Comfort food?

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It really depends on my mood and my crisis. Also, for me, the act of cooking and baking is just as therapeutic and comforting as eating the comfort food. :D

Crisis brownies are my major crisis comfort food. Soup is often my comfort food when I am feeling cold and down. Then again nothing beat s a nice piece of homemade multigrain bread toasted, spread with good-quality salted butter and a thick slice of a sharp cheddar on top.
Anything fried potatoes, chips, french fries, and dipp! ALL CHOCOLATE THINGS. haha and tea (?) not food but it is the most comforting feeling to have a cup of warm tea.
Banana or zucchini bread along with some blend of tea would make a comforting pair I would imagine. Smoked Norwegian salmon on a shard of Dubliner cheese with a slight dash of creme cheese on any choice of flatbread cracker might also fit the remedy.
TheSolitaryMan said:
Sushi! Though I mean the Brit supermarket variety, I've never had "proper" sushi.

Oh I love sushi...

I just usually have tea (green or black) or orange soda when I need a liquid pick me up.

annik said:
A Desolate Soul said:
Orange chicken from panda express

That just sounds like the weirdest thing ever!

It's technically called Orange Peel Chicken (orange flavored chicken) and it's pretty good. The fast food Panda Express version isn't too bad either, more sweet than anything.

That makes more sense. Just orange chicken & panda express when you've never heard of them sound crazy!

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