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    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to Tearful Jem's post in the thread Where is everybody from? with Like Like.
      Born in Poland, moved to Canada and now residing in the United States. Three citizenships, FTW! :sneaky:
    • Unsigned
      Hey, not to be a downer or anything, but I did feel like it was worth mentioning that someone I know told me recently, that an...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to TheSkaFish's post in the thread Spontaneity... with Like Like.
      I'm half and half. I like routines for things like planning my day, and for doing things that I have to do but don't like to do. I...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to TheSkaFish's post in the thread What are you thinking right now? with Like Like.
      I try to do some of those things myself (limit drinking to going out/special occasions only, which are basically one and the same now...
    • Unsigned
      Yeah I saw it on the news, that must have been horrible to get two back to back hurricanes like that. I messaged someone down there...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned replied to the thread Let's share recipes!.
      Healthy Smoothie - I call it a "Green Goblin". All ingredients must be fresh. - 1/2 hass avocado - handful of spinach leaves - handful...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to Janeenaz's post in the thread Spontaneity... with Like Like.
      I totally feel you on that! I’m all about routines too—having a set schedule really helps me stay grounded. I like to plan my week ahead...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned replied to the thread Spontaneity....
      I think it may be the other way around. My natural introvert tendencies make me need require routines. And my issues with alcohol and...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to ringwood's post in the thread Spontaneity... with Like Like.
      I like a bit of both. I am creature of habit for some things - I generally get up around the same time, have a coffee, shower, get...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to Hermit's post in the thread Spontaneity... with Like Like.
      For me as well. Sponaneity always breeds breeds bad things. People following random impulses always destroy and hurt others. It's no...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned replied to the thread Spontaneity....
      I know that feeling...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to okidoke's post in the thread Spontaneity... with Like Like.
      I don’t get bored. I get lonely. Knowing tomorrow will be as miserable as today isn’t conducive to happiness.
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned replied to the thread Spontaneity....
      Yeah a lot of people are like that. I like boring. Means nothing bad is happening. I don't get "bored" like other people. A 3 hour walk...
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned reacted to okidoke's post in the thread Spontaneity... with Like Like.
      Hmmm, I like to be prepared, but I’m so bored of routine. I’m not adverse to spontaneity. It would liven up my life.
    • Unsigned
      Unsigned posted the thread Spontaneity... in Social Problems.
      Who here hates it as much as I do? I really, really need to be in a routine. To know what's coming. And when and for how long. I...
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