21 and no girlfriend

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Your 21 and there's no rush. If a girl doesn't love you for who you are she is obviously not worth it. I'm sorry you feel so alone right now, I feel like that too sometimes but I stopped looking. Concentrate on you. Do new things, get more hobbies, vent in a journal and talk to someone you really trust. If not vent on here, and I'm sure we'll support you. :) Message me if you need someone to talk to ever. :)
No....but I didnt lose my virginity until I was 18. Yet throughout my teens Ive always
had pretty girls chasing me or attracted to me. I had GFs since I was 15.
At the sametime...I was wet behind the ears and didnt really know how to enteract with them.
Luckily my first gf likes me lots as I went through the learning curve.
Even when I lost my virginity...It was a level of intimatcy Ive never experinced.
She too had to hold me by the hands and taught me a lot of things.
Even my ex-wf asked me out....

Being spoil of women asking me out. I was clueless or lack skills of how to ask women out
or how to approach women.

My parents or adults in my life didnt counsel me about the birds and the bees.
Nor I was educated of how to develope healthy relationships, healthy communications...ect.
Even in the sexual department, I was uneducated to women's sexaulity or how to
get women sexaully off.

Getting misguided informatons from my peers/teens that was about as clueless or more clueless
than i was...wasnt a good thing. Throw in brimstone, hell fire or religious guilt. It was a hell of a concept.
When I was in my 20's...informations or resources wasnt as avaliable or open as it is now.

As I got older or became single from time to time. I had to learn how to ask women out.
Educate myself on subjects matters that wasnt taught to me in school...such as getting a woman totally off sexually.
Growning up was more about expanding my horrizon. Trying out new ideas.
Not conforming to other people's old ideas, rules or concepts of how I ought to live or behave like a trainned pet or robot.
Do what works for me.

Even to this day...I still stay willing to learn and grow. Keep an open mind. Willing to change and expand.
Life changes...So I cant always resolve matters in the same old ways either.

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