Are you a DAY or NIGHT person?

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Sep 8, 2022
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I've been both...

Mostly throughout my entire life, I've been the night person. Whether that is because I chose to be or because I was on someone else's schedule who worked nights.

I gotta say, I always preferred the night - I felt like I might "miss" something if I was sleeping... haha silly, but nonetheless true.

Then when I got on a day schedule, I enjoyed not having sleep issues. When you have that routine of being awake in the day, you don't worry about not being able to sleep because you're just laying down when the sun is rising.

The older I get, I think I *almost prefer the day just for the convenience of easy-sleeping.... but old habits die do hard - and I can't let go of being the night-owl. What say you? Night or Day? :cool:
I've been both too and still am I guess. Imo night owls are drunker, smarter, and get more booty but morning types may be happier.
I used to sleep at 8am and wake up at 5pm. It was something i did for a very long time (massively unhealthy) but insomnia came along and kicked me in the nads for about a month. Everyday i'd wake up at 1pm feeling dead, so i needed medication to help get rid of it. I sleep at normal hours now, but i do miss the late nights sometimes.
I used to sleep at 8am and wake up at 5pm. It was something i did for a very long time (massively unhealthy) but insomnia came along and kicked me in the nads for about a month. Everyday i'd wake up at 1pm feeling dead, so i needed medication to help get rid of it. I sleep at normal hours now, but i do miss the late nights sometimes.
Rarely...but sometimes I lay in bed around 5am and literally toss and turn and TRY to go to sleep and it can reach 9 am by the time I finally pass out. I've found certain bedtime teas do help with this. one in particular... this yogi bedtime tea. This only usually tends to happen on the New or Full Moon cycles. very disruptive sleep.

it reminds me of when I was a child and couldn't sleep sometimes.. I'd get anxiety from not being able to just go to sleep. I hate that "wired" feeling when I should be having some pleasant Slumber 💤
Sometimes I lay in bed around 5am and literally toss and turn and TRY to go to sleep and it can reach 9 am by the time I finally pass out. I've found certain bedtime teas do help with this. one in particular... this yogi bedtime tea.

it reminds me of when I was a child and couldn't sleep sometimes.. I'd get anxiety from not being able to just go to sleep. I hate that "wired" feeling when I should be having some pleasant Slumber 💤
Oh yes, i know what you mean about the "wired" feeling 100%. It's really tedious and when it happens to me it takes a while to get rid of it, as it makes my head feel super heavy 🤭 😂
Yep... insomnia sucks. Somniloquy sucks too. Finally getting to sleep after 2 days and after an hour you wake yourself up having a conversation...major pain in the ass. Then comes another 18 hours no sleep.
Oh yes, i know what you mean about the "wired" feeling 100%. It's really tedious and when it happens to me it takes a while to get rid of it, as it makes my head feel super heavy 🤭 😂
and HEAVY eyes the next day after you only had 4 hours of sleep! lol.

I noticed this is happening more and more often to people currently too
I've been both too and still am I guess. Imo night owls are drunker, smarter, and get more booty but morning types may be happier.
You're probably right on the happier point.
I'm a homebody in general.. I could be wrong but I think "homebodies" traditionally tend to be the night owls :unsure:
Day, I like to sleep at night when it is dark. Not to say I don't like the night, I rather do. I like the calm peacefulness of nighttime. Of course you need to be careful where you go at night since there are a lot of weirdos around.
Day, I like to sleep at night when it is dark. Not to say I don't like the night, I rather do. I like the calm peacefulness of nighttime. Of course you need to be careful where you go at night since there are a lot of weirdos around.
I agree with that weirdos part. When i am outside they look for me and find me with ease, so while walking when it's dark/late i'm already worn out from looking around and watching everything. Even before on a walk some guy just bellowed some random honeysuckle and i had no clue what he even said (he was alone and not on a phone).
Im a night person because that's when I shift into my natural self.
Yeah, we know........Ha! Ha!
Day, I like to sleep at night when it is dark. Not to say I don't like the night, I rather do. I like the calm peacefulness of nighttime. Of course you need to be careful where you go at night since there are a lot of weirdos around.
True on the creepy nutters being out at night. It's why I stay home. (y)
I'm definitely a day person. But, I used to wake up in the middle of the night and walk through the city for a few hours. Very few cars and very few people out. Then I would go back to sleep. The next morning it almost seemed like it was a dream and didn't really happen.

I would sometimes take a high bounce ball with me and bouce it off the buildings as I passed them by. Then I started collecting little alcohol botles. Those things just seem really cool to me for some reason. Plus I can store alcohol for my camping stove in them.

But, I stopped doing it AND moved because I got jumped twice, shot at (only missed me by a foot), propositioned regularly, offered to buy drugs, chased by dogs, and followed by cops. I carried a gun and kept it read to go. I was going to shoot back at the driveby guy BUT I didn't want to miss and accidentally hit someone else because he was quickly speeding away.
I'm definitely a day person. But, I used to wake up in the middle of the night and walk through the city for a few hours. Very few cars and very few people out. Then I would go back to sleep. The next morning it almost seemed like it was a dream and didn't really happen.

I would sometimes take a high bounce ball with me and bouce it off the buildings as I passed them by. Then I started collecting little alcohol botles. Those things just seem really cool to me for some reason. Plus I can store alcohol for my camping stove in them.

But, I stopped doing it AND moved because I got jumped twice, shot at (only missed me by a foot), propositioned regularly, offered to buy drugs, chased by dogs, and followed by cops. I carried a gun and kept it read to go. I was going to shoot back at the driveby guy BUT I didn't want to miss and accidentally hit someone else because he was quickly speeding away.
Hahaaa wow.. that sounds kind of gnarly though.. fascinating night-time tales I'm sure you've got! The part about waking up in the middle of the night to walk around peacefully sounds so cozy to me. I love the stillness of the night. ;)
Hahaaa wow.. that sounds kind of gnarly though.. fascinating night-time tales I'm sure you've got! The part about waking up in the middle of the night to walk around peacefully sounds so cozy to me. I love the stillness of the night. ;)
There's something very peaceful about taking a walk around outside when the world is sleeping. Very good for walking meditation.. Minus the crazy drug dealers & street-walkers lol
Both. It's complicated.
My sleep schedule is entirely dependent on my work schedule, and my work schedule is inconsistent because I'm in assistant management and have to have open availability to maintain adherence to the bar of standard. The exception to that of course is that if I get another job, provided it doesn't conflict with my hours at my current job, my boss will be willing to give me a fixed, block schedule. But otherwise, someone calls out, I've gotta make calls, if there's a technical problem, I've gotta go up there, if there's a security issue, I've gotta go up there. etc.

But on a personal level, I'm a night person.
I always have been. It's more peaceful at night, it's quieter, I can think clearer and do my leisurely stuff better at night.

So my days are about me being a responsible adult, and my nights are about me subjectively as a creative mind trying to reflect on the day, decompress and relax.

I really only sleep for about 5 hours a night.
Unless it's oddball weeks with schedules, or some dumb thing/s that jam up some of my time for being responsible during the day, then I just don't sleep at all, and sleep when I get home from work.
Definitely night. I work nights. I feel safe in the dark. There's a special kind of peace in the darkness...

....I'M BATMAN! 😉
Most of the people in my life work nights too, I'm very accustomed to it! Usually the weekend is when they can catch up on the missed 💤

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