Would you rather..

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Mmm, nice options. Headache, I think it's easier to deal with.

Would you rather have a home cooked meal, or a meal out?
Meal out.

Would you rather project a positive image or how you're really feeling?
How I really feel, though judging by the reactions around, it`d be preferable the first one.

Would you rather say what you think or keep it to yourself?
Depends on the other party(s), but I like to say what I think (mostly)

Would you rather eat pig tongue or cow brain ? (prepared in any way)
Cow's brains. I've had them fried. It doesn't have much taste by itself so is better seasoned. I'll pass on the pig's tongue.

Would you rather spend the night with a leading man/woman of Hollywood or with someone from the neighborhood watering hole?
I guess i would go with the watering hole.

Would you rather run a marathon or go to a movie?
Argh, to many variables, but I will go with sleep. :)

Would you rather go outside and bring in firewood and build a fire to warm the house up, or just put on a coat and hat?
outside, bring the firewood and build a fire.

Would you rather sleep outside in a hammock or inside in a large bed?
Large bed, winter is coming!

Would you rather lose $40 every time you sneeze or lose the ability to tell the difference between a sandwich and a crocodile?
Sweep if it is for the work, mop if it is for the results.

Would you rather be a baboon or read a book?
um both , why can't i display my rainbow bum while heading to the library

would you rather take a bus tour of a foreign land or a cruise on the open ocean ?
Cruise on the open ocean

Would you rather climb a cliff or abseil down?
Umm, I don't like being ignored but don't want to be infamous either !! I guess ignored...

Would you rather hang out by a fire or go to a casino
Depends on my mood.

Would you rather be complex or simple?

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