A Little Bout Me

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Well, I'm 17 years old, male, in Indiana. I am a graphic/web designer and was a programmer in the past. I went to BPA state in graphic design and team web design and got 2nd in graphics and 3rd in web design. I plan on going to college for graphic and web design and make a living doing what I love.

My Past:
The Downhill
I was a straight A student until 7th grade where I had classes with 2 teachers who had more favoritism then any other teacher. I was one of the people that wasn't liked by these. My science teacher caused me a dark age of depression to the point of attempted suicide twice. Since then, I have made a slow uphill to Low B, High C average. I am going to be a senior in high school come August.

My Old Business
At the age of 15, I was the owner of a fairly decent business that brought in good pay. It later ended me up with 20 grand in the bank for college. This was before my parents stepped in. As soon as I turned 16, they began pursuing me to get a "real job" where I would earn money doing something I don't like. Basically, me experiencing the real world. *rolls eyes*. I then got a job at a local grocery store doing cashier work. I am still there and will be there a year in August. Eventually, when my parents began their current divorce (will explain later), my mom allowed me to get a graphic design job at a local internet provider. I also do work there assisting the graphic designer.

Third Divorce...Wtf?
My parents are currently going through their third divorce (all demanded by my dad). They got together again twice promising to change. Here's the kicker. During the second divorce, my grandma (dad's side) called me a worthless piece of s***. I have still not forgiven her and to this day she denies that she was in the wrong. Well during this divorce, my dad told me in front of my sister that I don't deserve last name. So I don't have communication on my dad's side at all!

My Future
I plan on going to college to get a bachelor's in graphic design and web design (who would have thought). The job outlook for both is increasing and I want to get in the flow before that window closes.

My Relationship
June 5, 2006. I started a great relationship with Ashlee, a girl who was always too shy to talk to anyone. Summer vacation started and I sent her an e-mail just asking her whatsup. We then hooked up and had a GREAT relationship until around prom night where I could tell things were going downhill. On our one year anniversary, we did more arguing then talking. It's a very unstable relationship and while I'm changing to make her happy, she still isn't changing for me.

My name is Michael, I go to Norwell High School, and I kind of enjoy life except at some points.

I look forward to making some friends on this forum and helping it grow and develop!

Hey Michael,

Wow, is that design above yours? It's totally awesome. You're VERY talented. Where do you get your ideas? Just curious.

Your parents sound like they haven't made things very easy for you. A lot of us have gone through very similar situations with our parents as well. So, you might find some of us here really understand what you're going through.

High school just plain sucks, especially if you got the vile teachers it sounds like you've had. But, college won't be like that.

Anyway, welcome to the forum! ;o)

Yes, I made both of those :D

I am one of the few people that have Photoshop CS3 legal and I don't support pircay of third-party software. High School does indeed suck being as I only have one true friend (not counting my gf). People make fun of me daily in high school for being the skinny kid (even though i really don't find myself skinny :D). I prolly won't ever patch what's gotten into with me and my dad but that's fine with me. Karma has a way of biting :D

Thanks Cleo for the welcome!

Awesome graphics!

You got Photoshop CS3? I'm jealous. :eek:)

Hey, pay those mean kids no nevermind. They're probably secretly jealous of you. Seriously. You've got talent!

In high school I got made fun of all the time. If it wasn't one thing it was something else. It sucked yea, but I got through it. And college was great. Totally different than miserable high school.

Your dad, well, ya know what goes around comes around. One day your dad is gonna need something from ya, and sooner or later he'll regret not being there for ya and all that other stuff.. Parents! Ugh, what can I say?! :eek:)

You do any photoshopping?

Lol, i went around a month of no photoshop (it crashed and was too occupied to fix it) but i've done a couple of backgrounds (desktop wallpapers) the past 2 days so that's the first few things i've done in a while. When it comes to signatures...this past month has kinda made me feel like i have lost that touch and creativity i had with sigs. I used to do a lot with brushing but now i seem to do better with the layer masks and gradients.
I love using Photoshop! A few years ago I did some graphic work for a clothing manufacturer, nothing like you, I don't have that sort of talent. But since then I love using the airbrush option! It's fun to just play with Photoshop see where it leads ya. Know what I mean? The layer masks and gradients, wow, I've only used those options a few times. It was rather intimidating, but the possibilities seem endless.
Can I ask how come your parents made you get a "real job"? That seems so lame of them, (sorry, but it does) when you were making good money at something you loved. You don't have to answer that if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Naw, it don't make me feel uncomfortable. It kinda gave me a reason to take some stress out of my life (business is hellish stressful). The money factor I do miss but with my other jobs, i meet more people instead of other business owners as clients.

Being at the cashier job, i'm with people my age and can kinda express myself freely to them.
That's cool. And I'm glad you didn't mind my question.
Having your own business can be hellishly stressful. Been there, done that. The money, yea, I'm sure you do miss that part of it. But ya don't need stress, especially not at your age. :eek:)
Being around those your own age, and getting to meet people, that's cool. You've seem to have really good attitude too, which certainly helps.
I'm an open person so I don't mind personal questions. If someone wants to know something about me, I pray they ask. I don't like when people are shy to ask stuff but i guess i need to change in that aspect...i hold back on questions sometimes :p
Having an own business at the age of 15 is pretty **** impressive. You must be a very gifted person. I hope you follow your plans and don't let your parents tell you what to. Good luck ^^
Hi Michael and welcome to the forum.
I'm very impressed! It's so cool to run a business at 15! I wish I was so smart like you! =)
About those jerks from your school, well I think they are just envious!! =)

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