Recent content by that1guy

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  1. that1guy

    Days in High School

    Yeah i am worried that same thing could happen to me. I really dont want that to happen. I hate seeing high school related things in the media too. Thanks for posting bud. I'm actually trying to join the Marines so I hopefully will get a new start and try to make up for what I missed out on...
  2. that1guy

    Worst memory from elementary/high school?

    Yeah at the homecoming rally for my school I accidentally bood my own schools team. I was the only person booing and I looked like a complete idiot. I have also said alot of stupid honeysuckle that I regret saying in classes that at the time I thought was funny.
  3. that1guy

    Days in High School

    So today is May 23, 2009 and this friday is my last day of high school forever.Im partly happy because i'm finally gonna get away from all the bs that a loner like myself had to deal with every day but i'm also kinda sad because now it is off into the real more parents support like I...
  4. that1guy


    Whats up royal. Im a loner in high school to who is also from California. If you wanna chat you can pm me or email me.
  5. that1guy

    you ever just feel like you dont have a place?

    Yeah i feel the same exact way pretty much. I am still in high school and my social life is pretty much a joke. I never really got into drugs or drinking and I hate how people have to worry so much about celebrities...I think it is a way to escape from their own miserable lives. Im so happy that...
  6. that1guy

    Central Valley?

    Hey i'm just wondering is there anyone who lives in northern ca? More specifically in the central valley? Even more specifically in the Modesto, Tracy, Stockton or Manteca area. I wanna know if i'm the only person in that area or if there are more besides me and IGETNONE that are on this site.
  7. that1guy

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  8. that1guy

    From No. Calif. looking for penpal or more...

    Hey whats up im from nor cal 2. I live near modesto.
  9. that1guy

    Are you from the Pacific Coast States?

    Yeah i'm from northern california in the modesto area.
  10. that1guy

    I'm scared to be like this forever...

    I'm in my last year of high school and I am worried that everyone around me will move on while i'm stuck where I live forever. I scared I may spend my whole life without someone to love and love me back, and i'm afraid that i'll just be alone with little to no friends and be the guy that nobody...
  11. that1guy

    Lonliness and Food

    I know what you mean. No matter who you are, food will not judge you and it is always there to satisfy you.... I learned the hard way what happens when you eat just because of an emotion.
  12. that1guy

    Am I a mistake?

    So I was thinking the other day with a friend of mine who is also on this website. This question came to mind. Was I a mistake? Was I accidently born? Ive never had a real relationship with a girl, I barely have a social life, people seem to always make fun of me, I am not good at meeting people...
  13. that1guy

    Bad Relationships

    I get none too. hahahahahahahahahaha
  14. that1guy


    Hey everyone. I was hoping that I could maybe get some help with boosting my confidence. I like to play poor pitiful me, as some of you can tell with my posts but I can't be doing that forever if I hope to actually get somewhere in my love/social life. Heres my problems-I can't ever think of...
  15. that1guy

    Question for the women, Facial Hair on Guys - Yay or Nay?

    I had the caterpillar moustache goin on for a couple of years. When I finally shaved it, I found that girls looked at me alot more than before.