A break is required

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user 164061

Sarcastic Overthinker
Nov 15, 2019
Reaction score
I made a post a while back about quitting the forum but I stayed. But my mind/brain are fried beyond belief and I cannot function even more so due to real life issues/my health. A break is needed and I'm not sure when I'll be back. Thanks to the people who gave me advice, made me laugh and helped me out via direct messages when I needed support. No one may even give a honeysuckle about this but it's out there any way now so farewell🤣🤣
Take care of yourself. See ya when you get back. :)
I’m sorry for going on about the running. I didn’t realize that you had injuries. I played soccer up until I was in college so I can imagine what you are dealing with. Anyway, I tried to send you a private message but I couldn’t.
I’m sorry for going on about the running. I didn’t realize that you had injuries. I played soccer up until I was in college so I can imagine what you are dealing with. Anyway, I tried to send you a private message but I couldn’t.
It's fine. I basically messed myself by playing too much while being injured, because when you are young you feel like you are invincible. But that honeysuckle sure does catch up with you in the end 😂

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