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A new life

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
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Is there anybody out there who:

Is bored to tears watching grown men chase a ball?

Leaves the room when others start screaming at the TV?

Thinks all interviews with sports figures sound the same?
("We're going to give 127% today and we think we can win!)

Wouldn't cross the street to watch a ball game?

Thinks that sports figures get away with murder in the courts.

Yawns when they go threaten to go on strike?

Please feel free to add your own to the list.

It's a sad thing when educators earn a fraction of what entertainers (to include athletes) earn.
A conversation between a dude talking about sports, and my boyfriend:

Dude: Man, the Bay's game this weekend was great!

BF: Eah, I don't like hockey. (d)

Dude: Uh, no Baseball, dumbass!

BF: Oh, is that the one with the racquets?

Dude: fresia YOU!

I love it. (goo)
SkuzzieMuff said:
A conversation between a dude talking about sports, and my boyfriend:

Dude: Man, the Bay's game this weekend was great!

BF: Eah, I don't like hockey. (d)

Dude: Uh, no Baseball, dumbass!

BF: Oh, is that the one with the racquets?

Dude: fresia YOU!

I love it. (goo)

You funny!
I wouldn't say i'm a hater of sports, i like to play some sometimes but watching sports and talking about it and such is really boring :/
My old group of friends wouldn't shut up about football, probably a factor of why i don't hang around them anymore lol
i wouldnt say that i hate it, its just not for me. i do get bored with it almost immediately. i can see why people who like something competitive would like it. but its just not for me.
I answered yes to all of your statements.

Sports for enjoyment can be beneficial, but following media endorsed sports will always be a harmful thing. They make males more masculine, females off-putting, create unnecessary tension and violence, create hatred, create unfit dreams of success and fame, and keep minds actively dumb.

If sports were not shown on the television and instead replaced with educational programmes, imagine the greater society we would be living in.

Homophobia, racism, testosterone, ignorance, inequality, and awful conversation, would all see a reduction.
Is bored to tears watching grown men chase a ball?
If it is a basketball, every time.

If it is a baseball, or a football, it depends on my mood. In every case, sports are always more fun to watch in person, though.

Leaves the room when others start screaming at the TV?
Once more, depends on my mood. This past superbowl, I watched maybe 2 minutes of it. Superbowl before last, I watched all of it up until the last few minutes.

Thinks all interviews with sports figures sound the same?
I don't watch sports figures interviews. That sounds boring.

Wouldn't cross the street to watch a ball game?
I have crossed the street to watch ball games.

Thinks that sports figures get away with murder in the courts.
This isn't strictly sports figures. This is any rich person with a fantastic defense attorney... or a horrible prosecutor.

Yawns when they go threaten to go on strike?
Yawn? no. Get annoyed with how greedy they are? most definitely. Anyone that makes more than 100K a year that goes on strike deserves to be fired.

Boring sports (to me): tennis, golf, WWE(if that is considered a sport), boxing.

Hockey is very, very boring on TV, but enjoyable to watch in person. (and not because of the fighting)
You know, two years ago I could honestly say that sports put me to sleep better than a magnum glass of NyQuil on a rainy Friday night, with some God Speed You! Black Emperor playing softly in the background.

For the most part, they still do. Football is an excellent sedative. Basketball, drool inducing (although I must admit, it's sort of fun to actually -play- basketball, even if I do suck).

But then, during the last Winter Olympics, I bore witness to the phenomenon of Curling.

Initially it caught my eye and I was forced to at least give it a passing glance, mostly out of curiosity induced by the Johnathon Coulton song, 'Curl'. But then I found myself sitting down, and then I found myself understanding the rules and goals. Then, it was all over. After about an hour, I was pounding on the table and yelling at some people who can't even hear me to scrub the ice harder with their little brooms and put the rock in the house.

But I feel justified. Curling is -strategy-, and trepidation, and the strength of wills smashing against each other in a lightning clash over the ice. And yet, it's respect. The teams are always courteous, shake hands, congratulate each other. And besides all that, it's obscure. And we all know obscure things are better by default.

Seriously though, watch it some time. It's incredible.
Sports bore me to tears. I once had to listen to some one talk on for hours, literally hours, about football / soccer. I wound up pulling at my hair and banging my head against the cupboard. In retrospect maybe it was that that caused the tears, I dunno, but HOURS of being told why soccer is great and important and blah blah, all because my reply to "Which team do you support?" was "None."
I can't stand sports at all. I mean seriously, grown sweaty men chasing balls that want nothing more than to tackle the other grown sweaty men to the ground?

Yeahhhh, that just isn't for me =P
It's not the fairly blatant homo-eroticism that bothers me, but the fact that it goes on for HOURS. Golf has no chasing each other around, but Christ is it less exciting than watching your nails grow.
A new life said:
Is there anybody out there who:

Is bored to tears watching grown men chase a ball?

Leaves the room when others start screaming at the TV?

Thinks all interviews with sports figures sound the same?
("We're going to give 127% today and we think we can win!)

Wouldn't cross the street to watch a ball game?

Thinks that sports figures get away with murder in the courts.

Yawns when they go threaten to go on strike?

Please feel free to add your own to the list.

lol I thought I was the only one. I DETEST sport. Whenever I'm at the gym, it's the only thing on the TV screens and why is it that all sports commentators have the same dull, monotone voices? That's why I hate weekends because it seems to be the only bloody thing on across all 5 channels *in blokey British voice: "FOOTIE!! BEER!! RUGBY!!"
I can play a mean game of squash, but I hate pretty much every team sport known to man. Whats worse is my job strongly encourages playing it, and you're an outcast if you don't. My boss is convinced that we're the cast of a made for TV movie who will forget our differences and build a bond of trust if we only chase a ******* ball around a field for a few hours. I actually hate people more after being forced to do that. Funny how that works.
I think any sport that's watched by tens of thousands of people in arenas,is just a kick back to the times when they used to go watch people getting torn to pieces by wild animals,or made to fight each other to the death.
It was invented by the Romans and called Spectacle,it's still done today in Spain in original Roman arenas but it's called Bullfighting.
The only difference today is that it's football,rugby,baseball,basketball etc.It's the herd mentality
Personally I choose not to run with the herd,or watch them watch it!
I used to hate sports all throughout my life until recently. I watched the last World cup and got into soccer/football. Now I follow Barclay's Premier league mainly and the Champions league.

So I've been of both sides of the argument, both the sports are boring and sports are awesome. Soccer is the only sport I can watch though. It's roughly under 2 hours, it takes skill and endurance and the atmosphere is great and there's soo many great players from around the world. It's just fantastic.
I gotta agree with the OP's sentiment. The worst part is EVERYONE is into them. It's so hard to make friends when all someone wants to talk about is "Wow did you see how that ball went into that round hoop? its so NEW and EXCITING!" It's crazy just looking at the extravagant sportscenter stages, they look like they're worth 100,000 mil. All for a bunch of jocks to be like "Yea the reason those guys won was because they were definitely better. If the other team was better they would have won" (summary of every game review)
I'm so sick of hearing about American Sports. there is nothing athletic about it, and there is very little sportsmanship. Sure, there is skill and talent..I guess, but I'm so sick of hearing them complain that they are only being paid 4 million when they are worth 7 million...seriously, people are working there asses off barely surviving and your complaining about not making 7 million dollars for playing a frieken game.
And then they think they are so above everyone doing stupid honeysuckle getting arressted and then think they can get out of it.
If you want to find real athletes than look at endurance sports like running and cycling where you actually have to go the distance.

American pro sports are just a bunch of overpaid whinners.

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