tell her how you feel? maybe to let her know what you really wanted and how you truly feel about her? essentially it's putting yourself in a really vulnerable spot now, but maybe it will eliminate the possibility of regret - which, trust me, does help. it helps to get your feelings out and be heard.

she can read it on her own time, and she's not in an awkward position where she has to react immediately. you'll probably feel better anyway, after having told her what you're feeling about this whole situation.

worst case scenario? she doesn't ever respond. or she tells you she doesn't feel the same way and that she's going to marry this other guy. you'll feel a little better, at least, for trying and knowing that you said what you needed to say.

in any case, i really hope you find happiness. you seem like a good person, and it's clear that you are very caring. i know this time in your life is very difficult, but you will get through it. focus on yourself - do things that make you happy - treat yourself to something - tell yourself how great you are - think positively. or at least try.

best of luck hun... and remember to try not to frown because you never know who's falling in love with your smile! :)
Hey Nevermore,

From one guy lost by love to another, forget her. Drop her from your buddy list, phone, or anything that reminds you of her. Thinking about her will bring nothing but hurt to your soul because of the feelings you had. I'll be honest, it took me 6 months to a year to forget an old flame, but talking to her again is like pounding on a bruise. You're not making it better :p . You're a good guy, so go out and do good things that you find fun. You're in college, so you're in a good place to let your worries go. Hit the gym, that's the best natural antidepressant available. Also head out to clubs and gatherings of things you're interested in. I made a few friends through an anime club this way hehe. This comic will give you an idea =) http://xkcd.com/267/

Learn from the past and use it to avoid the problems you'll have for the future. Make sure you communicate your feelings across.

I'll relate my experience. I was madly in love with my ex for a year and a half. It really lasted until she traveled for a few weeks and she didn't care for me when she came back =(. I felt like a puppy thrown into the street hehe. Getting over girls is tough, but the best you can do is take care of yourself and do things that you enjoy. It's what I've been doing for the past years, and I've been extremely happy. I mean, every so often I get a bit sad with my single status, but between submerging myself into books, drowning in work, and riding waves at the beach, I can keep my head above water =)

Btw your icon reminds me of a character from the bleach anime :p.
Thank you so much for the advice, both of you! Let me tell you what happened, I was about to go to sleep when she suddenly replied and we had a normal conversation as if nothing had ever happened, so apparently it's as if nothing ever happened, which is for the best I suppose, and we can continue our friendship at least that's what I plan on doing.

As far as a long letter telling her how I feel, I can't do that because I would never want to make her feel guilty about being in her current happy relationship, I would never want to tarnish that for her. And it's hard to explain but I don't love her in a way that a secret admirer loves someone but I love her as one friend loves another, just that feeling amplified. I know staying like this won't relieve any of my regret but at least it's calm. Bri, thank you for all the kind words, they made me smile, and your right, you never know who's falling in love with your smile, so for now I'll smile and be happy

There is one reason why I won't cut her from my life:

1. One day we were sitting in accounting and somehow we got talking about how we both have low self confidence, and we laughed about it, and I said: "Don't worry because I'll always be there for you to help you out when you need me", she looked me straight in my eyes and whispered an audible "Thank you". I don't plan on going back on my word any time soon..

Exercise does help when I'm feeling down, sometimes I'll just drop down and start doing push ups or sit-ups, it really does help,:D even though I think my roomate thinks I'm crazy for doing that,lol. I did try to go to my college's anime/ D&D/video games club but I didn't like it there much and so I stopped going halfway through the semester, it's everything lumped together and if your not into D&D or Magic and stuff you feel sorta left out, so yea.. I love the beach, that's the ultimate stress relief, and I'm so close it's fantastic, it's just way to cold right now, dang winter. And my icon is that guy from Bleach I'm glad someone recognized it:p, it's a good series, I'm up to like episode 47 or so, very enjoyable.

But ah well I'm not going to think about this any more it being finals week the week after next, so I'll have plenty of stuff to do to keep my mind from wandering, thx again for the advice it really helps to see the situation from someone else's eyes, and here's to the kindness of strangers:

wow. that brought a tear to my eye. im in a situation almost like yours!!!

First day of college, I was in line to get some assistance for a class that I havent gotten registered yet. Apparently, I was in the wrong line, I told the girl behind me that she can move forward. She looked at and said, "O, your not getting your access card?". I said, no. the whole time she was smileing and blushing, and me, im kinda shy so I just smiled back. Later that I know, She was IN MY NEXT CLASS!!!....

for one month in class, we both looked at each other. then after that, i started to talk to her about class and all. About a couple of weeks into that, she gave me her number to tell her the hw assignment of that day because she had to leave her. Me, i thought she wanted me to talk to her. a couple of days later, i texted her. About two weeks after that, i asked her out to coffee. We went out for coffee, talked for hour and a half. Went pretty good, but since then, its been quiet. I havent really talked to her. I texted her again a week after we went out for coffee if she wanted to go out again for coffee, she said she couldnt due to working in the mornings. Then i asked her what about before class, she couldnt bc she had to study and go to work.

I reallly like this girl alot, I told her alot of personal stuff during coffee that i dont tell alot of other ppl. the class is almost ending and i dont have alot of time left. I dont get a chance to talk to her, shes barely in class anymore. Shes always with her friends or on the phone. I want to express my feelings to her but I want it done in person and privately.

Again to OP, good story. I wont let this down, Im going to tell her how i feel about her and I hope she feels the same way.
Do it nolife4life, that's all I have to say, don't let this slip by you. If you care for her let her know how you feel and you can't go wrong, let us know how things are going eventually:)

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