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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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In my intro, I explained my disorder and said that I have a hard time with self expression as well as interaction. One of the things I've done to try and overcome this was to create a deviantART account.

Unfortunately, it's very rare that I ever get comments or even views, for that matter. So being on that site actually makes me feel more alone than I was originally, when I left my doodles in my sketchpads where nobody else ever saw them.

I was thinking that I couldn't be the only lonely one on there. If other people here use that site, it would be great if we all started leaving comments to each other there every now and then. So, post a link to your deviantART account here and I'll leave some comments on your gallery!

(If there's already a thread addressing this, please guide me to it.)

My deviantART account
I know it can feel depressing and isolating when you dont have many people commenting, but don't take it personally. Just keep doing what you want to do. Keep posting your good artwork and cakes up :) There's many many individual accounts on devart so it's often hard to get people to notice just one. I gave you some comments by the way.
I really enjoyed looking at your sketches of RPG characters.

Unfortunately, I don't have a DeviantART account, otherwise I would have left comment there.
I have DA too. You should introduce yourself in the forum and make more friends, then if they like your work they watch you back.
But ultimately if you want to get notice make some better quality artwork. Quantity is also helpful cuz it increases your pageviews.
Just don't take it too personally. The real reason to join DA is to show your own work because you like to.

So what kind of 'disorder' do you have in particular?
Thanks for leaving the comments, Lilac. I'll go look in a bit.

Cooldere719 said:
I have DA too. You should introduce yourself in the forum and make more friends, then if they like your work they watch you back.
But ultimately if you want to get notice make some better quality artwork. Quantity is also helpful cuz it increases your pageviews.
Just don't take it too personally. The real reason to join DA is to show your own work because you like to.

So what kind of 'disorder' do you have in particular?

Unfortunately, if the only thing that will get me more views is to improve the quality of my work, I will not get more views in the near future. If I suck, I suck. That's kind of where that stands.

It really isn't about that, though. I don't mind not hearing from people I don't know, and whom I will probably never know. I joined because friends insisted it would help me be more outgoing. "Oh, if you do this, it will help make it easier for you to express your feelings to others." But if nobody is looking or giving any kind of feedback, it's kind of like wandering around a store, talking to myself. Sure, I'm expressing myself in public, but it's not making a difference.

My "disorders" don't need quotation marks. The thing I'm addressing with a deviantART account is Alexithymia, which is sort of like Asperger's... but with Asperger's, you cannot process the emotions of others. With Alexithymia, you cannot process your own emotions. There are various degrees of it, like with Asperger's. Some people just cannot express their emotions. Some people, like me, don't really... feel their own feelings? I don't know how else to explain it. I feel the negative things, but the nice thing is that it takes a lot for me to feel them. (I don't get sad or angry as easily as I'm told I should, so I come off as being really tolerant and patient instead of screwed up!)

Anyway, like I said, I started this thread because I figured some other lonely people probably had accounts, too, and might want comments. We're a support team for each other, right?
Hey nerdy girl i also have a DA account adn i don't get many favs or comments

my work is pretty mediocore

hmm that's interesting I've never heard of Alexithymia before,

have you talked to a therapist about it?

my account there is keyoblivion

i'll tell you what i'll add you to my deviant watch if you'll add me :D

( but don't count on my adding some stuff for a while)


wow your stuff is real good,

a hell of a lot better than mine :O

I too have a DA account, I doodle quite often, I'll add you, keep up with the drawings, it is a really lonely site, a lot of stuff gets buried there, it's not really well designed at all.
I don't comment a whole lot either since the site is so hard to browse through, and I don't like browsing by popularity, so I mostly look at stuff from people I've watched and mainly comment on those.

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