World has gone to sh-t

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Yeah I would say I'm depressed.
I don't want to make the young people too depressed, because after all they will take over. But this is alonelylife, right, not "a beautiful, rich, wonderful, social, powerful life and let everybody know it!"

The past 8 or so years in particular have been tough. I don't remember it being like this. I have done the right thing and diligently saved, treated people around me with respect and have been a good member of society and my reward is ridicule, scorn, and to be ignored. Meanwhile it seems that the loudest, most boastful, most obscene people do well. Everything has become about talking as loudly as you can, showing yourself off to others, and trying to make as much money as you possibly can. Humans don't seem to be interested in anything else.

Religion is corrupt. Government is corrupt. Finance is corrupt. Media shower nonsense on us all day nonstop from all angles. Everywhere is becoming crowded. Rush "hour" is 3 hours. Prices of everything are going up, not down. Wages stagnant or down. Bubbles all over the place, with people wanting to get in and sell to the greater fool. Welfare bums and old people proliferating. People celebrate celebrity, degenerate, pornographic culture and expect government and the healthcare system to pick up the tab for all of their mistakes. Stupidity is celebrated, intelligence and restraint are mocked. Music mostly sucks, movies mostly suck, TV sucks. Fake, shallow people are paid millions to show themselves on a screen doing the same thing over and over. Everything is fake, repetitive and boring, there are no places left to explore and when you try to do something new, you find it's been done 1000 times before, when you try to go somewhere yourself or in a small group, you find thousands of people there.

Anyways we have to live right, make the best of it.
lonelydoc said:
Yeah I would say I'm depressed.

But the thing is... I don't think I am depressed. I am just recognizing reality. I agree with everything you say. Everything is horrible lately. Perhaps we are in similar views of the world. If you don't have to "commute" you don't see it but it is insane to me that people put up with a three hour commute, and they do. It is insane that people are apparently willing to allow people to steal from them with rampant fraud. It is insane that so may horrible people are glorified for being loud and horrible.

Here is one of my theories... that gives me hope. Not to throw a generation under a bus but, I find a lot that is wrong with this world is 100% related to the baby boomers. The "me" generation. Not only are they still all about them, raping and pillaging what they want at the expense of everyone else... but..they have taken some of their crazy ideas out on society and other ideas cannot get through because they are in the majority. I also feel some of it is influenced by drugs. At least 50% of them are on long term drugs such as satins that I think gives them brain damage. (brain fog)

I used to work with a group of baby boomers 58 to 70 and I found them completely selfish, crazy, and so loud,evil and completely inflexible. Then I changed to a group younger and same age and they are so different. They see all these things that I do... they are team players and really care about others and the world in general. They can remember things and instinctively give respect. When I consider the people around me that are insane and make things worse, they are all in that age range (baby boomer)... AND, in a larger society, everyone who is in "charge" are from that generation.

At work, just this year many of that generation has been forced into retirement and things have changed markedly for the better.

So my theory is that around 2001 the last of the greatest generation started leaving their jobs / dying and the baby boomers fully took over being "in charge" and as that happened, things got worse, and now they full suck, but, at this point... the oldest of the baby boomers are starting to be forced into retirement and the younger generations are starting to push into "in charge" and so by 2025, I do think we will start to see things get fixed. We just have to hold on.

I am on my condo board where I live and my two condo trustees other than me are 60 and 70 respectively and I have never seen more brain damaged bad idea people in my life. In addition to the scary idea that they can't remember anything, their entire view of the world is just selfish. None of the younger people want to be on the board, but I don't blame them. Butting heads with the selfish baby boomers that currently run the board isn't worth it, but, sooner or later the older generation will have to get of the board and then we can make some progress. We used to have a property manager who was 70. He was HORRIBLE. He could not remember anything. Yet, no one would say a world.
lonelydoc said:
Yeah I would say I'm depressed.
I don't want to make the young people too depressed, because after all they will take over. But this is alonelylife, right, not "a beautiful, rich, wonderful, social, powerful life and let everybody know it!"

The past 8 or so years in particular have been tough. I don't remember it being like this. I have done the right thing and diligently saved, treated people around me with respect and have been a good member of society and my reward is ridicule, scorn, and to be ignored. Meanwhile it seems that the loudest, most boastful, most obscene people do well. Everything has become about talking as loudly as you can, showing yourself off to others, and trying to make as much money as you possibly can. Humans don't seem to be interested in anything else.

Anyways we have to live right, make the best of it.

Sorry to hear things have been tough for you the last 8 years, lonelydoc. I have no idea what age demographic you are but I feel like I'm at an age now where enjoying the fruits of my labors are just out of reach yet I'm old enough to be past the point of happy oblivion I had in my 20s about the trials and tribulations of life. It's a recipe for pure anxiety and depression.
I stumbled on an article in The Atlantic a few months ago - apparently many people - across all cultures, rich and poor - go through some kind of low period around 40 or 50ish. It certainly made me feel like maybe things will get better sometime. Here is it, if you're interested (I dislike the phrase midlife crisis but they use it in the title):

Rodent said:
So you say. And once again you seem to believe you can force others into acceptance and tolerance by telling them all the things that are wrong with them. Nothing stops these people from helping only themselves, but you aren't stopping them either with that kinda talk.

If you want to change people for the better, show them something inspiring right before their eyes. By not being racist, bigoted or ignorant. It's the snowball principle. Sometimes it's just about showing there's still decency in this world. A stranger's little act of kindness and impartiality can go a long way.

I believe you become a hero by not trying to become one, but by merely doing the right thing day after day. Being marked a hero does most people no good in the long run anyway. Once people start idealizing you, they stop doing anything by themselves because they think you are not as good and capable as you are. They might still listen to you, but they don't understand you anymore because they can't approach you as equal.

I just wonder how that "overwhelming" looks to you. The more I listen, the more it sounds like the famous "We have to cleanse the earth with fire first" approach. And I don't like that very much as I pointed out before.


So as long as you conserve your idealistic mindset without actually doing anything beyond arguing what is right and what needs to be done by your own standards, your one percent is better than everything else's.

I'm sorry, but we got enough of your likes already. People talking about big ideas and plans, aiming so high up the ladder that they think they can look down on everyone who starts making a change at the bottom - with actual deeds and not only with words. But these are the people that actually change the world by starting small and working their way up while you'll still stand at the bottom preaching.

And I remember very well how you didn't even want to share your "ideas" how you'd go on about changing the world if you were actually in charge, because they were so very despicable by common standards...but I forgot that you are oppressed, isn't that right? So no, I don't expect anything more than that from you.
You haven't heard a word I've said at all, have you?
Your arguments are nothing but fictional straw men. This conversation went no where. I can't even properly reply to any of it without inadvertently getting the mods involved. You set that up. You intentionally forced this conversation downhill.

All I was trying to do is point out the fact that we're not all "bit players" here in this world and that this sort of ideology should NOT be encouraged as it was. We are a part of society no matter if you like it or not, so in truth this means that many of us can and will work together to make a difference. It also means that you can't make a difference alone, because that's what everyone tries to do already and it fails. Even if you think these sort of fires will start ablaze underneath someone else, even if you think it 'makes a big difference', inevitably the only sounds you make are drowned out by the bigger, louder groups. In reality you change nothing, because there ARE people working against you to prevent change. You might even be one of those people doing it unintentionally to someone else. You just don't realize it, because it's all about 'you'. It's too easy to forget everyone else, isn't it? You might think I'm the one trying to cleanse the world in fire, but you have yet to realize the torch in your own hand.

Have fun doing your "one percent". I'm done here.

Sorry, Topic Creator, I hope you find the help you need.
The world is going to hell yes. I'm not depressed. I'm despaired by the reality of being trapped by my finances in a world going to hell.
Agreed - the world has taken a massive turn for the worst. People are not friendly any more, everyone is self centered and it seems the American Dream has died. I'm tired of this merry go round. I want off.

lonelydoc said:
I know it sounds like a broken record, and it can certainly depress people more, but it's true. I mean, what will it take for you people to admit it?

We have rapidly overpopulated the planet and are drawing down the earth's finite supply of resources so that a few amazingly wealthy old people can get even wealthier. We are depleting the oil, wiping out entire species, polluting the air, warming and acidifying the oceans, and patting ourselves on the back for a job well done.

We work, work, our entire lives to pay taxes to corrupt governments that distribute money to themselves and to wasteful projects for big corporations. We work, work, to pay inflated rent and mortgage on overpriced homes, all so the banks can make even more money. And when the banks go bust, they are bailed out with more printed money, which creates even more inflation that we must work harder to overcome. The debts always increase, they are never paid back.

We get old, tired, broken before we even get to enjoy life, and then face medical bills that are designed to bankrupt us and our children, so they can face the same life of drudgery that we do.

All of this is labeled "progress"

If you complain about any of this, you have a few options:
1) *removed* - mod edit - that is not allowed here
2) go to prison

I'm afraid that we screwed up and screwed up big time. I place no hope in humanity, none at all.

Does anybody see any hope in their lives, or for humanity?
Yes, the world has gone to sh-t, and it's all because of the Poop. (Pope)
The poop and his Jesuits are behind most con-spear-a-seas.

They are probably not even real people. AI (Artificial Intelligence) These are the Archons. The Agent Smith of the Matrix movies.
JOS 8:26 For Joshua drew not his hand back, wherewith he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of AI.

The Orakians fight with Robots. (Religions, Matrix, Seth, Sephiroth)
The Layans use monsters. (Esoteric symbolism, beasts, prophecies, etc)

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