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rdor, You have been fro the mill by reading what I have about you here that's obvious.

Just wonted to pick up on a couple of things here.
Firstly I don't think you have any learning difficulties as you come across here as very capable.
I also know teenagers that can not tell the time when they have to do it from a 24 hour time.
No kidding I really do know of some. There not thick BTW just never really bothered about that.
My English sucks, and I am an English person. You would of thought I would not need spell check by now.
This dose not make me thick. Just makes me crap at spelling.
Maths am much better at.

I have a deformity that's not overwhelmingly obverse with cloths on but if I had no top on, well its not a pretty sight.
I know your thinking at lest you can cover that up. Well yes.
I was reading you thoughts on fat ppl. I used to think that. "At lest they can loss weight"
But you know I know ppl that can look at a lettice and put a pound on. Where as I can eat and eat and not gain anything. Am very lucky. Cos if I suddenly had to diet I could not. Some ppl just naturally put it on. I sympathize with anyone that has a weight problem.
I don't think its there fault. Its a struggle when your like that.

There is no saying that your cant make new friends. You just a tad younger then me. I consider myself young still.
I was bullied at school and I would say I did not really truly get over that tell about 5 years ago.

I think you need moor confidence. Which is not surprising.
Have you tried a friendship group on line near you or something like that.
You seem friendly so I think maybe its just opportunity to make friends that you need.
Anyway glad to meet you and I hope you stick around.

Breathe_No_More said:
....when I know there is someone (there are many) people out there that have had it far worse than I have, that are in more pain than I am and ever will's so sad to think about, I could never imagine what you went through, ever.

Thank you but there should be some clarification ; there are no coherent memories of what happened (thank heavens). That.. man.. was caught. He was alone with me a lot up until then.
Some things have been overstated too ; it's not as though I get yelled at in the street on a daily basis. Week days are spent in the office doing an entry-level clerical job, around colleagues who mostly polite and professional.
The topic was a chance to vent and a distraction. Focusing on myself distracts me from thoughts of my mother, who's cancer has just spread back to the brain. She can't walk or do much on her own now. It's incredibly selfish to complain considering that.
Seventh said:
I think that according to what Rdor says, you cant compare being overweight to what he has. I think he`s had a pretty raw deal and to be honest, even if he would blatantly state out that he think`s that his problems are worse than anyone else here on this site, I would totally agree with him.

Just to be clear, given these recent comments that I haven't noticed until now: I'm not trying to compare being overweight, having mental issues or whatever, with the disability Rdor (or anyone else) has. This forum isn't a competition of "who has it worse", but if it was, I would agree that my situation, along with several others on this site, in certain aspects isn't as bad as Rdors; so that's not what I'm saying.

All I'm saying is that everyone are entitled to complain about the problems in their lives. My own worries won't disappear just by me thinking about others having it worse; that's not how it works. And when someone tells me that I have no "right" to complain about my issues because they're not as severe as others, I'll get defensive. They're MY problems, they're making MY life a struggle, and I'll complain about them if and when I feel like it, thank you very much.

I get that you feel annoyed when reading about others problems that, compared to yours, can be somewhat insignificant. I really do (ref. my episode at high school where the slim girls in the locker room would complain about being soooo fat ...!). I'm very familiar with the thought "You think you have it hard? You think THAT is a problem? Try walking a day in MY shoes, carrying MY load". Still, I don't think this forum is the place for it. I've thought of this forum as a place where people can support each other, and not put each other even further down by judging their "right to complain".

The last thing I need when I'm struggling with the weight issue and clinical depression, is for someone to tell me "you have no right to complain, your problems aren't important enough". It only makes me feel even worse.

No hard feelings, though. I understand where you're coming from with that, and I wish you all the best.

I'm really sorry to hear about your past abuse.

I think people always think that the grass is greener on the other side, when the truth is that everyone faces issues, even the beautiful people.

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