Recent content by kingsfade

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. kingsfade

    Embracing newfound loneliness

    I hadn't logged onto this site since 2016. I found it in 2011. I was always the kind of person that people generally thought was a good guy but that never equated to people becoming friends with me. Most folks were always basically acquaintances. This started to look up as an undergrad, I...
  2. kingsfade

    What are you thinking right now?

    Just finished my first year of grad school, for the first time in years I'm not working and I have absolutely nothing planned for the summer and I'm so happy about that. Just focusing on myself is my summer motto.
  3. kingsfade

    lgbt out there?

    I feel you there. Bi Latino in CA.
  4. kingsfade

    Reaching out

    Hey there, feel free to shoot me a message if you'd like.
  5. kingsfade

    A lonely guy says hi

    Greetings man!!! I can definitely relate feel free to hit me up!
  6. kingsfade

    What are you thinking right now?

    I'm thinking that i'm so sleepy...also have on my mind a research paper and reading that I should work on at some point today. Lastly I'm thinking about a recently gifted bottle of whiskey that sitting on my desk waiting for some company.
  7. kingsfade

    Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity

    Jeff Bridges, would love to grab a beer and start a band with this guy.
  8. kingsfade

    List of what state everyone is from...

    21 M CA
  9. kingsfade


    I was just wondering if there were other Latinos on the forum to talk pendejadas with. lol. But heck i'll talk pendejadas with anyone.
  10. kingsfade

    How old do people think you are?

    I get that i'm 26-27. I'm just turning 21. It make's me wonder what about me make people think i'm that much older.
  11. kingsfade

    Roommate Rant

    *****Not sure if profanity is allowed but i've got a roommate rant that I need to get out******* So I'm at home today....doing some work, the summer's over I didnt get to do honeysuckle since i've been working all summer. I'm broke as hell having paid for the upcoming semester and books so I...
  12. kingsfade


    Out of curiosity any latinos or latinas on here?
  13. kingsfade

    Friends? Worth it?

    @PlasticSpork You pretty much echo my sentiments. For me socializing is hard, i'm not sure how other people just go about and start talking to people and next thing you know they are really good friends and making plans and whatnot, it's just something that I can't do. There's nothing wrong with...
  14. kingsfade

    Friends? Worth it?

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm better off alone than having friends. Having to deal with the complications of friendships, the feelings of feeling used and abused, the conflicts, the eventual breaking down or drifting of friendships. Granted the time one spends with others can be great but what if...
  15. kingsfade

    Life Rant...

    I'm a student attending a community college, this was the year that I was finally supposed to be finished and transferring out to a university. I applied to 10 schools and got accepted into 7 of them, I was happy all of my hard work paid off but the life got in the way. I had some personal...