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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    No relationship prospects.

    I've given up on starting a relationship. I've come to terms that there is just no one out there for me. Everyone my age who's around is taken, and online dating sites are no good considering they always recommend people that are three hours away. So I've simply given up.
  2. M

    Loss of enjoyment with hobbies?

    I'm trying to get back into my hobbies, but it's really difficult. I haven't drawn anything in over 3 months and as for my music, I haven't produced anything in over a week. Everything seems like it's on standby in my life, even my hobbies. It's even difficult just to get out of bed in the...
  3. M

    My new track.

    I haven't been on here much lately. Not because I an no longer lonely, but because I've been making tracks like crazy. Here is my latest track. Let me know what you think.
  4. M

    One of my best tracks yet. I'm pretty happy with this one.

    One of my best tracks. I'm pretty happy with this one. Let me know what you think.
  5. M

    Posted my first electronic song.

    Awesome! Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong.
  6. M

    Posted my first electronic song.

    I'll take that as a good thing. Do you like the song?
  7. M

    Posted my first electronic song.

    Youtube Link for people who do not feel like downloading the song.
  8. M

    Posted my first electronic song.

    Just starting out making music. Let me know what you think. I made two tracks before this one, but I think this one is the better one out of the three.
  9. M

    It's my birthday today

    Yeah. I've heard that when you get older the years just fly by. I'm finding that true, and it's kind of making me sad. I also wish that my mum was here to celebrate it with me, as she passed away 4 years ago. I can't help but think of the past and how good it was on birthdays.
  10. M

    It's my birthday today

    thank you.
  11. M

    It's my birthday today

    I turn 22 today. After my 20th birthday, I stopped celebrating. It used to be fun when I was a kid, but now every birthday is just a sad reminder that I'm getting older. I'm not doing anything special today. I got a few birthday cards from family members, which is nice. It's going to be a "stay...
  12. M

    Glow in the Dark BMX project in the works

    I really like that idea. I'll try and figure something out to make it work. I appreciate the idea. I have a UV flashlight, but your idea would definitely save on battery power and would save me from carrying a UV flashlight with me everywhere I go.
  13. M

    Glow in the Dark BMX project in the works

    I still have to time it and see how long it glows for. I do know that the paints are supposed to last for at least 10 years. I used pigments and mixed it with clear paint so that the glow is better and they last longer. There is one company that sells glow in the dark bicycles, but they cost an...
  14. M

    Glow in the Dark BMX project in the works

    I'm calling it "Project Night Rider": a hand painted, fully glow in the dark bicycle that is "charged" with light. Either UV light or sunlight works for charging the paints, but UV light is the best. I'm lowkey excited to see how it turns out when it's done.
  15. M

    Socializing is like a foreign language to me.

    It's a combination of not knowing what to say and just staying quiet because of it, and not understanding why people want to socialize. It's really exhausting for me to try and socialize than it is doing anything else. After like 10 mins of being around people and trying to socialize, I need a...
  16. M

    Gran Turismo 7 (and other racing games)

    I've been playing a lot of Gran Turismo 7 lately. I really like Gran Turismo, as the 4th Gran Turismo for the Playstation 2 was the game that got me into racing games when I was a kid. Does anyone else here like to play racing games?
  17. M

    Socializing is like a foreign language to me.

    I have a hard time understanding jokes and sarcasm. I still laugh at it, but I end up not understanding what the person talking meant. I'm not good at making jokes either. I very often misunderstand what people are saying because I zone out a lot, or get distracted from something I'd rather be...
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    I like to draw, paint and play video games
  19. M

    Relationships are so difficult to obtain these days (bit of a rant)

    I'm also one for interacting socially online. It's less stressful for me, and I can articulate what I want to say much better than in person or over a phone call for example. I also agree with the point you brought up: wanting payoff for little effort and rushing into things. I had a wise...
  20. M

    Relationships are so difficult to obtain these days (bit of a rant)

    It's hard when there's no one around your age to get to know and have an emotional connection to. Online dating is even worse. It's now just a cesspool for hook-ups and one night stands and the bot accounts that supply false hope for a new opportunity to get to know someone are not doing...