Be a gentleman

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Feb 9, 2013
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Have you ever related to this?
A person that is a boy, look so gentleman, but inside personality was like a girl.... Maybe because female hormones more than male hormones?
If you're the guy, how do you face it... Your goal is to become a Real Serious Gentleman.
Do you mean Gentleman? I've never heard of Gentlement.
Need to elaborate a little more..
looks like a gentleman but acts like a girl?
looks and act like a gentleman but also a bit girly?

I am not sure you can look like a gentleman but not act it. he is a gentleman is what it says, "Is", not "looks like one".
now, one can fake a gentleman and turn out to be something else.

so, before i can comment more, i need to know what exactly im commenting on.
I'm guessing you mean someone who is a man, but thinks more like a woman, so more feminine than masculine?

Not sure how to advise, no point being fake, you have to be who you are, although sadly I guess someone like that might have to act more macho than they feel to avoid being singled out by the crowd.
What do you mean you have a personality of a girl? What's your gender in your subconsciousness? What makes you similar to girls?
There's men out there who are feminine, I known guys who were like this. Most are ashamed to admitt it due to criticism. Everyone is different though. There's also woman who are act like men but still be feminine.

I'm a tom boy and love dressing in tees and pants rather than dress up. Very comfortable being this way. I grew up with my brothers and played video games with them and loved playing in the woods.

My step father gets on me still to be more lady like. I hate dressing up personally, I rather dress comfortably. :) I'm a goofy person and most men I've been with always tried to get me to be more sexy for them. Everyone has their own preference.

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