45 and still have not experienced a sexual relationship..

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Apr 24, 2009
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New Jersey
I'm 45yrs old and still have not experienced a sexual relationship. I don't feel normal. I dated someone a while ago but he turn out to be gay, he just wants to be friends with me. When I see other couples kissing I move away b/c I feel so left out. This is not normal a 45yr old lady who never experienced a sexual relationship makes me feel retarded. I feel sad when I'm alone.
I'd say you're pretty pathetic. :)

Not because of the boyfriend thing, but because you are a deceptive liar, BLUEROSE!
Try this stunt again, and you will be perma-banned from this site.
Your ban has just gone for one month, to six months. Maybe in that time, you can get the help that you seem to need so desperately.
:O oh wow, i get to post in a thread made by THE bluerose (a big honour for me)

i gotta say, even though you have an IQ of 3, have a 1 inch penis which is scary regardless of your true gender, pretty much everyone on ALL against you, 42 or 45 or however old you are and finally have 1 of the worst comeback lines i've seen.

you've earned a bronze star sticker*gives it 2 u* :)
i bet it was worth the 5 month extension :D

and thus i go back into chat...*flys away*
Van Hooligan said:
even though you have an IQ of 3, have a 1 inch penis which is scary regardless of your true gender
Seriously, I cant believe she is 42 or 45 or whatever lol. Van is 17 and he is freaking more matured than Bluerose. lol Pretty much more.
EveWasFramed said:
I'd say you're pretty pathetic. :)

Not because of the boyfriend thing, but because you are a deceptive liar, BLUEROSE!
Try this stunt again, and you will be perma-banned from this site.
Your ban has just gone for one month, to six months. Maybe in that time, you can get the help that you seem to need so desperately.

That's totally not right Eve.... I protest !!!!!!
She could had been the love of my life.
Just think of all the make up sex I could of had, with the feel of cold steel against my throat whiles she's riding me with spurs strapped on
her high heels, and I'm being hand cuffed:(
* both eyes twitching*
Lonesome Crow said:
with the feel of cold steel against my throat

Ewww. No way am I getting involved :p lmao
^^^^^That's just mess up dude...I don't deep throat :(

Especailly english men. They leave a bad taste in my mouth *cries*
JosieL said:
I'm 45yrs old and still have not experienced a sexual relationship. I don't feel normal. I dated someone a while ago but he turn out to be gay, he just wants to be friends with me. When I see other couples kissing I move away b/c I feel so left out. This is not normal a 45yr old lady who never experienced a sexual relationship makes me feel retarded. I feel sad when I'm alone.

Lonesome Crow said:
That's just mess up dude...I don't deep throat :(

Especailly english men. They leave a bad taste in my mouth *cries*

i found someone who does!!!!!
via quotes

...god i hope she/he/it is english
Lonesome Crow said:
Especailly english men. They leave a bad taste in my mouth *cries*

I'm not asking how you know this, lol.
JosieL said:
I'm 45yrs old and still have not experienced a sexual relationship. I don't feel normal. I dated someone a while ago but he turn out to be gay, he just wants to be friends with me. When I see other couples kissing I move away b/c I feel so left out. This is not normal a 45yr old lady who never experienced a sexual relationship makes me feel retarded. I feel sad when I'm alone.

I didn't lose my virginity until I was nearly 24 and before that I thought it would make me feel like Indiana Jones, James Bond and The Prince of Theives all rolled into one.
Okay slight exaggeration but the point is I felt no more normal afterward than I did before. If I had made of an effort to be approachable the oppertunities would have probably arisen more frequently, and if an unsuccessful venture resulted in a platonic relationship with a lesbian, you wouldn't hear me complaining.:D
wolfshadow said:
...the point is I felt no more normal afterward than I did before.

I would have to agree that it really doesn't make you feel more normal. Maybe just a slight amount in that there is another part of a typical life that isn't totally alien to you but as a whole it doesn't go a long ways towards helping you feel normal.

Bluerose said:
When I see other couples kissing I move away b/c I feel so left out.

I could understand that. It can be a reminder of how how isolated or alone we may be. How we may be missing part of the typical human experience.
SophiaGrace said:
Eve how did you know it was bluerose?

Eve is a forum moderator. She can check ip.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. right. I knew that :p
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