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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Rainbows

    How do you see love?

    This was the most beautiful thread I've read ever on this forum.
  2. Rainbows

    What's a painful truth you've had to swallow?

    That people don't change. This forum is a good example of it, lol!!!!
  3. Rainbows

    What are you thinking right now?

    Preparing for a 5:30 hr drive in a few days (Well, 23) and I have never driven that far by myself ever. I'm kinda worried in a sense, but then I realised, I've definitely driven 5:30 hrs in a day, just a little bit more spread out over the day and not in one go. Still, terrified. But oh god so...
  4. Rainbows

    Happy Birthday Rainbows

  5. Rainbows

    Can men and women actually "romantically" bond with each other?

    I'm disappointed. I have never, ever, written anything that is like "blaming straight cis males for everything wrong in society". Never ever have I done such a thing. And I would néver do such a thing. You're making big-ass assumptions about me that make no sense whatsoever. Do you even know who...
  6. Rainbows

    Can men and women actually "romantically" bond with each other?

    Are you actually believing this yourself? "Must remain confident and masculine"? What is this? Binary 101?
  7. Rainbows

    What are you thinking right now?

    Having my new SO sleep partly on the pillow, partly on my lap.. his arms always finding his way back around me.. makes me feel so at peace. I don't know how well I will cope with a long distance though.. language.. distance. It's not as easy for me to move here just because..
  8. Rainbows

    What I'm learning from life experience.

    well. i needed to read this. just changed my entire perspective on my situation. ur right. leave her alone and when she comes back, leave her alone.  thanks. maybe i'll feel better tomorrow, haha.
  9. Rainbows

    What are you thinking right now?

    sometimes i really have to stand still and ask myself: we still okay, fam? u okay? u hanging in there? and then the next day im sending flirty memes to spanish guys again; i think i've lost any kind of emotion lol im indifferent recently. yikes. that's what happens when u get ur heart broken i...
  10. Rainbows

    What are you thinking right now?

    I'm having a hard time with myself lately. I don't know. I've been bugging myself with some weird-ass form of selfhate and it's really killing me inside. I've never felt as empty and ugly as I have recently. I can't decide if my irl friends are honeysuckle, I'm constantly chasing people who don't want...
  11. Rainbows

    What are you thinking right now?

    I'm barely here, how should I feel unsafe? lol. I don't care, seriously.  On another note. I re-introduced an allergen today and I'm still alive. Woohoo.
  12. Rainbows

    What Other Forums Do You Post In?

  13. Rainbows

    Loneliness - Cause, Effect, and Solution for a Select Group of People

    I enjoy both of you, don't fight please <3 (Plus Enpatsu's persona is working out for him though, whenever he replies somewhere in a thread I've posted, I feel very protected :P )
  14. Rainbows

    Incel - The Failure of the Modern Man

    This is very true and honestly, it allows also for us to broaden our perspective. Most of these people who have a twisted view on things are just broken or hurt and they get fixated on one idea. There's really no point in trying to argue or change their ideas. Just let it wash over you. Side...
  15. Rainbows

    Incel - The Failure of the Modern Man

    This gave me a good laugh.
  16. Rainbows

    Facebook Question

    dunno, i meet a lot of people through facebook. then again i always already have full confirmation that they're real and they're usually via via connections. :)
  17. Rainbows

    What are you thinking right now?

    Got a new fall-back on my health issue.. again. Resulting in my mental health dropping once more. Finally asked my GP for antidepressants and she just prescribes me food supplements.. we ok, lol.
  18. Rainbows

    Why Did You Choose Avatar/Sig/Name That You Did?

    My username is very gay ♥ . That's why. Enjoy.