Do believe that people are inherently good or bad?

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No, I do not. Neither is there such a thing as a truly good or truly bad person.

It all comes down to choices, which we all make on a daily basis. Its the free will that can turn us from saint into sinner and indeed back again if we so choose.
I do. Some people are just born nasty. My cousin is a drug addict theiving arsehole. He was raised in a loving family, none of his surroundings would have had a negative effect on his personality, so therefor I believe some people are just born bad people.
Steel said:
No, I do not. Neither is there such a thing as a truly good or truly bad person.

It all comes down to choices, which we all make on a daily basis. Its the free will that can turn us from saint into sinner and indeed back again if we so choose.

I disagree. A good person is someone with morals and values, where as a bad person doesn't.

Also, free will is an illusion. Our brain is made up of particles with set velocities and pre determined outcomes, Your brain tells you how to think, what to think, how to act. not you.
Some people are inherently good, while others are inherently evil. Most of us, however, are somewhere in the middle.
No...I think everybody is capiable of being ******** or being the nicest person.
I don't belive my brain tells me exactly what to do. If it all would had been dead a long time
Or at the very least, i'd be a billionair.lmao

I have a chioce...I don't have to re act if I choose not to.

For many years my brain tried to ruled me. An un diciplined mind ...if you will.

If you had ever improv while play a guitar. My being is faster than my brain.
If I think about's too late, I'll miss a beat.
Half of the music i wrote, I didn't think too much about it. Some would term it as being in grace.
WOW! So many thing happening in this thread.

Porman said:
I do. Some people are just born nasty. My cousin is a drug addict theiving arsehole. He was raised in a loving family, none of his surroundings would have had a negative effect on his personality, so therefor I believe some people are just born bad people.

I don't believe that the simple act of taking drugs make you a bad person. I have meet some very nice ppl that are addicted to drugs. Its the drugs that make you a bad person. Reason: Well even the nicest drudge in the world would scow you over if it meant getting his next fix. Its what drugs do to you.

Of course a lot of the time it is cos there not nice ppl and started hanging with the wrong ppl that there on the drugs in the first place.
I think a lot of ppl do try to be good but as soon as it means making them self a few $$ or making them self look good at the expense of screwing a friend over then morals seem to go out the door.

For instance if I had a really good looking GF :)D lol) And when I wasn't there one day she come onto my friend, How many of my friends do you think would say no. I doubt not one would. There would probably be like well he's never going to fined out so why not. That same friend just probably gave you a hand fixing something. See its OK to be moral when it suits ppl.
Porman said:
Steel said:
No, I do not. Neither is there such a thing as a truly good or truly bad person.

It all comes down to choices, which we all make on a daily basis. Its the free will that can turn us from saint into sinner and indeed back again if we so choose.

I disagree. A good person is someone with morals and values, where as a bad person doesn't.

Also, free will is an illusion. Our brain is made up of particles with set velocities and pre determined outcomes, Your brain tells you how to think, what to think, how to act. not you.

People are far more complex than you give them credit for. Hitler possessed morals and values, so this would make him a good person by applying this logic, yes?

Similarily, if we lacked free will, then we would also lack the ability to change whom we are... and people evolve as they age, sometimes in surprising ways. While it could be argued that these were learned responses, how does a reformed crimimal fit into the "inherently good or evil" equation?

Our brains are not seperate from us, giving us orders... they ARE us. All humans die from the same thing (brain death) no matter what the chain of events that led to this.
Steel said:
Hitler possessed morals and values

By saying this you are also saying that morals are subjective.

If Morals are subjective and done by consensus, then there is no true good or bad, just what people have agreed upon.

Scary path to follow.
Answer (to me) : GOOD

To me

It depends on how you define good and bad. I think people are inherently selfish. If they can save your life without putting themselves in danger they would problem.
But that's not real life. Most people who do something 'bad' in someway gain.. that's the only reason they do it..because we are all naturally selfish.

but is selfish bad... i mean it's the only reason i'm's survival

We are definitely all good to me just also...... selfish..
Unacceptance said:
Steel said:
Hitler possessed morals and values

By saying this you are also saying that morals are subjective.

If Morals are subjective and done by consensus, then there is no true good or bad, just what people have agreed upon.

Scary path to follow.

I was more making the point that morals and values themselves do not make someone a good person. In fact, throughout history, all kinds of atrocities have been committed by those who believed that they were doing the right thing.
Steel said:
Unacceptance said:
Steel said:
Hitler possessed morals and values

By saying this you are also saying that morals are subjective.

If Morals are subjective and done by consensus, then there is no true good or bad, just what people have agreed upon.

Scary path to follow.

I was more making the point that morals and values themselves do not make someone a good person. In fact, throughout history, all kinds of atrocities have been committed by those who believed that they were doing the right thing.

Actually it is a scary path but probably is the one in which most of society fallow. I mean a person can have morals but that doesn't mean there good morals. Like a religious person that thinks its right to hit a child becomes they don't believe in the same thing as himself. Most of society at one time would had said that would had been an exceptable thing to do. And the man doing the beating would had been looked at as a moral person.

Hitler I believe did have morals and if he had achieved what he wonted to who is to say we all would not be living a better life now and thanking him for it?

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