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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    I got the job offer in writing, so it's official now :D
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    Thanks everyone! I don't have anything in writing yet so I'm trying not to get too excited :D
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    Happy Birthday L0nely!

    Thank you everyone :D
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    Happy Birthday, Sterling!

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    Company Policy on Loneliness

    That advice is kind of like telling a depressed person to "go do something that'll make you happy."
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    Thanks, Minus.

    Thanks Minus :D
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    Something I like to do.

    Very nice pictures :) You should post more!
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    ........... /\_/\ ...____/ o o \ ./~____=ø= / (___)__m_m) Kitty is not amused.
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    Do you ever get so lonely that you have full conversations with yourself?

    I have conversations with my cat sometimes
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    Pickup Lines

    Haha Soph I can't believe you made this thread. My contribution:
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    The Last Person To Post in X Page Wins xD

    keep telling yourself that (d)
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    Happy bday l0nely!

    thanks everyone! :D
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    If you had (or have) a child....

    What would you do (or do you) to make sure he or she doesn't end up lonely when he or she grows up? If I had a boy I would probably sign him up for sports at an early age and force him to go whether he liked it or not. Probably aggressive ones like boxing and football. I also wouldn't...
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    Happy Birthday, L0nely!

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    Online Scam Tricks Man into Paying $200,000 to Save Fake Girlfriend

    I came across an article here: Some scammer developed a relationship with a lonely man, and eventually tricked him into paying a $200,000 ransom to save "her." This scam went beyond the usual...
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    Administrators: Diary needs responses

    You're always free to PM the author of a message...
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    What do you do to feel safe and secure?

    At night hugging a pillow usually makes me feel secure. What do you guys do? It could be something simple like locking the doors or something more sentimental.
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    Chat Hijinks

    Bonjour (:
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    What's the stupidest thing you've ever done when you had a crush on someone?

    Hmm well the stupidest thing I did was NOT asking my crush out