Yeah, Why not.

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Feb 26, 2010
Reaction score
East Coast Of Nowhere
I was randomly googling various things when I came across this site no more than 40 minutes ago. After a long browse through various threads and boards, I decided I liked the community, and would happily become a part of it.

I personally feel that the boards main purpose isn't aimed at me, I feel really content with my social stance, blah, blah, blah, but I don't mind talking about various subjects, offering support, and having a safety net of interesting and caring people behind me, should I ever need the assistance.

I'm Osty, a 17 year old student from the East coast of Scotland. (Not a patriot, nor a stereotype, think twice before making jokes about my nationality. It will come back at you and bite you in the ass.) I'm a College slacker, studying computer animation, programming, sound design, and whatnot. When I'm not pretending to know what I'm doing with a computer I'm playing video games, or drawing. I like art, but feel I'm only ever continuing to learn things, and never actually finishing anything decent. Hell, it wasn't until about half a year ago I started getting the hang on scaling figures right. ****, hands are irritating to draw. >:U
I'm a little shy at times, and I'm diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome or something I really don't care about, but other than that, I like to think I'm an alright guy, in general.
My friends have called me bipolar before, thanks to my tendancy to either be really strict and srs, or just not take anything serious. Which isn't actually the real meaning of Bipolar, anyway, but whatever.

I do tend to ramble when I type, normally because I simply type my train of thought without any sort of consideration for the posts length or topic. So, I'll leave it at this before I branch out into something utterly irrelevant. x3
I always find introduction threads a little difficult. What's too much and what's not enough?
Welcome to the site, Ostler5k. You should check out our chatroom and come say hello! :D

Maybe some other time, I'm not hanging around for much longer tonight, so I'm just looking to use the forum for now.
Nonetheless, thanks for your welcome. :3
hey, saw that you tried to get into chat last night. SOrry there werent any mods around to let you in :(

Welcome to ALL though :)
Hey Ostler5k welcome to the forum

ohh you draw? you should post some of your pictures here sometime I'd really like to see them and ya i agree hands are a pain in the as, but i think doing feet are harder

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